Ying Bao asked suspiciously, "Sister, what's the matter?"

Yang Mi said mysteriously: "Do you know who cooked the...egg you ate?"

"Didn't you say you cooked it?"

"If I want to cook, I will cook eight 8's. This is specially cooked for you by the master."

Zhao Liying was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile on her face: "The master cooked it, didn't he forget my birthday?"

Yang Mi shook her head and said, "Master's memory is so good, how could he forget it?"

"Then he won't give me a ride"

"He said he did it because you only had half your birthday, so he wanted to make it up to you."

Zhao Liying's eyes were so bright that she clasped her hands together and said expectantly: "Then how will the master live with me?"

Yang Mi spread her hands, "He didn't say anything, but you'd better not ask, lest your surprise be lost and I be reprimanded by the master again."

Zhao Liying nodded firmly, "Don't worry big sister, I will never betray you!"

"It's better, otherwise you will be the second Fatty in our family."

"Don't worry, I will definitely not make such a bad mouth like Fatty."

"Mimi, Yingbao, come out and change clothes, ready to go to the airport."

Han Changsheng's voice came, interrupting the whispering of the two sisters.

The two girls came out in response, and changed their clothes in front of Han Changsheng, as if nothing had happened.

Han Changsheng looked at Ying Bao suspiciously, and found that her aggrieved expression just now had disappeared, "What are you two whispering?"

Ying Bao pouted, "How can a girl whisper to you?"

Yang Mi echoed: "Didn't you say that you never listen to girls' whispers? Why do you ask about this?"

"It's just a matter of concern."

Han Changsheng observed the next two girls, and saw if they were there.

With an expression on his face, he turned and walked away.

Don't care what Mimi says, as long as Ying is sad.

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying watched Han Changsheng go out, looked at each other and smiled.

The two of them have been acting longer than the master, this kind of little performance without trace is not too simple. …

After boarding the first-class cabin of the plane, Fatty squeezed directly beside Han Changsheng, embracing his arm and not letting go, "I declare that the master is mine during this flight."

Liu Sisi dissatisfied: "The master belongs to the seven of us, why should it belong to you?"

Fat Di said confidently: "Because I am the heroine of "Infernal Affairs"!"

Liu Sisi curled her lips, "What a joke, your ex-girlfriend's total appearance time seems to be just over a minute, and my psychiatrist's appearance time is several times that of yours."

"But my ex-girlfriend gave birth to a daughter for the master, and you, a psychiatrist, are at most the master's confidante!"

"A pink friend is better than your ex-girlfriend!"

"Can you two girls be quiet!"

Yang Mi stared at the two little ones, clenched her fists and said, "Sisters didn't have a good rest last night, if you continue to quarrel, believe it or not, the sisters will let you taste the power of ten fists!"

The two little ones only glanced at the fists raised by the five 55 sisters, closed their mouths quietly, and then divided the time of owning their master into two halves using rock-paper-scissors.

Throughout the whole process, Han Changsheng closed his eyes and rested his mind, not participating in the struggle of the Seven Sisters...

Han's Villa.

"Look at my newly planted lettuce, don't die!"

"And my little cucumber, will it bloom but not be pollinated?"

Di Lireba and Liu Sisi just entered the house, and immediately threw off the casual shoes under their feet, without slippers, and ran to the backyard in a hurry.

Yang Mi's face darkened, and she complained: "These two little girls only know how to eat!"

Tong Liya smiled, "It's good to know that eating is good, at least they can go to the backyard to take care of vegetables."

Tang Yan nodded and said: "Second Sister is right, working is better than the two of them lying on the sofa every day, playing games, eating and waiting to die."

Zhao Liying blinked, "By the way, the two of them have been...very positive, serving tea and pouring water."

Gu Li Nazha covered her mouth and snickered, "That's because they were afraid that we would make them get stuck in a row, so they got on the plane and then they showed their true colors, not to mention grabbing the seat next to the master, and sleeping all the way with their arms around the master. "

"We hugged the master to take a picture with him!"

Di Lieba ran back and yelled.

"We acted in the master's movie, so can't we take a photo with the master as proof? Otherwise, is it still the heroine?"

Liu Sisi put on the rabbit slippers, stalked her neck and replied unconvinced.

Han Changsheng's brain ached from the chattering of the seven 7 girls, so he had to wave his hands and said, "If you seven 7 want to quarrel, go inside the house, not at the door, or I'm afraid the door will be knocked down by you."

"We're not arguing, we're complaining."

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