Seeing this, Wen Zhengyang was not surprised, and sat opposite Zhang Yimou to himself.

Moreover, after Zhang Yimou made tea, Wen Zhengyang took the initiative to grab the teapot and pour tea for Zhang Yimou, and then he poured tea for himself.

After pouring the tea, Wen Zhengyang picked up the teacup and said respectfully, "Please, teacher."

Zhang Yimou took a sip from his teacup, and then said slowly: "I met the little friend of longevity."


"How does it feel"

Wen Zhengyang thought for a while, and recalled: "When I first met him, I thought what you said, teacher, was a bit exaggerated, but after sending him away, I suddenly felt that what the teacher said was a little incomplete.

Then Han Changsheng is not greedy when he sees money, but he thinks about the reasons first, which few people can do."

Zhang Yiyi raised his eyebrows, "You should see a lot of people who are not greedy for money, how can you say that few people can do it?"

Wen Zhengyang shook his head and said, "Those people I've met either don't dare to be greedy for money, or they don't want to be greedy until they have enough money."

"Isn't Changsheng little friend also very rich, and so much that he doesn't even know how much money he has. It's not normal for him not to be greedy for money."

"That's different. I feel very strange about Han Changsheng. It seems that even if he is so poor that he can only eat corned buns, he will still look down at our abalone and lobster. It feels like a person who experiences life." It's like the emperor is looking at the upstarts under his rule."

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou burst out laughing, "This seems to be done by the little friend of Changsheng!"

Wen Zhengyang smiled wryly and said, "Teacher, can you not call Han Changsheng the little friend of Changsheng? I always feel that I am a generation younger than him, and a head shorter than him..."

Zhang Yimou waved his hand cheerfully, "Don't worry about these things..., everyone is doing their own thing..."

It can only be so.

Wen Zhengyang sighed helplessly, and asked: "Teacher, why did you propose to let me lower the distribution fee by two points? I decided that Han Changsheng could accept the habitual point of 17%."

Zhang Yimou dipped his finger in some tea, wrote on the table, followed by a circle, "You said that little friend Changsheng is not greedy for money, so you should know that people like him value friendship.

If you give up the 2% today, what you will get in the future will be a 0.

As for the number in front of the 0, it depends on whether you can suppress the word 'greedy' in your heart."

Wen Zhengyang was stunned, and then watched the 2 and 0 slowly disappear.

One is 2, the other is 10 to infinity, as long as you are not stupid, you will know which one to choose.

Chapter 550 Enough Is Enough

"Master, how did the talk go?"

As soon as Han Changsheng arrived home, Di Lireba and Liu Sisi surrounded him, and even asked for warmth.

"Infernal Affairs" is related to the careers of the two heroines, so they are naturally the most concerned.

"It was a pretty good conversation."

Han Changsheng patted the heads of the two little ones, accepted their undressing with peace of mind, and served them with slippers.

What he is busy with going out today is... the movie that these two lead actresses participated in, so it is right to enjoy this kind of treatment.

Yang Mi walked over, "Master, the approval document for "Infernal Affairs" has just come down, and it has been sent to our company."

"Wen Zhengyang's speed enough."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then told Yang Mi the content of the conversation just now.

Yang Mi was stunned when she heard the 1% global distribution fee from the Ministry of Rites.

With the level of the Ministry of Rites, more than 2% of requests may be unsightly.

But if she wants 17% of the fee, she will definitely agree, because it means that Honey World is linked with the official.

Han Changsheng thought about his reaction just now, and said with a light smile: "Quan should believe the reason given by the Ministry of Rites, but I think the bigger reason may be what Zhang Guoshi said for us."

"Zhang Guoshi"

Yang Mi thought that Han Changsheng went to Laoshe Teahouse, so she nodded slowly.

If this meeting place was suggested by Zhang Guoshi, then it might really be the case.

"Don't talk about the box office share."

Fat Di ran over and interrupted the conversation between Han Changsheng and Yang Mi, and then Liu Sisi echoed: "The most important thing now is how the master fits the role of Chen Yongren."

The two little girls pointed to Chen Yongren's stick figure, "Chen Yongren has a beard, but the master doesn't. Did the master directly put on beard makeup after turning on the phone?"

Han Changsheng stroked his beardless chin, and said angrily, "What do you mean I don't have a beard? I just shaved it off."

Fat Di crisply said: "You can't grow a beard in a day. Chen Yongren's beard looks at will take a week to grow it."

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "Don't you know that staying up late can grow a beard? If I stay up all night today, this beard will grow back tomorrow morning."

"real or fake"

"Of course it is true. Boys staying up late will cause the secretion of androgen in the body to be disordered, and excessive secretion of androgen will easily grow beards.

If girls stay up late, the adrenal glands will secrete a corticosterone hormone that fights stress, and you will also grow beards, or else give it a try”

"don't want!"

The two little ones shook their heads resolutely, and even dragged the trembling Yang Mi away.

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