Han Changsheng and Zhao Liying didn't go upstairs either, they walked out of the community holding hands, strolling around in a stroll.

The two walked for about ten minutes, when Ying Bao suddenly pointed excitedly at the cotton candy stand not far ahead, "Master, I want to eat cotton candy."

"Then buy it for you."

Han Changsheng took three quick steps, then turned around suddenly, stretched out his hand and said, "Take the money."

Ying Bao held back a smile and took out his wallet, "Master, you have become more and more confident in your soft food and hard food, and you always ask for money with a commanding tone."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "My pocket is cleaner than my face, no matter...

If you want money, whoever wants it"

"Yes, yes, yes, it's only natural for you to ask me for money, and it's only natural for me to give you money."

Ying Bao smiled and gave Han Changsheng ten yuan, and waved his hand grandly, "Marshmallows cost five yuan each, and I'll treat you to one."

"Forget it, I don't eat this kind of food that children only eat."

Han Changsheng gave Ying Bao a disdainful look, and turned to buy cotton candy.

I don't know whether it's because I despise Yingbao for being too petty, or because I despise her for being too stingy.

Ying Bao didn't care about his master's contempt, took the pink color, and bent his fingers at Han Changsheng, "Five dollars here."

Han Changsheng's face darkened, and he threw the banknotes in his hand, "You want to be a miser for five yuan!"

Ying Bao put five yuan into the money and said with a smile: "Don't talk about five yuan, even if it is one yuan, I have to get it back.

The eldest sister said that you are too charming, and you will add a younger sister to us if you spend a dollar to buy a piece of candy."

The corners of Han Changsheng's eyes twitched, and he said angrily, "You think highly of me, don't you?"

Saying that he is very attractive, he can still be happy.

But it's a bit too much to say that he is like a butterfly picking flowers! "No, no, no, this is our judgment based on the double charm of your beard."

Ying Bao took a mouthful of the sweet cotton candy, and said crisply: "When you became a sad uncle, all seven of us had the urge to eat you.

If I let you go out with that... appearance, I guess it's not you who lied to my little sister with a lollipop, but the little sister who lied to you with a marshmallow."

Han Changsheng's face darkened, "I..."

"Brother, don't you have any marshmallows?"

Han Changsheng's words were interrupted by a five or six year old girl.

The cute baby raised the half-eaten cotton candy to Han Changsheng, and said in a milky voice, "Brother, if you want to eat cotton candy, you can eat Xixi's, and Xixi will let mother buy it."


Han Changsheng gave this... cute baby's mother an awkward yet polite smile, patted Xixi's little head, and said softly: "Thank you, Xixi, but my brother doesn't like cotton candy , eat it yourself."

"Brother, you really don't want to eat this cotton candy is so sweet."

"Brother really doesn't want to eat."

Han Changsheng reluctantly laughed again, and then pulled Ying Bao away quickly.

Although this Xixi looks very cute, but giving him cotton candy makes him unbearable, and he has an embarrassing illusion of being pitied by a child.


Ying Bao walked more than [-] meters, and finally couldn't help but burst out laughing.

She laughed for more than a minute, and then poked her painful face, and said to Han Changsheng, who was as black as the bottom of a pot, "Master, you still don't believe me when I say you are so charming, how can you even be so small now: a My little sister wants to give you marshmallows, your charm is simply... you can kill women from ages to forty years old!"

"It seems that you have said a lot of bad things behind my back!"

Han Changsheng squinted his eyes at Ying Bao, and suddenly understood why their group name became "Master of Beidou Qixing Town"


Obviously, after seeing their bearded appearance, they were worried about going out alone, so they came up with such a group name.

"We've been praising you all the time, it's just that you don't believe it."

Ying Bao shrugged nonchalantly, ate a mouthful of cotton candy, then suddenly handed it to Han Changsheng, smiled sweetly and said, "Brother Changsheng, do you really not eat cotton candy?"

The corners of Han Chang's eyes twitched in anger, and he raised his hand to slap Ying Bao behind him... a slap.

Crack! There was a crisp sound, Han Changsheng grabbed Ying Bao who was about to run, and squinted his eyes to stare at her, "If you dare to tease me again, believe it or not, I will enforce the family law on you right now."

Facing Ying Bao who is floating up, the last solution is... to educate her back to the right way.

As for the six errants at home, we will deal with them when we go back! Ying Bao timidly said: "Brother Changsheng, Ying Bao knows that he is wrong, and he will never talk nonsense again."

"Better so!"


Ying Bao obediently took Han Changsheng's hand, walked forward slowly, and then quickly finished the cotton candy in his hand.

She patted her stomach and suddenly said, "Little brother Changsheng, I'm hungry again."

Han Changsheng helped his forehead helplessly, "Didn't you eat so much Malatang, why are you hungry again?"

Ying Bao said pitifully: "Ma La Tang is not enough to be hungry, besides, we have been walking around for a long time, and we have digested all the food."

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