Wang Zhengyu smiled and glanced at Han Changsheng who didn't speak when he gave the topic, and pointed back at the ruined ancient city behind us, "Behind us is the ancient city of Yongtai with a history of hundreds of years. It is quite possible that everyone will stay here tonight. In an ancient city full of history and culture.”

It is possible that the eight of them looked at each other, and suddenly felt that the house tonight was quite different.

Wang Zhengyu pointed to four things not far away.

"This first game is called Love's Starting Line.

There are four kinds of transportation in the back, everyone chooses on a first-come-first-served basis.

Each means of transportation corresponds to a gate in the east, west, north, south, and north of the ancient city.

If you four couples of love experiencers all arrive at the destination city gate within 25 minutes, you will be able to stay in the ancient city.

Otherwise, they will all live outside the ancient city.

Your rewards will also be received in the order in which you arrive.

For love, let's go!"

Wang Zhengyu called out the slogan so abruptly, and the eight of them subconsciously ran forward.

Han Changsheng ran a few steps to regain his senses, and whispered to the six people around him: "Three elder brothers, three sister-in-laws, don't rush, let's discuss the distribution model first, so that we don't all live outside the city at night. "

Wu Jing nodded in agreement, "Brother Han reminded you right, let's not focus on running first, if one of them doesn't reach the destination, we still have to live outside the city."

Eight people 8 ran to the starting point and scanned the four vehicles.

Donkey carts, bicycles, two wheelbarrows, wheelbarrows.

Han Changsheng pointed at the donkey cart, "Among the old, weak, sick and disabled, Brother Sha and Brother Jing are old and disabled, you two should choose one of you to ride in this donkey cart."

Wu Jing pointed at Sha Yi, "Brother Han is right, Brother Sha is old and weak, give this donkey cart to him and Sister-in-Law Ke'er!"

Sha Yi rolled his eyes, "Brother Wu, you have been called crippled by Brother Han and still agree with him."

Wu Jing smiled and pointed to her leg, "It's fine if I'm disabled, but you won't get younger when you get old."

"No matter how old you are, I can't snatch your donkey cart. Other means of transportation are very tiring. If your legs are exhausted, I will be more responsible."

Sha Yi shook his head, and directly pushed away the easiest donkey cart.

Eight people record a program together, it is a big family for the time being, and each other needs to take care of each other, for a while, you can't do it by yourself.

After a lot of discussion, everyone finally decided on the owners of the four vehicles.

Wu Jing's leg was injured, and Xie Nan was riding in a donkey cart.

Sha Yi was provoked by Han Changsheng, he kept emphasizing that he was young, and insisted on pushing Hu Ke with a two-wheeled cart.

Guo Jingfei and Bao Li ride bicycles.

Han Changsheng and Tong Liya are naturally the most difficult unicycles.

Chapter 516 Yaya: Show off your manly charm!

Han Changsheng also had an advantage in choosing a unicycle. The destination for him and Yaya was the nearest North City Gate, only 120 meters away.

Tong Liya glanced at the unicycle, and said with some worry: "Master, this cart has only one wheel, if I sit on it, it will fall down immediately."

When choosing a car just now, she also participated in it, and naturally supported the cars chosen by the other three.

But now if she really wanted to ride this unicycle, she immediately got scared.

The master can't even do farm work, can he push this kind of wheelbarrow that requires skill? As for the middle line of this car, as long as my hands don’t lean to the sides, you won’t fall over:.”

Tong Liya climbed into the car and tried to sit for a while, but it was a little steady.

She looked at Han Changsheng anxiously, "Then why should I sit on the middle line?"

Han Changsheng stroked his chin and thought for a while, "Sit according to the yoga postures you and Tangtang usually practice, with your legs crossed facing me, your waist straight, and your hands on the side rails of the wheelbarrow."

Tong Liya followed suit one by one, still staring at Han Changsheng tremblingly, looking pitiful.

Han Changsheng bent down and kissed Yaya's forehead, and said with firm eyes: "Don't worry! I will push you in front of me, and I will hug you the moment you fall to the ground, and I will never let you fall of."

"Let's go, then, I trust my lord."

Tong Liya made a cheering gesture, and then tightly held the guardrails on both sides of the wheelbarrow with both hands, obviously still not trusting Han Changsheng.

This girl...Han Changsheng bent his mouth and shook his head, reminding Yaya, then he grasped the two handles of the wheelbarrow, and slowly pushed it forward.

He has never pushed a wheelbarrow, but he has never eaten pork, but he has always seen pigs running.

The principle of pushing this unicycle is very simple, as long as the center of gravity remains unchanged, it can be pushed forward smoothly.

And he has great strength, and he can quickly correct the deviation of the unicycle.

Let him react quickly, and it will definitely ensure that Yaya is safe and sound.

Things happened as Han Changsheng expected, he slowly experimented for a while, and the wheelbarrow really started to move forward steadily.

Yaya realized that there was no danger, so she became more and more relaxed, and finally became Tong Bold again.

She sat directly at the front of the wheelbarrow, holding Han Changsheng's shoulders with both hands, and kept shouting.

"Master, come on, you are the best!"

"Master, speed up, come at a speed that is as fast as lightning! Show your charm as a big man!"

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