At 1:35 p.m., Yang Mi drove a Ford 55, carrying Han Changsheng and Liu Jingcheng International Airport, ready to pick up the other five [-] sisters who were flying back to the capital.

Yang Mi glanced at Han Changsheng in the rear-view mirror, and said softly, "Master, do you know how much the box office of "This Man" is?"

"How many.……"

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows and asked.

Liu Sisi raised her right hand and said, "I know! I'm 34!"

Han Changsheng was taken aback, "So many"

Because this movie is only for making money, he hasn't paid much attention to it until now.

In addition, he estimated that it was... 30 billion, but he didn't expect it to be [-] million more.

Yang Mi said: "The domestic box office is 10 billion, and the overseas box office just exceeded 34 million US dollars this morning, so the total box office is... [-]."

Overseas box office exceeded [-] million US dollars. Han Changsheng's eyes lit up when he heard this unexpected box office figure, and instantly remembered the betting agreement he had with Paul, the president of Focus Asia.

Tickets with more than 4 gold, honey travel can get 45% of the share.

35% more than the normal 10%, which is 400 million dollars more, [-] million more than the [-] million that can drive Paul away.

He took out his mobile phone and called Yelu Minmin directly, chatted for a few minutes, and then hung up the phone with a smile on his face.

As he thought, Yelu civilian is now the real president of Focus Asia, and that...Paul has already started packing up and preparing to go back to the United States.

Yang Mi glanced at Han Changsheng who was smiling lightly, and the corners of her mouth curved into a funny arc.

Why did the master make a betting agreement with that...Paul? Isn't that guy staring at her and Ying Bao a few times, which made the master jealous.

Then the master dug a hole again and again, and made that Paul look ashamed.

"Master, "This Man" hasn't been held since its box office broke 30 billion. Should it be held?"

"Let's hold it."

"are you going"

Han Changsheng shook his head, "No, let Zhang Guoshi go."

In the celebration ceremony of "This Man", Zhang Guoshi must be the protagonist, because he has to bear the criticism from outside.

As for myself and honey traveling the world, hiding behind and happily counting money, isn't it delicious... While talking, the Beijing International Airport has arrived.

The family of three armed themselves before entering the hall.

It was also a coincidence that Han Changsheng had just entered the hall when he saw Paul walking towards him.

When Paul saw the face that made him want to be hacked into pieces, his complexion suddenly became gloomy, and he squeezed out a word from his throat, "Han Changsheng! Are you here to mock me this time?"

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows quite unexpectedly, "I didn't expect to meet President Paul here. Are you on a business trip or traveling?"

"Knowingly asking!"

Paul stared at Han Changsheng stubbornly, gritted his teeth and said, "Han Changsheng, I owe this day to you! You don't have to be hypocritical here. Although I am defeated and returned to the country, don't think about it! You can enter the army later. When it comes to the international film market, just wait for my Fox to suppress it!"

Han Changsheng raised his eyelids, looked down at Paul, and his voice was calm but filled with overwhelming power, "Excuse me, Mr. Paul, are you the actual owner of Focus? Are you the real controller of Focus? Even the position of the president of the Asian region has been pushed away. What ability do you have to change Focus’s principle of focusing on money? You still want to suppress me. Bark a few times so that he can arrange a better seat for you!"


Paul's pupils stood up in anger, and he pointed at Han Changsheng with a trembling right hand, but he couldn't say the following words under Han Changsheng's breathtaking eyes that made people dare not look at each other.

"Mr. Paul, I would like to give you one last piece of advice. Don't forget yourself when you are proud. Otherwise, you may not appear again in the future as you are today."

Han Changsheng walked past Paul leisurely like the wind, flicked his fingers lightly, and a streak of Qing Emperor's long life flashed away.

There is a saying that a dead enemy is a good enemy, and he agrees with this saying very much.

Yang Mi took Han Changsheng's arm, and said with a sweet smile, "Master, you cheated on this Paul, do you have confidence in your movie, or are you jealous of me and Yingbao?"

Han Changsheng followed his twitching eyelids, pretending to be calm and said lightly: "Why am I jealous? I'm never jealous."

"Is it"

Yang Mi covered her mouth and sneered, she couldn't help laughing.

The master is not jealous: he just drinks jar after jar.

Chapter 479 The Seven Sisters Are Noisy

The three of Han Changsheng arrived near the airport pick-up gate, surrounded by many entertainment reporters who were waiting at the airport.

"Director Han, may I ask if you plan to enter the international film market?"

"The box office of "This Man" broke through 34, what do you think about it?"

"You haven't made movies for several months, are you planning to change your career to become an investor?"

"Will you invest in domestic films?"

Facing many reporters' questions, Han Changsheng didn't answer any questions. He checked the arrival time of Yaya and the others' plane, and walked into the lounge beside him with Yang Mi and Liu Sisi in his arms.

Civil Aviation has given them the treatment of a family, so it's not for nothing.

After receiving Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, Tong Liya, Di Li Reba and Gu Li Nazha in turn, the family of eight and Rainbow went out and returned home.

"Oh my goodness! It feels good to be back, I don't have my parents nagging anymore."

"In the past few days when I came home, my mother and father didn't annoy me to death, they preached in my ear every day."

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