"It's not a complaint, it's a small talk."

The Seventh Sisters muttered a few words, then ran into the cloakroom to change their clothes, laughing and laughing.

Now that I'm back home, I don't need to wear the tight clothes that show my figure. It's so comfortable to change into loose clothes.

The seven sisters changed their clothes and chatted for a while, but they still couldn't bear the confusion of getting up early, so they climbed upstairs to sleep.

It was already 1 o'clock in the middle of the night when they returned to Youjian Inn yesterday, and they woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning, and they couldn't stop sleeping on the plane, they were really sleepy.

Ying Baoben was still sitting on the sofa, wanting to carry it for a while... and then waiting for Han Changsheng's birthday surprise.

But she waited and waited and still didn't get Han Changsheng's surprise, and finally fell down on the sofa accidentally.

"This girl..."

Han Changsheng looked at Ying Bao's mouth still pouting in his sleep, and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

He just came home, so there's no time to prepare a birthday surprise for Ying Bao, it can't be done until they are asleep.

He bent down and picked up Ying Baorou's boneless body, carefully dragged her head, and sent her to the third floor.

After that, Han Changsheng spent more than two hours tinkering outside the house before he stopped.

When Zhao Liying woke up, she found that she was lying on the big soft bed on the third floor, besides...the six 66 sisters, there was no Han Changsheng.

"Hey! The master also said he would give me a surprise. His surprise would not be to let me sleep well for an afternoon, and then let my birthday pass so quietly."

Ying Bao glanced at the quartz clock on the wall, and sighed bitterly.

It's already 5:[-]:[-] in the afternoon, which means that the time they agreed to celebrate their birthday has arrived.

Chapter 556 Fatty said that you only have waves, not romance

Zhao Liying got up and went to the ground, washed up and refreshed herself.

As soon as she reached the second floor, she smelled a delicious aroma of food.

"Master will forget everything else, but the nature of this good man will not change."

Zhao Liying muttered, walked step by step to the first floor, entered the kitchen, and saw that... busy tall figure.

Strolling over, he hugged Han Changsheng's waist directly, and took a deep breath of the peppermint scent on his body.

Although she didn't have a good birthday, it's okay to have the master alone for a while.

Han Changsheng sensed Yingbao's unhappiness, bent his mouth, and patted her back, "I'm hungry."


Ying Bao shook his head, and rubbed against Han Changsheng's back, as lazy as a kitten.

"Then help Mimi wake them up and let them have dinner."

"it is good."

Ying Bao went away without a word of complaint.

After a while, the Seven Sisters went downstairs, but Han Changsheng was nowhere to be seen.

"Yingbao, the fruit and corn you bought are in the cart, come and take them back to the house."

At this moment, Han Changsheng's voice came from outside the main entrance of the villa.

Zhao Liying was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and asked Tong Liya, "Second Sister, didn't you bring back the fruit and corn I bought?"

Among the seven sisters in the family, the second sister is the most careful. Every time everyone comes home from outside, she will always help to check everything. This time it was so difficult that Yang Mi rolled her eyes and gave Tong Liya a wink.

Yaya received the signal, nodded to Yingbao and said: "We were too tired before, we seemed to be only focused on carrying our luggage, and the snacks everyone bought probably forgot in the car, you go and get them."

As the most careful one in the family, she will naturally not forget to count.

But since the master shouted like that, there must be something wrong.

"it is good."

Zhao Liying went out without doubting him, but she didn't see the figures of the six sisters Yang Mi lying quietly on the window.

Fatty whispered: "Eldest sister, is this a surprise from the master to fourth sister?"

Yang Mi shrugged, "I didn't know, the master is very mysterious this day, he doesn't say anything."

Liu Sisi said enviously: "I didn't expect the master to play romance with the fourth sister. I really envy the fourth sister!"

Tong Liya squinted at Liu Sisi, "If you envy your fourth sister, you will not go out during the day when you celebrate your next birthday, so that you can also have a surprise romance."

When Liu Sisi heard this, she shook her head again and again, "Forget it then, the unknown surprises given by a straight man like the master may not be very good, why not go out for a day as I want."

Gu Li Nazha sighed: "Sisi, you can be content, you can still have a birthday, I don't have any next year's birthday."

Tang Yan was surprised, "How can you not have a birthday next year?"

Nazha pursed his lips and said unhappy: "My birthday is March [-]th in the lunar calendar, but next year there will only be March [-]th and April [-]st, there will be no such day as March [-]th."

"...It's okay, it's okay, let the master find a way next year, he will definitely make up for your birthday."

"Master has the most ghost ideas, and he will make you have a good day."

The five sisters quickly comforted Nazha.

Everyone wants to celebrate their birthday, not for any competition, but to enjoy the good time alone with the master.

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