If the master hadn't disciplined them from time to time, the villa would have been demolished by them.

Han Changsheng casually reached out for Ying Bao's cell phone, "If you really want to show off, I'll post it for you, and I won't let your elder sister and the others analyze other things."

Ying Bao quickly dodged it with a tight hand, and looked at Han Changsheng suspiciously, "You help me show off as a master, don't you want to read the information in my phone?"

Han Changsheng rubbed his nose, and said calmly: "You think too much, I'm just here to help you."



"It's strange to believe you!"

Zhao Liying wrinkled her little nose, not believing Han Changsheng's nonsense at all.

She couldn't be more clear about her master's character.

Normally, when the seven sisters are jokingly sending messages and chatting, they will show the master a look when they encounter funny jokes.

The master basically glances at it and then ends, not to mention laughing along, sometimes just oh, without even a facial expression.

Now I take the initiative to ask her to post pictures for her. If there is no ghost in it, she wouldn't believe it even if she was killed.

Han Changsheng glanced at Yingbao's put away phone, the regret in his pupils flashed away.

He was really not very curious about the chat content of Yingbao and the others before, because their group was called "Seven Fairies of Eternal Youth"

Such a princess-like group, he really didn't want to watch it.

But he glanced at it just now, and suddenly found that their group had become "Master of Seven Star Beidou Town"

Such a strange name.

In this case, of course he wants to see how these girls arrange him.

Han Changsheng picked up some shredded konjac and was about to eat it when a pair of chopsticks suddenly stretched out and snatched away his quail eggs.

Turning his head and squinting at Ying Bao who was blatantly stealing the food, he said speechlessly, "Don't you have quail eggs in your own bowl?"

"But I'm done eating!"

Ying Bao swallowed the quail eggs in two or three gulps, fixed her big eyes on the bacon in Han Changsheng's bowl, then stretched out her chopsticks to steal it very naturally.

Han Changsheng raised his hand to block Ying Bao's chopsticks, and said angrily, "If you want to eat these... meaty ones, can you have another one?"

"not good!"

Ying Bao pouted and said, "I found that your Malatang tastes better than mine."

"Then let's change"

"No change! It's delicious to eat you like this."

Ying Bao shook his head again and again, took the opportunity to snatch Han Changsheng's bacon, and ate it happily.

Although she knew that the contents of the two bowls of malatang were exactly the same, but for some reason, she felt the fragrance in the old man's bowl.


Han Changsheng stared blankly at Ying Bao picking up the bacon, stuffed fish balls, and tenderloin in his bowl one chopstick after another, almost making his Mala Tang vegan.

Fortunately, Yingbao didn't like to eat fish tofu, so he returned two yuan instead, which didn't make him become a vegetarian monk.

Chapter 558 Brother, Do You Have No Cotton Candy To Eat?

Two people, one speechless, one happy, took half an hour to finish the Malatang meal.

Ying Bao signed an autograph for the female shop assistant, then squeezed out of the small shop under the protection of Han Changsheng, and ran to the parking place in a hurry.

The two got into the car, Ying Bao started the car and drove into the main road.

Han Changsheng glanced at the navigation map, and suddenly found that Yingbao was driving in the direction of Han's villa, and said, "Don't rush home."

"Where are you going?"

"Don't you have a house in the capital? Go to your place, let's live there at night."


Ying Bao happily responded, turned around and walked back at the previous intersection, his expression seemed very happy.

The two went to live with her when they had a home, which gave her a strange sense of accomplishment that she had kidnapped the master.

Yingbao's home is in a community on the East Third Ring Road, and Han's villa is outside the West Sixth Ring Road, which is quite far away.

An hour and a half later, when the car entered the East Second Ring Road, Ying Bao suddenly said whimsically, "Master, why don't we get off the car and walk to my house now?"

Han Changsheng raised his hand and touched Ying Bao's forehead, "You're not sick, why don't you leave the car here at night, let's go to your house, then let's go back and drive home tomorrow morning?"

"It's not impossible"

"Don't you think it's troublesome? If you want to take a walk, park the car downstairs at your house. Is it different when we come out?"

"That's right, let's park in the parking lot of my community first."

Zhao Liying nodded suddenly, Han Changsheng sighed while holding his forehead in a daze.

It seems that after eating too much, Yingbao, like Fatty, has insufficient blood supply to the brain and starts to feel confused.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped at the community where Zhao Liying's home is located.

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