Yang Mi knocked on Fatty, and said in a bad mood: "Your little brain can think of something better every day, isn't Yu Qiunan a female nurse in "Star Language Wishes"?"

"Your nurse uniform fits so well, where did you buy it?"

"Sisi helped me do it."

Swish! Fat Di stared at Liu Sisi fiercely, and shouted, "Lao Liu Han! It's fine if you don't steal the script of the eldest sister, and you also help the eldest sister make nurse uniforms, are you out of your mind!"

Liu Sisi pinched her waist and said angrily: "Lao Qi Han! You're just out of your mind. The eldest sister promised me that she will help me win the first female lead when the master makes another movie!"

Fat Di: "Han Lao Liu! You traitor without a brain, the heroine of the master's movie can only be the master, do you think the eldest sister can help you?"

It seems that this is really the case.

Liu Sisi froze, glanced at the guilty elder sister, and immediately knew that Fatty had hit the mark.

Even so, Liu Sisi still said stubbornly: "I want you to control! Eldest sister has the most windy ears! I might be... the heroine of the next movie, sir!"

She will compete with her eldest sister for the Golden Phoenix Award on August 8 this year, if she wins, her dream will surely come true!

Chapter 480 Fatty: I'm very honest, okay!

Seeing that Liu Sisi was still standing beside the eldest sister, Fatty suddenly exploded in anger.

Jumping on his feet, he yelled unconvinced: "I don't believe that I can't play Yu Qiunan, isn't it just playing a nurse, and I can do it too!"

It's just a nurse. At most, I will help the master give him an injection and then feed him a medicine. What a big deal, help the master pour it out: urinating.

It's not that she hasn't served the master before, just obey orders and do things.

Yang Mi smiled and took off the nurse's uniform, and handed it over directly, "Then you can try it!"

Fatty put on the nurse's uniform repeatedly, looked left and right but pouted and said, "Why is this nurse's uniform so big that it doesn't fit at all."

Liu Sisi said arrogantly: "I tailor-made this nurse's uniform according to Eldest Sister's figure. Eldest Sister has such a good figure. Your figure is not as good as Eldest Sister's, so this dress is naturally a bit big."

Fatty threw back the nurse's uniform and said angrily, "I hate it.

This dress!"

Yang Mi took it with a smile and put it on again, she didn't mind Fatty's playfulness at all.

This girl is the most noisy in the family, if you can defeat her with a nurse uniform, it will be easy for the other younger sisters.

When Yang Mi was talking about the other sisters, Fat Di stomped into the kitchen.

She pinched her waist with her hands, stared at Han Changsheng angrily with her big eyes bulging, but just... didn't speak.

Han Changsheng glanced at Fatty, angrily and amusedly said: "What are you doing looking at me like that, you're being beaten again like a demon."

"That's not it! I'm very honest, okay!"

No wonder you are honest! Han Changsheng sneered, and said with a smile: "Who is bullying you?"



"Yes! It's...you!"

Fat Di puffed up and said, "My lord, why did you let the eldest sister play the heroine of "The Wish of the Stars"?"

Han Changsheng laughed and said, "Then do you think you can play the role of Yu Qiunan well with your current acting skills?"


Fatty thought about it, and had no choice but to slump his shoulders aggrievedly.

Although she doesn't want to admit it, but in terms of acting skills, she is indeed not as good as the eldest sister, not even the other sisters.

Han Changsheng picked up Fatty's chin, and kissed him, "You're so lazy every day, and if you don't... just lie on the sofa and play games, and you don't even read books on acting, you say it's just you Acting skills, not to mention the heroine of the movie, I am not at ease to let you play the heroine of the TV series."

Fat Di hugged Han Changsheng's waist like a kitten, and said coquettishly, "Then it's a big deal, I'll start reading tomorrow."

Han Changsheng caught Fatty's words, and said seriously: "This is what you said, a man must follow his promise, and I won't let you read too much, just read one book a week."

Fatty struggled for a moment, then said hopefully: "Then how many times do I read... the book will do?"

"It depends on how much your acting skills improve... If you can stand shoulder to shoulder with your elder sister and the others after reading two books, the heroine in my next movie may be yours."

Fat Di was overjoyed, bent the cute little finger of his right hand, and said happily: "It's a deal, I want to pull the hook."

Han Changsheng was confused for a moment, and then had to be childish with Fatty.

It's just a check, it doesn't take too much trouble, driving the little girl out is the real problem.

"The hook is hanged, and it cannot be changed for a hundred years!"

Fat Di retracted his childish little hands after finishing his chanting, tiptoed and kissed Han Changsheng, and ran out of the kitchen bouncingly, sweeping away the unhappiness just now.

Liu Sisi caught a glimpse of the small smile on Fatty's face.

Picking up the corner of his mouth, he jokingly said, "Oh, master has a way to make you, Han Laoqi, so happy in such a short period of time."

Fat Di stuck his neck arrogantly, "Master didn't coax me, he asked me to be the heroine in his next movie."

"How could I not believe it!"

"Believe it or not, the master said that as long as I read enough books on actors and improve my acting skills to the level of my eldest sister, I can play the heroine."

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