That day they are the biggest, as long as it is not too much.

The master will depend on them.

That kind of... happiness is far beyond the comparison of eight people together.

But obviously, little Nazha will not be able to enjoy the happiness of having a master alone next year.

You know, she has only been in Korea for less than a year.

That... the sense of loss that the six sisters have but she doesn't have can't be described in words.

Inside the house, the five sisters comforted Nazha.

Outside the house, just as Zhao Liying walked to the garage, she saw snacks all over the floor.

In addition to... her fruit corn, there are also Pang Di's beef jerky, silky carrot sticks, and several kinds of dried fruits sent by Liu Tao's sister.

Han Changsheng stopped Yingbao from carrying snacks, and pointed to the trunk of the Ford 350, "You go and get the rest, these...I'll take them home."


Ying Bao obediently walked over.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Just as she walked to the trunk, three rays of light came directly from the left, right and top, shining straight into the trunk.

"This is.……"

Ying Bao was stunned when he saw the contents in the trunk.

Ten seconds later, he shivered and came back to his senses, raised his hand to cover his surprised mouth, and looked at the rose that was so dark that it was shining brightly with tears of joy in his eyes.

The rose itself is extremely dark, but under the blazing white light, every petal is glowing with a touch of hot red, and there is a faint sense of visual impact that is both passionate and mysterious.

What's more important is that this rose is covered with a layer of transparent ice crystals, and when the light shines, countless bright rays of light bounce off it, making this rose seem real and unreal.

Han Changsheng hugged Ying Bao's small waist, put his chin on the top of her head, and said softly: "Do you like it?"


Ying Bao grinned and carefully picked up the slightly cool black rose, and found that even without the light, it was still so colorful.

Ying Bao turned around and kissed Han Changsheng, and said with a happy smile, "Master, did you conjure up this black rose specially for me?"

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "Well, your birthday was delayed by a day, and this is the first surprise I gave you."

"Is there a second surprise?"

Ying Bao was stunned for a moment, then widened his eyes in ecstasy.

Master, is it so romantic today? Will there be surprises one after another? "Of course, get in the car!"

Han Changsheng kissed Ying Bao's forehead and pushed her to the driver's seat.

Get on the car and get on the car, he can't drive, only Ying Bao came.

Zhao Liying patted her hungry belly, "But we haven't had dinner yet."

Han Changsheng shook his head and laughed, "Don't you want to be happy without belly, let's go out and eat what you like."

"Okay! Wait for me to change clothes! One minute!"

Han Changsheng grabbed Ying Bao who was about to go home, and pointed to the clothes on the chair behind, "There's no need to go back, I've prepared everything for you."

Ying Bao happily climbed to the back seat to change clothes, only to find that she and the master were wearing couple outfits.

One life is embroidered on her clothes, and one life is embroidered on the master's clothes, and together they are... one life and one life.

Zhao Liying quickly climbed back to the driver's seat, hugged Han Changsheng and kissed her deeply, and said with a sweet smile, "Master, you are so thoughtful! Kiss you again! Oh!"

Han Changsheng pinched Ying Bao's little nose, "Hurry up and drive, just hang around for a while... Your birthday is coming soon."


Ying Bao returned a bright smile, stepped on the accelerator, and the Ford 35 slowly drove out of the garage.

When the car got on the main road, Ying Bao suddenly asked: "Master, is this couple's shirt unique to the two of us?"

Han Changsheng shook his head, "That's not true, your elder sister and the others also have the same one as you."

"Then isn't this the Seventh World of One Life?"

"It's okay, I made eight more sets. I printed Shengsheng on it, and you printed Shishi, which are worn when going out together."

Ying Bao raised her eyebrows and said in surprise, "Master, when did you become so romantic?"

"I've always been very romantic, okay?"

"That didn't show it."

"You can't see that the word 'romantic' is engraved on my face?"

Ying Bao glanced quickly, and said with a smile: "Pang Di said that you only have waves, not romance."

Han Changsheng's face darkened, "I'll take care of her when I get home!"

After Little Fatty became the heroine, he immediately drifted away.

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