It's just that the master did it in a subtle way, and they usually don't notice it.

Chapter 515 You must not talk back to the master

Early in the morning, Han Changsheng sent the six girls from Yang Mi to Fatty to the plane in turn, and then flew straight to Lan City with Yaya, where he was going to record the second episode of "Let's Go Love".

When we arrived in Lan City, the people who led the reception were old acquaintances who yearned for it.

"Director Han, Yaya."

Yearning greeted enthusiastically, pointed to the machine next to it, and reminded that the live recording had already started.

Seeing Han Changsheng and Tong Liya, the audience in the live broadcast room was overwhelmed.

"It's been more than two months! This show has finally started recording the second episode."

"The director of this show is also really good. He said that if there are not enough people, he will not record it. He really did what he said."

"Whoever said that everyone is ready, Yang Mi has become Tong Liya."

"Mountain Pao! Our family has seven and seven wives who are mentally ill. It's normal to change one for one episode!"

"But I heard that there are eight episodes of this show, so will there be an eighth wife in the eighth episode?"

"Upstairs shut up and leave us a little flower!"

"Come on, brothers, hit him hard with the Italian cannon!"

In the barrage burst, Han Changsheng and Tong Liya got into the car and drove straight to their destination.

The two sat down and gave out two blindfolds, "Director Han, Yaya, the journey is a bit long, if you are sleepy, you can wear blindfolds to sleep."

Han Changsheng took it and handed it to Yaya, then jokingly said: "Miss Xiangxiang, are you sure this didn't make us lose sight of the road, and then took the opportunity to kidnap and sell it to us?"

Xiang Xiang smiled and said: "Director Han, your vigilance is too high, we can't kidnap and sell you, your value is too high now."

Han Changsheng shrugged, "It's because of high social status that it is possible to abduct and sell. If it is worthless, you will not abduct and sell."

The longing suddenly dawned on me, and then I put on an excited look, "Director Han, I'm really interested in what you said. I'll discuss it with my family and sell the four of you as a group."

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "Then you have to remind your Director Wang that Brother Jing has practiced martial arts, so don't knock your Director Wang down."

While chatting, the car drove into the Gobi Desert.

The scenery on the left and right sides perfectly interprets what is called the vast Gobi wasteland.

On the endless land, apart from... the loess sand, there are only big stones exposed to the sun.

There is a row of low city walls in the distance, showing the taste of an isolated city Wanren Mountain under the sunlight.

Han Changsheng looked around a few times, leaned over to Tong Liya's ear and whispered: "Yaya, it seems that you have to suffer from the wind and sand with me."

Tong Liya smiled sweetly with the two dimples on the corners of her mouth, "Don't be afraid! My eldest sister said that wherever you are is... home, I can live anywhere with you."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Hehe! You guys still praised me behind my back"

Tong Liya covered her mouth and snickered, "That's often, sir, you are so kind, we will praise you whenever we chat."

Han Changsheng curled his lips, "Your words sound fake. Mimi also said that you once said that I often dig holes for you, so you must have complained about me behind your back!"

Tong Liya recalled what her elder sister told her before she left, so she tried her best not to laugh.

The eldest sister really complained about the old man before boarding the plane. Although the age on the old man's ID card is 21 years old, his inner world is actually 12 years old.

The master not only has a changeable personality, but also loves.

Possessiveness is extremely strong, and masculinity is particularly strong.

When you come out with the master, the most important thing to pay attention to is... What the master says is what you say, and you must not talk back, otherwise you will definitely use the family law.

While the husband and wife whispered to each other, the car arrived at the destination on the Gobi Desert, an earth-colored ancient city full of broken walls and ruins.

The two got out of the car, Sha Yi, Hu Ke, Wu Jing, Xie Nan, Guo Jingfei and Bao Li, these three couples were already standing not far away.

"Director Han Da and Mrs. Han Er are counted, if not... we will bloom,"

"Brother Sha, Brother Jing, Brother Fei..."

"Sister Ke'er, male sister, Li sister..."

The eight people got together again, chatted enthusiastically for a while, and then Wang Zhengyu rushed out of the car not far away.

Wang Zhengyu: "Everyone is resting well"

Han Changsheng rushed to talk: "If you don't have a good rest, can you just go to rest?"

Sha Yi beat his waist cleverly, "Brother Han is right, I really don't rest well, my back hurts and my legs are cramping,"

Guo Jingfei rubbed his eyes, "I'm also very tired, I don't need much makeup for my dark circles, I can play a panda right away."

Wu Jing sat on the ground directly, "Oh, I'm really tired, why don't we just go to sleep!"

Faced with the sluggishness of the four 44-year-olds, Wang Zhengyu replied with a nonchalant smile: "I have no objection if you want to rest directly, but you have to think about it, the night in the Gobi Desert is very cold, you have to Think about whether we can get through this cool night by keeping each other warm."

"Ahem... I think if we live like this, we will really be cold."

"Director Wang, tell me what house we live in at night!"

"Yes! I just want to see what the luxury rooms in this phase look like."

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