He's convinced Mimi, last night she said that being with him is... the happiest, and now she's starting to be happier than others.

Han Changsheng sneered in his heart, but finally thought about what song to sing.

When the inspiration flashed, he dragged Mimi to the beach and played the guitar in the sea breeze.

Gently staring at the sweetly smiling face in front of her, her voice carried a kind of brisk tenderness.

"I want you to stay with me and watch that turtle swim in the water.

Slowly crawling on the beach, counting the waves one by one.

Don't be afraid, you won't be lonely.

I will always be by your side and make you happy...  

Time flies by in a hurry, and it doesn't look back, the beautiful woman becomes an old woman.

Ouch, at that time, I, I, and I were already a bad old man."

Chapter 471 Helping Yang Mi Comb Her Hair

The melodious singing attracted the other three couples.

The lyrics of "Blossoming Waves" are simple and easy to understand, and Sha Yi Liuren 6 will be able to master it after listening to it twice.

"Day by day, we will grow up slowly.

I don't care if you understand what I'm singing or not.

I know that one day, you will fall in love with me.

Because I think I'm really good..."

Eight people sat on the bank and sang songs against the setting sun.

The golden sun and the undulating blue water instantly became the background wall of eight people.

The husband and wife audience in the live broadcast room looked at this warm scene, hummed along, and looked at each other from time to time, letting each other's tenderness warm each other's heart.

Half an hour later, everyone squeezed their dry throats, and ended the romantic romance in the sunset.

When everyone was preparing for dinner, Wang Zhengyu found Han Changsheng, "Director Han, the name of this song is"

""Blossoming Waves""

"Can it be the theme song of our show?"

"No problem, you can use it for free!"

"Thank you."

Wang Zhengyu cupped his hands and didn't say anything else.

With everyone's current good relationship, there is no need to talk about money, what is exchanged is resources... the next morning.

Yang Mi opened her eyes in a daze, and saw Han Changsheng's gentle eyes.

"Master, good morning!"

Yang Mi called out sweetly, hugged Han Changsheng's neck and took a bite, got into his arms and rubbed against him like a kitten, with her ear still attached to Han Changsheng's heart, listening to his heartbeat.

Han Changsheng put his arms around Yang Mi's soft and boneless body, and patted her on the back lightly, "It's time to get up, little lazy cat."

"Don't get up in a hurry, let me hold you for five minutes before talking."

Five minutes, and then another five minutes.

It wasn't until Yang Mi smelled enough of the mint smell on Han Changsheng's body that she got up straight away.

After washing, the decals on the mirror are yellow.

Yang Mi pulled a strand of hair and sniffed it, and said disgustedly: "Master, I haven't washed my hair for two days, and I stink."

Han Changsheng leaned over and took a sip, then fell directly on the hardwood couch, as if dying, "Mimi, your hair...is poisonous!"

Yang Mi got up and slapped Han Changsheng, stamped her foot and said coquettishly, "I hate you, master! His hair is just a little oily, how can it have such a strong smell!"

"It's you who said you stink."

"I can talk about myself, but you can't!"

"Okay, okay, don't talk, don't talk."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes helplessly.

In more than a year of life, he also mastered some small things between husband and wife.

When Mimi is in such a coquettish and cute state, don't try to reason with them.

Because they are sexual animals at this time, they cannot switch to the rational channel.

So as long as you follow them, life will become: very harmonious and warm.

Yang Mi stared at the surrendering master, a sly look flashed in her eyes.

She took Han Changsheng's hand, shook it a few times, and said coquettishly, "Master, can you comb my hair for me?"

"Aren't you able to do it? It's fine if you can't comb it yourself."

"But combing my hair by myself is so tiring, you don't want my arms to be so sore that I can't lift it up?"

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