"This is.……"

Looking at the cave in front of them and the bright lights around them, Han Changsheng and Yang Mi were stunned for a moment, then walked slowly inside with full of expectations.

The long passage is surrounded by circles of pink lights, full of romantic atmosphere.

As we moved forward, a hollowed out cave of more than ten square meters came into view.

In the middle is a candlelight dinner table, and there is a heart-shaped hole leading to the sea in front of it.

On the left is a huge photo of two meters by one meter, that is... the photo taken by Han Changsheng and Yang Mi just now on the tower.

In addition, there is a bouquet of fiery red roses next to it.

The program team is concerned.

Han Changsheng glanced at the heart-shaped cake and champagne on the table, and then at the red and fresh roses, and secretly praised them.

These things can be easily obtained outside, but in this sparsely populated deserted area, if you want to get this fresh rose, you may have to fly in.

What's more important is that the pink lights and heart-shaped shapes around here, at least... It will take two or three days to get it right, which means that the program team will start to decorate this place when they come here.

Han Changsheng held the bouquet of roses exuding a strong fragrance in both hands, and presented them to Yang Mi, with a gentle smile, "Mimi, although I didn't buy these roses, I've won half of it, so I'll give it to Meili now." You are charming, elegant and generous."

Yang Mi hugged the rose happily and sniffed it, without saying anything, she closed her eyes and waited for her master's action.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng stretched out his right hand and directly hugged Mimi's waist, raised her chin with his left hand, and lowered his head.

Bang, bang, bang... The romantic kiss just started, and countless bright fireworks suddenly rose from the sea outside the heart-shaped hole, and the fire trees and silver flowers exploded all over the sky, making the night when the sun was setting very bright, and it was also extraordinarily warm and romantic.

And at the moment when the fireworks filled the sky, a shooting star suddenly flashed across the sky, instantly lighting up the entire night sky.

The camera quickly captured this beautiful picture and immediately freeze it.

Clap... The three people outside looked at the beautiful picture on the screen, applauded together, and praised again and again.

Hu Ke sighed: "Now I... regret that I voted for their family, otherwise we can still compete for the first place."

Xie Nan nodded again and again, "I knew there would be such a huge surprise, and I would win the first moon-old red thread no matter what."

Bao Li looked forward to it: "There are such beautiful pictures and good memories in the first issue. I don't know what the big surprise in the next issue will be."

Sha Yi, Wu Jing, and Guo Jingfei looked at each other, hugged their wives in unison, and said in unison: "Don't worry, the first place in the next issue will definitely belong to our family!"

Chapter 477 Mimi: Crying and Acting in a New Movie

It's midnight in Beijing.

Han's Villa.

"It's better to be at home."

After entering the house, Yang Mi said happily.

She and Han Changsheng finished the recording of "Let's Go Love", and flew back to the capital overnight, and it was already past one o'clock in the morning when they arrived home.

Although it was late, Yang Mi was still very energetic.

It's the first time after we get married that we live alone at home with the master, so don't be too happy.

"No matter how good the home is, you have to get out of the way!"

Han Changsheng patted Yang Mi's back to let her get out of the way, and then took their suitcases inside.

Yang Mi stuck out her tongue, turned around to help Han Changsheng get the slippers, and then walked in with him step by step.

Han Changsheng glanced sideways, "Can you stop being so clingy when you get home?"

Yang Mi poked her neck and said arrogantly: "No! I just want to cling to you!"

"I need to change clothes."

"Let's do it together, I'll change it for you."

After saying that, Yang Mi didn't care about Han Changsheng's helplessness, she smiled and took his big hand, and went straight to the cloakroom.

There is no Yaya and Tangtang at home, and she has to take care of everything about the master, which feels very beautiful! The husband and wife changed their clothes, took a shower, and Han Changsheng went into the kitchen.

The two were in a hurry to go home, and they only had a bite of dinner on the plane. Now they are both hungry, and they can't sleep until they are full.

Yang Mi wiped her wet hair with a white towel, and leaned against the kitchen door to look at the busy and generous back.

There was a faint happy smile on the corner of his mouth.

Now she suddenly felt that it would be good to record "Let's Go Love", at least to enjoy the care and protection of the master alone, this kind of opportunity is very rare.

Fifteen minutes later, the steaming noodles came out with two poached eggs on top.

Han Changsheng brought two bowls of noodles to the dining table, "Mimi, this noodle is a bit hot, blow it again."

Yang Mi sat beside Han Changsheng, pushed her face, and said coquettishly: "You help me blow."

"Don't you have a long mouth?"

"Don't people need to dry their hair, master, you can blow it for me, master"

Han Changsheng shuddered at Yang Mi's whimpering.

He hurriedly covered Yang Mi's mouth, unable to laugh or cry: "I've convinced you, I'll brag, but don't act like a baby, or I'm afraid I'll die before I eat the supper."


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