She cried when she heard the onion disappear.

If he and Yu Qiunan were really living together, she would show a happy smile on the contrary.

Han Changsheng said: "The reason why this movie has such an ending is not to make you cry, but to tell you that the most touching thing is not for a moment....Surprise, but for a lifetime. Companionship is the longest love." Confession."

Yang Mi thought for a while, then stared at Han Changsheng suspiciously, "Why do I feel like you are looking for an excuse not to celebrate our birthday?"

Han Changsheng: "..."

He's just... just expounding a fact, what's the excuse? This girl's brain is so long that she can even come up with such weird ideas. She couldn't have stayed with Fatty for a long time, and was caught by Fatty. Yang Mi pinched Han Changsheng's nose, "Don't be silent, answer quickly."

Han Changsheng directly turned Yang Mi over and pressed her black sweet hole, "My answer is to go to bed!"

"what do you want"

"What do you think, instead of making you think wildly, it's not to make you faint, so as not to delay my sleep."

Yang Mi dodged Han Changsheng's big hand straight away, and said crisply: "I don't want to faint, master come downstairs with me!"


"Write a script!"

"What kind of script are you writing at night, sleep!"

"No, no, I'm going to watch it now."

"I'm afraid of you."

Han Changsheng had no choice but to help his forehead, and had to be dragged out of the house by Yang Mi.

Chapter 478 I'm Never Jealous

Early the next morning, Liu Sisi happily returned to the Han family villa.

Seeing Han Changsheng who was busy making breakfast in the kitchen, he immediately smiled.

She ran quickly, jumped up and hung on Han Changsheng's back.

"Master, I miss you so much, so..."

"I don't think I need to be in a hurry at this time, come down quickly, don't get burned by the steam."

"If you don't let it go down, you won't let it go down! If it's hot, it'll be fine."

Liu Sisi shook her head resolutely, pinching her hands and feet firmly, as if she wanted to fix her koala hug on Han Changsheng's back.

She has been away from the master for several days, seeing him and his elder sister showing affection every day, she is so jealous that she explodes.

Now it's hard to be able to hug the master so tightly, it is simply not wanting to leave for a minute.

Han Changsheng slapped Liu Sisi on the back several times, but he still couldn't get rid of the girl.

In desperation, he had no choice but to take two steps back, and stretched out his arms to stir the wontons in the pot, so as not to burn the girl.


Liu Sisi sensed Han Changsheng's protection for her, smiled sweetly, and kissed Han Changsheng's side face again, and then said warmly: "Master, I miss you so much, do you miss me?"

"In no mood."


, Say yes!"

"I don't want to, I just want to yell at them."

"I hate you, I'm angry, please coax me."

Liu Sisi said something coquettishly, but Director Han still didn't respond.

She didn't pay attention, and chatted about the family affairs.

"My lord, my parents also said that we should have a baby so that they can take care of it.

As a result, they quarreled when they talked about having boys and girls.

And then even the issue of the child's name was arguing, it made my head hurt..."

Yang Mi walked into the kitchen with a stack of blank papers, and slapped Liu Sisi behind her..."Han Lao Wu! The master is making breakfast, why can't you wait until the breakfast is finished for you to be coquettish?"


Liu Sisi squinted at Yang Mi, curled her lips and said, "You and Master spent several days alone in the world of two, and showed affection every day.

I've been missing the master for several days now, isn't it right to act coquettishly with the master when I meet him?"

Yang Mi rolled her beautiful eyes, "All right, all right, just act like a baby! You'll be scared when you get burned."

Liu Sisi poked her neck arrogantly, "I don't need to worry about it, my lord will protect me."

Yang Mi shook her head speechlessly, turned around and walked out of the kitchen, looking at the white paper in her hand as she walked, as if there were some words on it that attracted her.

Liu Sisi glanced curiously, only to see the word "Star Language Wish" on the top, and then the figure of the eldest sister disappeared outside the kitchen.

She wanted to chase him out to satisfy her curiosity, but she couldn't bear to hug the master, so she thought about it and decided not to move.

There is plenty of time to watch "The Wish of the Stars", and the opportunity to act like a baby with the master is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You must be enough to act like a baby before satisfying your curiosity...

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