If you make her shy again, she is afraid that she will float to the sky and stand side by side with the sun.

Chapter 557

Ying Bao drove forward with a blank look in his eyes, "Master, where should we go to eat?"

Han Changsheng smiled lightly and said, "I told you where you like to go the most, so we can go there."

Ying Bao thought about her favorite food, but suddenly looked at Yang Guofu Mala Tang next to her.

Thinking of the deliciousness of Malatang, Ying Bao immediately said greedily: "Master, let's eat Malatang."

Han Changsheng was taken aback, "Why don't you choose a romantic candlelight dinner?"

Don’t all girls pursue romance? He remembers that the candlelight dinner on the Qixi Festival last time was strongly requested by Ying Bao and the others. Why did it suddenly become a snack this time? I think it's the most romantic thing for us to eat Malatang together."

Candlelight dinner sounds romantic, but it is actually not for outsiders.

But in the situation of her and the master, it is natural to choose the favorite food, "Then listen to you, you can park nearby!"


Zhao Liying parked the car, and got out of the car hand in hand with Han Changsheng, jumping and jumping, walking very briskly.

Although the time to celebrate the birthday alone with the master was moved to the evening, this way of birthday, which is completely different from the six sisters, seems to be more unique.

At least her birthday is very special, it can be a story for her to show off to her sisters.

"Hi, both of you, may I ask..."

Yang Guofu's female shop assistant at Mala Tang had just greeted her, only then did she realize that the two standing in front of her were Han Changsheng and Zhao Liying.

She was pleasantly surprised, suppressed her excitement, and said with a smile on her face: "Hello, both of you, would you like to order by yourself, or should I choose for you?"

Although it is exciting to see celebrities, the rice bowl at work is obviously more important than star chasing.

Zhao Liying pointed to the ingredients section, "I'll do it myself, thank you."

"You are welcome, that..... May I ask you two to sign for me after eating?"

Zhao Liying nodded and said with a smile: "I can sign it, but it's only me."

"Thank you, sister Yingbao."

"You're welcome."

Zhao Liying took Han Changsheng to the ingredients area, and said in a low voice, "Master, which one do you want to eat?"

Han Changsheng glanced at it, "I haven't eaten it, so help me choose."

He really has never eaten this Malatang, no matter in the past or present, it's not because he dislikes it, but because he can't get used to it.

"Then I will choose."

Zhao Liying looked back and forth, and finally chose a lot of options.

Vegetarian, shredded konjac, baby vegetables, sliced ​​lotus root, yuba, enoki mushroom.

Meat, quail eggs, stuffed fish balls, tenderloin, bacon, fish tofu.

After Yingbao had finished selecting, he said again: "One serving with spicy and spicy."

Han Changsheng followed closely: "The other one is neither spicy nor spicy."

Hearing this, E Yingbao was stunned.

Doesn't add spicy, doesn't add spicy, is this still called Malatang?

"what ever."

Ying Bao covered her mouth and snickered, took Han Changsheng's hand and sat down in the innermost seat.

She doesn't care what flavor the master likes to eat, the most important thing is that the two of them eat together! But within ten minutes, the two people's mala tang was served on the table.

"Don't eat yet."

Zhao Liying stopped Han Changsheng for a while, took out her phone and snapped nine consecutive photos.

She also nestled in Han Changsheng's arms and took a few photos of the two of them together.

Han Changsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Why do you have the problem of taking a few photos before eating?"

Ying Bao smiled and grinned, "Of course I don't need to take pictures when I eat at home, but this time I finally went out to eat Mala Tang with you, so naturally I have to take pictures as a souvenir. Besides, I can show off to my eldest sister and the others."

Han Changsheng saw that Ying Bao was going to post a group photo of the two of them in the group of their seven sisters, so he had to remind him: "If I were you, I would eat honestly now, instead of showing off the Malatang we eat."

Ying Bao paused his fingers and looked puzzled, "Why not?"

Han Changsheng said: "If you send the photo to your seven 7 group, you will definitely be questioned by your elder sister, and then your second sister will analyze the location of the two of us, and then maybe they will kill us."

Ying Bao was taken aback, "It's possible that the eldest sister and the second sister can figure it out, but they won't come here in such a disastrous way."

"Your eldest sister and second sister don't know how to do it, but what about Zha, Sisi, and Fatty, the three little girls who like to mess around?"


Ying Bao thought about the madness of the three little ones, and immediately let go of her fingers.

The three little ones are favored because of their young age. At home, they are either lazy to play games, or...crazy and slapstick.

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