"I missed the time and missed you, so I had to drive the donkey cart over you."

"These people's three views are too upright, but you... learn from our Han mentally ill!"

"That's right, talking about taking advantage of loopholes, our Han mentally ill is the patriarch!"

Chapter 517

Wang Zheng sighed on the fishy face, but actually forced back a smile and walked over.

He pointed to the square loess house in the distance, "Everyone, because your mission failed, you can only choose to live in the loess house outside the city. Everyone will sleep there tonight, please!"

"Come on, let's see how our accommodation is going to be for tonight."

"It looks like an earthen house from the outside, better than a tent."

"Four 44 small rooms, four 44 kangs and a stove, the environment is not bad!"

"Indeed! One stove can burn four 44 kangs, so you don't have to suffer from the cold at night."

"Hey! There's bacon in here, and vegetables in here."

Han Changsheng checked the environment of the loess house and found it quite satisfactory.

Although the loess house is square, there are four 44 small rooms of [-] square meters, and four couples can live separately.

Although the food is not ready-made, there are several kinds of ingredients, at least...you can eat enough at night.

Tong Liya scanned around, took Han Changsheng's arm and said: "I have a place to live, now I only need to eat."

Hu Ke compared his thumbs, "Don't think about it, brother Changsheng must be doing the cooking, you are a master chef."

Bao Li nodded again and again, "Yes! Brother Changsheng cooks, my Guo Jingfei, Brother Sha and Brother Jing are going to chop firewood, and we will help."

"That's it, let's get started!"

Han Changsheng raised his arm and let Tong Liya help roll up his sleeves, then watched the four ladies wash and scrub.

Then, he took the vegetables I had washed and started chopping them.

The ingredients prepared by the program group are not bad, bacon, peppers, celery, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, and a little beef.

Not to mention everything you need, at least... a combination of meat and vegetables.

Han Changsheng was cooking, Yaya helped him, and the other three ladies made pancakes.

The three gentlemen outside.

Wu Jing went to investigate the complete problem, and also modified the chimney to prevent everyone from being poisoned by gas at night.

Sha Yi and Guo Jingfei went to chop firewood.

After everything is done and dinner is ready, Bao Li wants to go out for convenience.

Guo Jingfei suddenly suggested that the four ladies go out together, saying that it would be safe.

But Han Changsheng noticed Guo Jingfei's somewhat excited eyes.

After the four ladies left, Guo Jingfei quickly opened his luggage and took out half a bottle of Wuliangye, "Brothers, let's see what this is."

"Oh oh oh oh..."

When Sha Yi and Wu Jing saw the Wuliangye, they roared excitedly, their movements were like dancing, and their voices were like howling wolves.

Han Changsheng also yelled a few times, he didn't want to drink, he was simply infected by the atmosphere.

There is no nagging in my ears, and there are no twitterings from a few young ladies. The world they... pure gentlemen need is... so simple, just... so naive!" Come on, come on, come on, come on .”

"did it"


Han Changsheng drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, and said meaningfully to the three gentlemen around him: "I think sometimes, if you work hard, you may not win, but sometimes if you don't work hard, you will lose very comfortably!"

When the three 3 gentlemen heard this, they instantly understood.

This is quite correct, since the lost house can eat such simple and rich food, then they don't need to be so tired just to win.

"Come on! Cheers to brother Han's gold!"


The four of them drank another cup, grabbed the pancakes with their hands, and ate the vegetables with their chopsticks.

Just then, the four ladies returned.

Xie Nan asked outside: "Where can I wash my hands?"

Wu Jing immediately put down the bowls and chopsticks, and ran out at a short trot, saying as she ran, "My wife is here, I can wash here."

The three of Han Changsheng were stunned for a moment, twisting their necks mechanically towards the door, and then burst out laughing, dancing with hands and feet, stamping their feet on the ground.

"I just knew Brother Jing is this kind of Brother Jing."

"I couldn't be happier. The segment just now had to be captured and played on a loop for hundreds of times before I could watch it enough."

"I always thought Brother Sha and Brother Fei were strict wives, but I didn't expect our martial arts master Brother Jing to be like this too."

"Brother Jing is so proficient in this movement, the stress response is nothing more than this!"

When the three of Han Changsheng burst into laughter, Tong Liya walked into the room and walked to Han Changsheng, and said confusedly: "Master, what are you laughing at?"

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