Staying up late is the biggest natural enemy of a woman's beauty, if she grows a beard again, it will be too late to cry...


Han Changsheng was reading a book alone in the study, preparing for his son.

Of course, his staying up late and growing a beard is not really staying up late.

With his current physical condition, how can he grow a beard by staying up all night like a man, and the easiest way to grow a beard is... to use long life to grow a beard. This thing is more effective than androgen.

"not bad."

Han Changsheng looked at himself in the glasses with satisfaction.

When he didn't have a beard, his face was younger than his real age. People who said he was seventeen or eighteen years old would believe it.

But there are more things on the mouth and chin... After the beard, even if he said that he was in his thirties or nearly forty years old, people would probably believe him.

Because, his eyes are vicissitudes enough, so vicissitudes that there is a feeling of towering annual rings...

The next day, Fatty went downstairs in a daze to look for something to eat. When he saw Han Changsheng who had just walked out of the kitchen, his eyes immediately fixed on the spot.

Ten seconds later, she came back to her senses, shivered, and ran into the kitchen crazily, the sound almost lifted the roof of the house.

"Oh my god!!! Is this still our master? Where did this come from such a handsome uncle? He's almost blinding my eyes!"

"Wow! Master, how can you be so handsome?"

"The embarrassing stubble, the melancholy eyes, the gentleness of a family man, I have completely fallen!"

"No, I can't look at the master anymore, if I look at it again, I will have a nosebleed!"

"The deadliest thing is... the master's inadvertently gentle eyes, oh, my heart is starting to beat wildly."

When the six sisters Yang Mi heard Fatty's exclamation, they all ran out of the kitchen, and then exclaimed.

The former master, from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, is... a young and handsome little boy.

But as soon as he grew a beard, his resolute and stylish face instantly became three-dimensional, with a touch of masculine roughness.

Coupled with his deep melancholy electric eyes and the unique gentleness of a family man, it is simply not too fascinating.

These various temperaments mixed together to form an arrow of love, which directly smashed their psychological defenses, and all fourteen eyes suddenly turned into hearts.

Han Changsheng glanced at the eyes of the seven sisters and the little fan girl, and bent his mouth, "Don't be confused there, breakfast is ready for you, eat it while it's hot."


The seven sisters obediently responded, and hurriedly sat down at the dining table and started eating.

Fatty ate a steamed dumpling, recovered completely, pulled Han Changsheng and yelled: "Master, why don't you shave this beard?"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "Why did you shave it? I worked so hard to stay up late."

Liu Sisi pursed her lips and said: "But if you appear outside, even on the screen, I'm afraid that there will be more and more miniature girls!"

Tong Liya echoed: "Sisi and Fatty are right. Master, you were handsome enough before, but now you are not only handsome, but also have added all kinds of intoxicating temperament. We really don't want the room full of sisters."

Han Changsheng was speechless: "Can you not think so much? Seven of you are enough, enough!"

Tang Yan smiled sweetly, "Master, your mouth is really sweet."

Yang Mi covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Master, this is a traitor, but what he said... makes me very happy."

Nazha curled his lips, "I guess it's because we dug holes too many times, which made the master habitually sweet."

Zhao Liying frowned slightly and looked at Han Changsheng suspiciously, "Why do I feel something is wrong, the phrase 'enough' seems to mean enough in the northern dialect, expressing a kind of helplessness and impatience, sir Have you had enough with us?"

Swish! The happy smiles of the six Yang Mi sisters disappeared instantly, and they stared at Han Changsheng together with Ying Bao, their sharp eyes were like fourteen laser guns, continuously shooting at Han Changsheng's face.

Yang Mi smiled and said: "Master, please explain, what do you mean by 'enough is enough'?"

Han Changsheng didn't even raise his eyelids, and said slowly: "I mean, seven of you are enough in the family, and I don't want to increase it, otherwise, thinking about the big pits in your words every day will make me tired." that's it."

"Why don't your words sound like good words?"

"Take it as a good word, and eat it quickly. After a while... I have to fly to Hengdian."


The seven sisters gouged out Han Changsheng's eyes in unison, and ate a love breakfast in small bites.

It's good enough, at least... there won't be two tables of mahjong.

Chapter 551 The Proactive Heroine

After breakfast, the seven sisters dressed up, and the family of eight went out to Hengdian Film and Television City.

The family makes a movie together, which has formed a tacit agreement within the Han family.

The popularity of the Seven Sisters is very high, if one goes out, the others will be heated up.

But this is only because of the high popularity. In terms of acting skills alone, even Tong Liya and Zhao Liying, who got the little golden dragon, are still not fully affirmed.

Under such circumstances, they naturally want to learn from the group to improve their acting skills.

The house I stayed in is still 401 and 403 with an inn.

The only difference is that this inn and the other inn next to it have been bought by Yang Mi and have become the assets of Honey World.

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