When we arrived at the destination, there was a ten-meter-high tower with mission content written beside it.

[Love: The couple climbed to the top of the tower together with a photo artifact, kissed for 5 seconds, and took a photo to complete the task] After the couple fastened the safety rope, Han Changsheng looked up Chang Ti said to Yang Mi: "We two have one more red rope than others, so don't worry, take your time and put safety first."

"Listen, sir."

Han Changsheng hugged Yang Mi's waist, put her directly on the first step of the tower, and jumped up by himself.

Then the two climbed up step by step like a rusty clock, and it took five minutes to reach the top of the tower safely.

This task is also more difficult to crawl, kiss five seconds 5 and take pictures is easy.

The two successfully completed the second mission, climbed down the tower step by step, and went straight to the third mission location after receiving the reward.

The third mission location is a small beach of [-] square meters, the content is... to find a small treasure chest in this beach.

This task was too easy for the lucky Han Changsheng. He found the small treasure box after digging three shovels there, and directly won the first place with five moon-old red threads.

Chapter 476 Neither of these two is a good person!

"!we won"

Yang Mi held the fifth red thread and jumped three feet high.

Then he took Han Changsheng's hand and strode towards the place where he loves Gu Guai Gua, "Master, go quickly, let's see who will get his leg hair stuck."

Han Changsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "We all won the first place, why don't we first see what the huge surprise reward is?"

Yang Mi shook her head again and again, "There is only one first place, the surprise reward must belong to us, but if we go there late, we can't see who will be unlucky.

I have to hide this fifth red thread, or it's game over for them."

Han Changsheng: "..."

Is it so happy to see other people being unlucky? Very happy! When Han Changsheng saw Guo Jingfei who was about to be punished, the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

Not only Han Changsheng and Yang Mi were happy, but Wu Jing, Xie Nan, Sha Yi, and Hu Ke were also very happy.

Guo Jingfei pressed Bao Li's hand that was about to remove the leg hair stickers, his pupils were wide open and he said in panic: "Wife, wife, it's not impossible, let's be gentle, be gentle."

Bao Li glared at Guo Jingfei and said angrily: "You can even remember the time and place of our first date wrongly, it's impossible for me to lighten up!"

Sha Yi booed: "How can a husband forget such an important day? He obviously didn't take his partner to heart. He must be punished severely!"

Wu Jing persuaded: "Brother and sister, you have to understand Brother Guo, he may just have misremembered the time and place of dating someone else, don't worry, give him a little more time, he will definitely be able to recall that important moment."

"The two of you are really wicked, one gloats, the other adds insult to injury,! You only wish for me to be unlucky!"

Guo Jingfei stared at Sha Yi and Wu Jing angrily, and then pointed at Han Changsheng, "Look at brother Han, the sympathy on his face makes it hard to look directly at him, this is a good friend, a good brother!"

Han Changsheng curved his lips into a smile, and suddenly said to Bao Li: "Sister Li, if you don't do anything now, when will you wait!"



Bao Li tore off the leg hair stickers abruptly, Guo Jingfei's eyes bulged in pain, his veins bulged, he cried out in pain and directly clutched his legs, speechless.

Pulling out the leg hair is already painful, not to mention that it sticks so much directly, plus a surprise, this kind of stimulation is not too strong.

Half a minute later, Guo Jingfei regained his strength, and with tears in his eyes, he pointed at Han Changsheng and the three of them, "You three are really good, one is worse than the other! Just wait for me! No one can escape this sticky leg hair punishment!"

Han Changsheng shrugged, "I'm sorry, I've already completed this task, you can only cheat Brother Wujing and Brother Sha Yi."

Sha Yi and Wu Jing looked at each other, and said in unison: "We decided to proceed directly to the next task, and we will play again later..."


Hu Ke and Xie Nan objected in unison, and then said: "How can we skip the mission and we don't have clues to the next mission, we must complete this mission first!"

In an emergency, Sha Yi suddenly felt blessed.

Looking at Han Changsheng and Yang Mi, he said: "Honey, they both completed this mission and came back, there is obviously something wrong here."

Wu Jing quickly responded, "The two of them are already ahead of us, but now they don't do the task to get the first place, but they are free to come here to watch the fun. They probably already got enough five lines!"

"We don't care whether the couple won the first place or not, but this task must be done!"

"That's right..., the game can be lost, but this mission must be done!"

Hu Ke and Xie Nan didn't care about the fear of the two men, and directly took turns to start the guessing game, which made Sha Yi and Wu Jing cry out in pain.

Although they were punished, the two couples were just joking and joking, and no one was really angry.

There are many important moments between husband and wife, but apart from... Newly married people like Han Changsheng and Yang Mi can remember them, and after a long time, they will gradually forget them...

And new important moments will always replace the old ones. When life goes on, what we look forward to more may be... new surprises.

Han Changsheng and Yang Mi were happy for a while, and then tied the fifth red thread directly without letting the other three families suffer and do useless work.

"I just said that the couple has already won the first place!"

"Getting the first place and not showing it, just gloating on the sidelines, these two are not good people!"

"Brother Han is lazy and greedy, there should be more 'bad words' behind the persona!"

Han Changsheng was not angry when Sha Yi was three.

Smiling, he took Yang Mi's hand and walked straight to the place where the huge surprise was rewarded. …

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