The uncovering continues, and then there are... eight 8 pig trotters and eight 8 chicken legs.

Sha Yi laughed and said, "Brother Han, your family is having sex with your legs."

"There are also chicken wings."

"Didn't chicken wings also evolve from front legs? You can say that.

"Brother Han's four 44 meat dishes are too much."

"That's okay, our mashed potatoes and cucumbers will come in handy."

The four couples took back each other with satisfaction, ready to clean up.

With so many ingredients, if you make it at noon, it will be dinner when you eat it.

At this moment, Wang Zhengyu stopped, "Everyone, there are also requirements for cooking at noon."

"any request"

"It's the wife who cooks, the husband can't help."


Sha Yi, Wu Jing and Guo Jingfei burst out laughing directly, trying not to laugh out loud, but gloated at the sluggish Han Changsheng.

According to two days' observation, Yang Mi, Mrs. Han, can only wash and not chop vegetables.

Let her cook, the lunch and dinner of the Han family can only drink the northwest sea breeze.

Han Changsheng shook his head and came to his senses, staring speechlessly at Wang Zhengyu who was not far away, "Director Wang, your digging is too obvious!"

Wang Zhengyu held back a smile and spread his hands, "Why did I dig a hole?"

Han Changsheng pointed at the three old men, "Brother Sha Yi, all three of them are wives who cook, but I cook in my house. If you ask Mimi to cook today's lunch, doesn't that mean you will make us both hungry?"

"But in a normal family, the wife does the cooking."

"Are you saying that my family is abnormal"

"That doesn't mean that, I can only say that Brother Han loves Mrs. Han very much.

Everyone, please make your lunch seriously, the game will be won or lost based on the quality of the lunch."

Wang Zhengyu cupped his hands, and withdrew before Sha Yi and the other three protested.

The program team really didn't dig this hole on purpose, because this task was determined before the recording of the program.

It's just that the program crew didn't expect that Yang Mi couldn't even chop vegetables, which led to this ridiculous and exciting situation.

Yang Mi tugged at Han Changsheng's sleeve, and said timidly, "Master, what should we do now?"

"Leave it to me!"

Han Changsheng patted Yang Mi's hand, gave him a smile in everything, and then said to Wang Zhengyu: "Director Wang, I don't need to interfere with Mimi's cooking, but I have to guide her by her side, otherwise I'm afraid she will be hurt."

"Yes, everything is about safety."

Wang Zhengyu responded directly.

Sha Yi patted Han Changsheng on the shoulder, "Brother Han, I believe you can do it!"

Wu Jing thumped Han Changsheng's heart, "Don't worry, we will share the lunch with you."

Guo Jingfei: "We have so many dishes, we can eat them together."

Han Changsheng cupped his hands, "Thank you."

Guidance belongs to the guidance, he still doesn't have the confidence to let Mimi make edible food.

So there is a high probability that this lunch will be directed at the other three pairs of brothers and sisters. …

The program group provided a lot of ingredients for lunch, and there are a lot of cooking utensils.

At least Han Changsheng gave four stoves here.

Standing beside Yang Mi, Han Changsheng pointed to ingredients such as pork knuckle and trotters, "Rinse these things first."

Yang Mi obediently flushed the water, and flushed it quite cleanly three times.

Han Changsheng bent down to observe carefully, and found that the ingredients prepared by the program team were very clean and could be cooked directly.

"Put the pork knuckles on the chopping board, first use a sharp knife to make a few cuts."

Yang Mi poked it with a sharp knife, and found that the pigskin was tough and impenetrable, so she pressed it with her left hand.

Han Changsheng stopped him, "Don't touch your elbows with your hands, just stab them with a sharp knife, cut as many holes as you can, don't hurt your hands."


, Yang Mi knew that the master was worried about her, so she didn't try to be brave.

She rushed to a place with a sharp knife and stabbed hard, and then cut an ugly cut.

In this way, the big elbow was finally dealt with after [-] minutes, and Yang Mi's head was covered with sweat.

Han Changsheng thoughtfully helped Yang Mi wipe off his sweat, and pointed to the iron pot next to him, "First take half a pot of cold water, throw the elbows and pig's trotters into it, put rice wine, rock sugar, green onions, star anise, fennel..."

"How much... rice wine"

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