"Woohoo! This is what it's like to fly!"

"Let us be the companions of the world of mortals, galloping and galloping to share the prosperity of life..."

The three couples in front heard Tong Liya's cheers behind them, they looked back in unison, and immediately saw the relaxed and happy Tong Liya.

Bao Li glared at her husband, "Guo Jingfei, look at Brother Han, it's so easy to push Yaya, you can't even ask me to ride a bicycle."

Guo Jingfei rubbed his nose, "We are going uphill, when you go downhill, I will take you to experience the feeling of speeding."

Bao Li: "I hope it's not a storm."

Guo Jingfei: "..."

Hu Ke patted Sha Yi on the shoulder, don't be discouraged, although your speed is a bit slower than brother Han's, but I believe you can reach the finish line."

Sha Yi's face darkened, "My wife.

No matter how you hear it, it sounds like you’re making fun of me.”

Hu Ke: "If I complained about you, I would say that although you can reach the finish line, the slow speed will definitely exhaust you to death."

Sha Yi: "..."

Xie Nan pursed his lips and smiled at Wu Jing, "Although our donkey cart is not very fast, it lasts long enough, and it doesn't take much effort. Come on."

Wu Jing received the signal to refuel, swung the rope a few times to pump the donkey's buttocks, and then was confused by the donkey manure thrown out.

Xie Nan: "Husband, don't bully this donkey, or we will stink."

Wu Jing: "..."

Han Changsheng glanced at the three couples and shook his head silently.

Fortunately, he gave these three good means of transportation.

If I let them push the wheelbarrow, I'm afraid I will really sleep in the Hanshan Temple outside the city tonight.

The three seniors noticed Han Changsheng's actions and immediately became upset.

"Brother Han, what do you mean? Don't despise us just because you are young... old, weak, sick and disabled!"

"Although we are a little weaker, you can't underestimate us!"

"I must give an explanation today, or else we will sleep outside the city together."

Han Changsheng shrugged his shoulders: "My admiration for you is like a torrential river, and it's like the Yellow River overflowing..."

After the words fell, Han Changsheng passed by three couples directly, pushed Yaya and ran forward, "All the good transportation tools have been given to you, if you can't complete the task, don't blame me for saying that you have worked hard in ancient and modern times, and have fun." It, the milk smell is not."

The three old men were stunned.

"Brother Han, what do you mean by that?"

"It sounds like you admire us, but no matter how I listen to it, there is a taste of irony"

"It sounded ironic to me too, but I just couldn't find it."

The three wise wives raised their foreheads together and sighed, "You are so stupid! The four 44 idioms spoken by Brother Changsheng are from ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, "Work hard to be strong, have fun in it, are still young, and the last four words together mean you Strong on the outside and dry on the inside!"


The three 3 men stared and shouted in unison: "Han Changsheng! You despise us and play brain teasers with us, you are too much!"

Han Changsheng listened to the pretentious roar behind him and the sound of hurriedly chasing footsteps, he pushed his wheelbarrow unhurriedly, and went straight to the north city gate.

He said lightly while running: "Three men who are strong on the outside and strong on the inside, I have to remind you that you should turn the corner. If you chase after him, the mission will fail."

The three of them were stunned, and resentfully turned to the east and west sides.

This time, for the sake of the mission, I will not chase and kill Brother Han for the time being.

Wait a while, I have to... teach him a lesson...! When the 3-minute mission time expired, the three of Sha Yi became even more confused.

Among the four pairs, except... Han Changsheng and Tong Liya completed the task, they all failed.

Han Changsheng supported his forehead speechlessly, "Aren't you right? I gave you all the best means of transportation, yet it still failed."

Sha Yi rubbed his nose in embarrassment, "I overestimated my physical strength, and I couldn't push the two-wheeled vehicle when it was about to reach the finish line."

Guo Jingfei said helplessly: "The first half is all uphill, but the second half is downhill, the wind is so strong, I can't ride at all!"

Han Changsheng sighed, "Don't you guys know how to walk on the ground? The vehicle is just a tool, and it doesn't have to be pushed or ridden."

Sha Yi and Guo Jingfei were stunned and slapped themselves.

Forget that this is a game, you should take advantage of the loopholes in the game.

Han Changsheng looked at Wu Jing, "Brother Jing, your donkey cart should be the fastest, right? It can all fail."

Wu Jing scratched her head in embarrassment, "I was too excited to drive the donkey cart for the first time, but I ran off the track. When I went back, the distance was beyond imagination."


Han Changsheng looked at the sky speechlessly, and sighed at the sky.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like children! "Hahahaha! Brother Jing is so cute! You overdrive the donkey cart."

"Jingnan funny combination, the appraisal is complete."

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