Tong Liya leaned softly on Han Changsheng's arms, but her face was filled with excitement, "Master, you are so amazing! You don't change your face after jumping bungee jumping, how can you not be afraid at all?"

Han Changsheng put his arms around Yaya's small waist, shrugged and said, "With you here, I only care about protecting you, so naturally I can't be distracted and afraid."

Tong Liya felt sweet in her heart, bit her lip and blinked her big eyes, "Really"


"Master, you are very kind."

Tong Liya pursed her lips...a kiss, it tasted very sweet.

Han Changsheng enjoyed Yaya's admiration with peace of mind, but he also felt a little strange in his heart.

It seems that after he really woke up, his nerves became very large.

Even if it is a super exciting extreme sport like bungee jumping, he will use the acceleration of gravity, wind resistance, etc... to calculate the final height from the ground at the moment of jumping, so as to ensure that he and Ya can be saved with the greatest probability even if the rope is broken. Ya's life.

As for the sense of weightlessness and other uncomfortable states, it seems to be directly blocked by the brain cells.

Tong Liya looked back at the bungee jumping high, and suddenly thought: "Master, why don't we jump again?"

The corner of Han Changsheng's mouth twitched, and he said speechlessly, "You still jump, your feet are weak now, whether you can walk or not is a problem."

"You can rest for a while before going!"

"Forget it, if you get weak on the top and then tear me off, then we two will really become a couple with the same fate."

"Bah bah bah! Crow's mouth, spit quickly!"

Faced with Tong Liya's insistence, Han Changsheng had to spit childishly to get rid of the unlucky words just now.

Half an hour later, Han Changsheng helped Tong Liya massage her shoulders and rubbed her legs, finally giving Yaya the strength to continue walking.

Yaya held Han Changsheng's big warm hand tightly, and walked forward flickeringly, in a beautiful mood.

She saw the ice cream in the hand of the person next to her, pointed to the ice cream stand not far away and said coquettishly: "Master, I want to eat ice cream."

"What's the smell"


"Do you eat mint flavor?"

"Damn it, I want vanilla."

Yaya stomped her feet coquettishly, then took the vanilla ice cream with a smile, and ate it happily.

"Ah! Help!"

The two of them hadn't finished their ice cream, when a scary scream suddenly sounded not far away, causing Tong Liya's hand to tremble in fright, and the ice cream almost didn't drop.

Han Changsheng helped Yaya, "Be careful."

"it's okay no problem."

Tong Liya waved her hand, eating ice cream, tiptoeing curiously at the crowd watching in the distance, "Master, go and have a look."

"Your curiosity is really strong."

"Women are naturally curious, let's go."

Yang Mi smiled brightly, took Han Changsheng's hand, and walked towards the crowd watching involuntarily.

When he got closer, Han Changsheng realized why he heard the word "two words.

In front is a blood-red skeleton Tong Liya stared at the haunted house in front of her for a few times, feeling a little timid in her heart.

She...would like to try, but the haunted house is scary, at least scarier than bungee jumping.

Seeing Han Changsheng's nonchalant expression, he suddenly felt safe, and said, "Master, let's go in and play for a while."

"You go in and play"

Han Changsheng carefully scanned the white cropped pants that Yaya was wearing up and down, curled his lips and said, "You almost peed in fear of bungee jumping, and you want to play in a haunted house, we didn't bring a change of clothes, if you pee in fear If it does, it will be number one on the headlines of the hot search.”

"You're necrotic! If you know how to scare me, I won't be scared to pee!"

Tong Liya pouted and tugged Han Changsheng's clothes in reluctance, and said coquettishly, "But you have to accompany me in to play."

"It's just...a childish game to scare people, what's there to play?"

"No, no, let's play, big deal... I'll give you another reward."

"three times."


"make a deal."

Tong Liya and Han Changsheng high-fived for a date, bought tickets but dragged her master to the bathroom.

Han Changsheng looked at Yaya suspiciously, and said with a half-smile: "Aren't you going to play in a haunted house? What are you going to do in the bathroom? You can't be scared to pee before you play."

Tong Liya blushed, felt guilty but said firmly: "That's not true! It's because I can't hold back!"

How could she be scared to pee? It's just...just wanting to go to the bathroom.

At most, it is to make preparations in advance so that you don’t get scared when you go in.

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