Han Changsheng frowned, his eyes instantly became alert, "Why are there so few?"

The internationally accepted box office share ratio is 17% for the issuer, 35% for the producer, and 48% for the exhibitor.

It stands to reason that he should be happy to get 2% more global box office, but there is a problem.

The status gap between Mixing Tianxia and the Ministry of Rites is like that of a normal person and a hundred-meter giant, the difference is not even a little bit.

In this case, this...Wen Zhengyang would be fine if he didn't talk too much, but instead gave away 2% of the profit. It's no wonder there is no problem!

Chapter 549 This Looks Like a Longevity Boy Did It!

Such a calm mind! This Han Changsheng is indeed as Zhang Guoshi said, although he is young, he is not moved by external things.

Wen Zhengyang noticed Han Changsheng's vigilant eyes, a hint of admiration appeared in his pupils, and then disappeared in a flash.

He chuckled and said, "There is a saying in the "Tao Te Ching" of the Ming Dynasty that 'Da Ying Ruo Chong'.

So sometimes more equals less, and sometimes less equals more.

According to the statistics of our Ministry of Rites, you have produced four movies and four of them are box office hits, and two TV series with you are also popular in ratings.

Under such circumstances, how can we lose the small share of a movie? If we eat a full meal and cause you and I to fight directly, it will be bad for both of us, and it will be even worse if it spreads! And if it can Is it better to follow you and eat a bite of meat every three days than to have a full meal?"

Han Changsheng understood it instantly, and said meaningfully: "You still want to distribute "Infernal Affairs" as an agent."

Wen Zhengyang shook his right index finger, "Not only "Infernal Affairs", but also all the films you will shoot in the future. We promise that the international distribution fee for each film will be 15%."

Han Changsheng's eyes narrowed, and he began to think.

Taking "This Man" as an example, the 2% distribution cost of a film is at least [-] million RMB.

This is not a lot for Honey, not to mention that he will shoot more movies in the future.

Ten is... [-] million, twenty is... [-] million, or even [-] billion.

More importantly, it saves a lot of hassle.

Han Changsheng pondered for a while, and then asked: "Why not 17% of the international practice?"

Wen Zhengyang smiled and said: "Since we want to follow you to eat meat, we must show our sincerity.

If it is 17% like Focus, then how can we show our sincerity”

Han Changsheng was stunned, and asked: "Do you want to invest in "Infernal Affairs"?"

Wen Zhengyang nodded and shook his head, "As the saying goes, if you pass this village, there will be no such shop.

If we participated in the investment when the funds in Honey World were insufficient, then everyone can share the cake together now.

But the funds you have now are so abundant that it is scary, I don’t think you will agree even if you invest a hundred yuan.”

Han Changsheng said with a smile: "That's true. Our funds are completely sufficient. You can share the cake if you want, but you have to show a certain degree of sincerity."

Wen Zhengyang gave a thumbs up, "This is what I want to say. Although you are not short of funds, I think you will lack other things. Sometimes we can help you contact, as long as we can participate Just invest."

"for example"

"For example, special effects technology, if you really need a special effects artist, ten thousand is not guaranteed, but three to five thousand is still possible."

"this is okay!"

Han Changsheng's eyes lit up, and he nodded slowly.

Some of the films in his memory really needed a lot of special effects artists, otherwise it would take ten years to grind out a film if Zhuge, who traveled in the world with honey, showed them again.

Wen Zhengyang said with a smile: "As long as Director Han needs it, as for how we will develop in the future, that will be discussed in the future. What does Director Han think?"

Han Changsheng raised his hand, "That's right, yes!"

“Happy working together!”

Wenzheng and Han Changsheng slapped each other, and then said: "Director Han, let me tell you the truth, in your "Infernal Affairs", if Liu Jianhuang is completely fine, it will still not be broadcast, so you'd better modify the ending. "

"You are not satisfied"

"It's because the superiors are not satisfied."

"Actually, I'm not satisfied with the ending either. Let's see how this ends."

Han Changsheng dipped some tea and wrote quickly on the table.

Wen Zhengyang looked at it, gave Han Changsheng a thumbs up, and praised: "People outside say that you become famous too early and cannot last long. The day when you are dazzled by the praise of the outside world is... the day when your comet falls. Time.

But in my opinion, you, a shining star, can probably shine as long as you want to go out."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Haha! Compliments are compliments! I really hope that I can compliment you more in the future."

"Understand, the more compliments, the more you earn."

Han Changsheng and Wen Zhengyang clinked their teacups, as they finished discussing all the current matters.

As for the future cooperation, it depends on the release of "Star Language Wish" and the box office of "Infernal Affairs". …

Wen Zhengyang watched Han Changsheng go away, turned around, and entered another private room of Lao She Teahouse, where Zhang Yimou was sitting upright.

Zhang Yimou ignored Wen Zhengyang who came in, and made Kung Fu tea by himself, but the tea was the most common jasmine.

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