Yang Mi pouted and stared at Han Changsheng, and said coquettishly, "You still give Yaya too much...well, why can't you even comb my hair? Do you only love Yaya and not me?"

"Okay, okay, I'll comb it for you."

Han Changsheng saw that Yang Mi was starting to rise to a higher level, so he hurriedly got up and pushed her down on the chair.

How nice it was for him to stand up honestly and comb Mimi's hair, so there would be no inevitable questions later on.

"Where is the comb?"


Yang Mi lifted the comb to the top of her head, and picked up a small bottle, "Use this Beatis to spray it before combing."

Han Changsheng took it curiously, "Don't you need to wash it?"

"It's a leave-in spray, but you have to shake it before spraying."

"Why does it sound like you shake it before drinking?"

"Would you like to try the lemon flavor, it's very fragrant."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "Do you think I would be as stupid as you to eat thin shampoo?"

Yang Mi stomped her feet, "I hate you!"

During the fight, Han Changsheng combed Yang Mi's hair and tied it into a neat ponytail.

Yang Mi looked left and right, turned around and hugged Han Changsheng and kissed him, then walked out holding hands...

Along the way, I ran into Xie Nan, who was standing helplessly at the door of her stone house.

Yang Mi asked curiously: "What's wrong, Brother Nan, you were kicked out by your husband."

Xie Nan rolled his eyes, and said speechlessly: "My husband stays in bed, he can't get up no matter what."

Yang Mi snickered suddenly, "Your husband can't catch up with my master. My master never stays in bed, and wakes up early every day to make breakfast for us."

Xie Nan supported his forehead speechlessly, "Mimi, don't show your affection at this time, please find a way to wake my husband up, otherwise our breakfast won't be able to start."

Yang Mi shrugged, "I can't do this, but my master should have a way."

Xie Nan looked confused, "Brother Changsheng, you have a way to wake up my husband"

Under the gaze of the second daughter, Han Changsheng stroked his chin and thought for a while, then snapped his fingers with a smile, "This matter is simple."

Pushing the door into the small stone house, she shouted to Wu Jing who was lying on the pillow: "Brother Jing, my Mimi is hungry, I'm going to make her the love breakfast she wants to eat, your wife is hungry because she is hungry. Stay with you in the house!"

Shua! Wu Jing suddenly opened his eyes, then turned around, and a carp stood up straight.

He jumped off and put on his shoes, took Xie Nan's hand and walked out quickly, "Wife is gone, let's make breakfast too."

Yang Mi stared blankly at Xie Nan who turned his head and made a thank you gesture, feeling a little confused.

She said that the master has a way, it's just... Showing off recklessly, who would have thought that her master would wake Wu Jing up with a single word, which made her unable to understand.

Yang Mi shook her head to wake up, but asked stupidly: "Master, are your words so powerful?"

Han Changsheng said with a faint smile: "When a man faces his wife alone, he can do whatever he wants, but once he compares himself with other men, he must let his wife be the happiest woman! This is probably a common problem of us men!"

Yang Mi was stunned, then she walked forward shaking Han Changsheng's hand, giggling and said: "I think this common disease is good, master, I want to be the happiest woman!"

"Let's go then."

When I arrived at the cooking place, I found that the breakfast was very simple.

A bag of quick-frozen dumplings weighing two catties, and a bag of dried noodles weighing two catties.

As for the pork, I ate it all last night.

"How do we eat and catch the sea to find seafood"

"I searched it yesterday, and it is estimated that there are not many in the morning."

"Then you can't just eat quick-frozen dumplings and boiled noodles in salt water, it's too bland."

Guo Jingfei thought for a while, "Well, Brother Sha Yi and I will cook dumplings and noodles here, and Brother Jing and Brother Han will go to catch the sea. As much as we can find... No matter how much, it's better than eating quick-frozen dumplings and salted noodles."


Everyone thinks this idea is very good, so they act separately.

Chapter 472

Han Changsheng and Wu Jing searched on the beach, but they found very little, only four 44 seashells and two crabs, not enough for each person.

The two walked back helplessly, and Wu Jing suddenly took aim at the brown reef extending into the sea not far away, "Brother Han, go there and look for it"

Han Changsheng turned his head to look, "You want to go into the water"

Wu Jing nodded and said: "Of course! We haven't turned over this bright reef, there might be abalones underneath."

Abalone Han Changsheng thought about the taste of abalone, made a hand gesture, and ran over, stepping on the water.

Eating the natural wild abalone caught by yourself will definitely taste completely different from the dried abalone you buy.

On the top of Mingjiao, Han Changsheng asked the photographer behind him, "Do you have...underwater shooting equipment?"

"Yes, but Director Han, the water here has a minimum depth of three to four meters. For safety's sake, don't go down."

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