"I like it! I will reward you, okay?"

Five minutes later, Yang Mi led the team out of the villa, knocked on the window of the Mercedes-Benz Vito, and stared at the two who were still embracing, "You two, you have been in the garage for a long time, this is the preparation Spend today's birthday in the garage?"

Tong Liya glanced at the six 66 sisters, let go of her hand very calmly, and then started the car without blushing.

I have lived at home for a long time, and I have gone through all kinds of storms, so I don't care about this little thing.

"Second Sister, happy birthday, let's celebrate together when you come back at night."

"Goodbye, I will bring the master back whole at night."


The Mercedes-Benz Vito moved forward, and as Han Changsheng expected, it drove directly to the Happy Valley in the capital.

Han Changsheng looked at Happy Valley, which hadn't changed much before him, and glanced helplessly at the cheerful Yaya, "What do you want to play, the car or Hot Wheels?"

"Never play!"

Tong Liya smiled and went to the tall tower in the distance, "I want to play bungee jumping!"

Han Changsheng: "..."

Normally, this girl would not dare to kill a fish, but she turned into a daring little witch on her birthday, which really made him very helpless.

"Let's go soon, master. It seems that you have to queue up for bungee jumping. If you go late, you will have to wait for a long time."

Tong Liya dragged Han Changsheng into Happy Valley, and rushed all the way to the bungee jumping site.

When we arrived at the place, there happened to be a screaming female bungee jumper who had just been rescued.

Han Changsheng glanced at the water marks on the female tourist's face, and suddenly smiled and said: "I'm afraid this woman was stunned by sweetness."

Tong Liya was taken aback, "Aren't tears salty?"

Han Changsheng pointed to the trousers of the female tourist who was scared to pee, "But she has diabetes!"

Tong Liya thought for a moment about the picture of the bungee jumping upside down and peeing all over her face, and almost burst out laughing, "If you hate the master, you know how to make me laugh, and I should have no strength to laugh after a while."

"It's okay if you don't have the strength to laugh, I'm afraid you will be as scared as this female tourist when the time comes."

"Cut! I won't be scared to pee!"

Tong Liya pouted her neck arrogantly and turned her head to look at the female tourist who was still crying.

Is bungee jumping really that scary? It should be the same as a roller coaster, Ferris wheel, etc. Han Changsheng and Tong Liya arrived early, and it was their turn after waiting for 0 minutes.

With the help of the female bungee jumping coach, Tong Liya fastened the safety measures, secretly glanced at the invisible scenery below, and suddenly didn't dare to jump.

The reason why she dared to ride the roller coaster and the Ferris wheel last year was because of the company of the master.

Now let her dance by herself, the courage to blow out just now suddenly disappeared completely.

Moreover, the wind here is a bit strong, and people who blow it are almost unsteady, and God knows what the consequences of jumping off will be.

Crack! Ah! Han Changsheng's big hand just patted Tong Liya's shoulder, causing her to scream in fright.

Yaya hugged her master tightly, her face was pale with fright, and her body was trembling.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng hurriedly patted Yaya's back lightly, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, with me here, it really can't be done, let's stop dancing."

Tong Liya took a few deep breaths of the peppermint scent on Han Changsheng's body, then shook her head and said, "No! I want to dance!"

Han Changsheng only felt a twitch in the corner of his eye, and said helplessly, "You're so frightened that you're still jumping."

"Of course I will! But you dance with me, sir."

"Didn't you just say you danced yourself?"

"But I want to dance together now, sir, I wouldn't dare to dance without you, so just come with me, please."

Tong Liya looked at Han Changsheng pitifully with her big blinking eyes, and her tender hands clutched his clothes tightly, making it clear that she would not let go even if she died.

Han Changsheng: "..."

He is just a spectator who eats melons, how can he get caught while eating? But no matter how helpless Han Changsheng is, he still put on safety measures and jumped down with Yaya.

Yaya is very well-behaved on weekdays, today is her birthday, if you don't meet her little request, you can't justify it.

Thinking of this, Han Changsheng gestured, "Three rewards."


"make a deal."

After the agreement was reached, Han Changsheng jumped down holding Yaya in his arms.


Feeling the weightlessness, Yaya was frightened and showed her soprano demeanor, hugging Han Changsheng's waist tightly, her strength was so strong that it seemed to break his waist.

Han Changsheng couldn't stand the piercing of his ears, he directly blocked Yaya's mouth, and when Yaya's pupils were wide open, he gave Yaya a look of "see how you can still shout".

Yaya was dazed for three seconds, then suddenly smiled and closed her eyes, enjoying this high-altitude kiss.

With the master here, I really feel at ease.

Chapter 483 Entering the Women's Restroom for the First Time

A resting point fifty meters away from the bungee jumping point.

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