"Ah, ghost!"

Another scream came, Han Changsheng was fine, but Tong Liya shivered in fright.

She paused: and looked at the bathroom in front of her hesitantly.

Behind it is... a haunted house, and there are not many people going to the toilet here, so there is nothing special about it here.

Han Changsheng looked down at Yaya, but didn't see the expected picture.

"That's not it, I'm just a little scared, sir, you go in with me."

Tong Liya stomped her feet coquettishly, then grabbed Han Changsheng's clothes tightly, with timid eyes.

"I'll accompany you in"

Han Changsheng pointed at himself with his pupils wide open, raised his hand and gave Yaya a headache, and said angrily, "Did you make a mistake! This is the women's restroom!"

Now he really wants to open Yaya's little head to see what the brain circuit inside is like, and he can come up with such a bad idea.

Tong Liya rubbed her head aggrievedly, and said with a smile: "Isn't there no one here? You can accompany me in for a while."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, and flicked Yaya again, "What if I get blocked by a girl going to the bathroom when I come out? It's not just a matter of losing face, it will be on the news, and I might even have to go into the six doors Stay here for a few days."

No matter where the women's restroom is, there is always a long queue.

Although I don't know why there are no girls queuing here at this time, but God knows if there will be a large group of cheering in a while.

If he is blocked by a girl, let alone jump into the Yellow River, he just... jumps into the East China Sea, and he won't be able to clean himself up.

Tong Liya rolled her eyes, "I'll go in first to have a look, if there is no one, you can go in again, and I will take a look for you when you come out."

"What if there were a bunch of girls around you when you came out?"

"It's a big deal, I will accompany you to cat in there, master, I can't hold it anymore, so you can go in with me!"

Han Changsheng looked at Yaya's pitiful appearance, and waved his hand helplessly, "I'm afraid of you, go in and have a look!"

"Thank you sir!"

Tong Liya went in and scanned around quickly, then ran out quickly, "Master, go in quickly, there is no one inside."

After Han Changsheng was dragged in, he took a look at the surrounding environment and found that the women's restroom was completely different from the men's restroom.

The men's restroom has a lot of convenient urination pools, but the women's restroom is all separate compartments that occupy an area, which is probably why there are always people queuing up for the women's restroom.

Han Changsheng took a few glances, saw Yaya entered a compartment, and hurriedly followed her in.

Tong Liya was taken aback, and said shyly, "Why are you here?"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "Nonsense! It's convenient for you to come in and pee. If I meet a girl who comes in to go to the bathroom outside, should I tell them 'what a coincidence that you also come to the bathroom', or tell them 'I'm sorry you went to the wrong house', or stare blankly"

"Chi Chi..."

Tong Liya couldn't help being amused, and then pulled Han Changsheng's body and said: "Then turn around and don't peek!"

"Don't worry, I don't have the heart to peep."

Chapter 484

Tong Liya had just put on her clothes when she suddenly felt a gaze from her side.

Looking back, his master was looking straight at her.

Yaya bit her lip and stomped her feet and said coquettishly: "I hate you, master, you can't do what you say!"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "Whoever said that it can't be done, I just turned around. Besides, you are my wife, I think you have always been aboveboard, okay?"


Tong Liya smiled anxiously, raised her finger and was about to say something when Han Changsheng heard a movement outside.

"Hurry up, hurry up, I'm almost scared to pee."

"You've been scared to pee!"

"Nonsense, I have security measures."

"You're pretty well prepared."

When Han Changsheng heard the sound of the two girls fighting, his pupils widened.

Put your feet on the ground and fly one meter into the air.

Put your hands and feet on the wooden boards on both sides of the compartment, hiding the head above and the feet below.

After he finished these..., he breathed a sigh of relief, and then whispered quickly in Yaya's ear: "Quickly squat down! Pretend to go to the toilet!"

Chi Chi... Tong Liya covered her mouth and snickered, and said in a low voice: "What are you afraid of, aren't you upright?"

Han Changsheng twitched his ears, and said with his mouth: "Keep on, believe it or not, I will use family law against you when I go home!"

"Cut! You know how to threaten me with family law!"

Tong Liya pouted, but still squatted down and pretended to go to the toilet.

She is not afraid of the threat of the master's family law, she just...does not want to be found that the master has entered the women's bathroom.

Han Changsheng waited in mid-air for at least five minutes in fear before the two girls next door walked out.

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