"Me too, don't you feel tired if they repeat the same thing every day?"

"I was taught by my parents for three days, and I almost ran away from home."

"I'm not bad, I threw the pot to the master, and all I heard were saying that the master is ignorant."

When there are too many people, the car suddenly becomes noisy.

Yang Mi listened to the twittering in her ears, she didn't feel agitated at all, instead she followed each other and complained about their parents together.

After Sisi came back early in the morning, she kept pestering the master, but she really couldn't say a few words.

But now only Fatty and Nazha can pester the master, so they can say whatever they want.

Singing and laughing all the way home, the five girls of Fat Di threw away their luggage and ran into the living room, jumping up and down, playing and making noise, even a prudent girl.

Before the master was not at home, they had at least a few other sisters to accompany them.

But this time I went home alone and faced nagging from my parents every day, so I missed this warm home even more.

The seven sisters had had enough of fighting, so they rubbed their hungry and deflated stomachs.

Fat Di hugged Han Chang and did not let go, "Order, order, I want to eat the big meal made by the master!"

Nazha booed, "Today is a big day for our family to reunite. If you don't get drunk, you won't go home!"

Tong Liya smiled and said: "If you are not drunk or happy, we are all going home, where are we going?"

Ying Bao laughed and said: "It doesn't matter where he goes, anyway... I haven't eaten the master's food for many days, I want to die."

Tang Yan coquettishly said: "My lord, I want to eat braised pork, and it's the devil's braised pork with thick oil and red sauce."

"I want to eat braised lion head!"

"Buddha jumps over the wall!"

“Dongpo Meat!”

"All right, all right, I'll do it for you."

Han Changsheng patted Fatty on his body to let her go, and walked into the kitchen crying.

These girls are really good at it. Earlier they said that they should eat vegetarian dishes every day to maintain a healthy and perfect figure. Now they only eat meat dishes.

Tong Liya and Tang Yan looked at each other, "No need, you just got off the plane, go wash up and rest."

Han Changsheng pushed the two girls out of the kitchen, and slapped the two of them behind them, "Hurry up and take a bath, people are smelly."

"You're the one who stinks!"

The two girls groaned coquettishly, and ran into the washroom on the first floor holding hands.

Fat Di and the others glanced at each other, and rushed to the washrooms on the second and third floors.

Their bodies... don't smell bad, but they sweated a lot after tossing all the way, and they felt a little uncomfortable.

The five sisters came out of the shower, and saw Yang Mi holding the white paper in her hand and posing for a serious study.

Fatty stared exaggeratedly, and the boss exclaimed loudly: "Hey! Big sister, what's going on with you? Why do you still love to study? Don't you like reading books the least?"

Liu Sisi curled her lips, "A certain person is going to be the heroine of Master's new movie, isn't this just studying hard?"

After teasing the master enough during the day, she once looked curiously at the stack of white papers in the elder sister's hand, and naturally knew that the script of "Star Language Wish" was the new movie that the master was going to make.

Fatty was taken aback for a moment, then jumped up and shouted: "Why do you let the eldest sister be the heroine? Didn't you agree that it's my turn?"

Yang Mi raised her eyebrows, "With your current acting skills as a heroine, do you think you can meet the master's standard?"

"No...it's considered qualified if you pass the test. At worst, I will train with the master for a few more days, and then I will be able to meet the master's standard."

"Then you can see if you can act in this movie after reading the script!"

Fatty accepted the script unconvinced, and directly turned to the first page.

The other girls gathered around curiously, and then looked at the group and cried loudly, tears streaming down their faces, which was extremely miserable.

Han Changsheng was frightened and ran out of the kitchen to ask the reason, and then glared at Yang Mi angrily, "You, you, you can only find trouble for me."

He held the girls one by one in his arms, handed over the tissues and comforted them softly, for fear that the loud voice would make them cry again.

Seeing this, Yang Mi grinned and pretended to be a good person.

This script made her cry several times, and now it's finally the turn of the six 66 sisters.

The six 66 girls recovered and pushed Han Changsheng down on the sofa, "I want to play the heroine!"

"I want to play the heroine too!"

Yang Mi glanced at the six 66 sisters, and said arrogantly: "Why are you arguing with me? I've already memorized this script by heart."

Fat Di snorted angrily, "You just watched it half a day earlier than us, we just need to sleep a few hours less to catch up with you!"

"I don't just memorize the script to ponder the character's heart."

Yang Mi proudly got up and walked into the changing room, and when she came out she was wearing a clean white nurse uniform.

Coupled with the flicking ponytail on the head, this is a little nurse full of spring.

Fatty opened his mouth wide in shock, "Sister, you are at home with the master..."

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