Han Changsheng pointed to the left and right: the small restaurant on the street, "Then what else do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat some street food."

“Stop eating birthday cake”

"I want to eat it, but let's buy some ingredients and go home and make it myself. I want to eat the birthday cake you made by yourself."


"Little brother Changsheng is... caring! Huh!"

Ying Bao kissed Han Changsheng, took his hand and ran quickly to the Chuan Chuan Xiang shop next to him.

Chapter 559

Han's Villa.

Time went back to when Han Changsheng and Zhao Liying had just left the house.

Seeing the Ford 50 go away, the six sisters could not help but look at each other.

Di Li Reba scratched her head in a daze, "Master just left with Fourth Sister, are they going to have a two-person world at night?"

Yang Mi regained her composure and said with a smile: "Ying Bao's daytime birthday is gone, the master really should give Ying Bao a night of compensation."

Liu Sisi blinked, "The master and fourth sister won't come back at night."

Tong Liya guessed: "Ninety-nine percent probability."

Di Lieba and Liu Sisi looked at each other, and suddenly cheered and ran to the kitchen, "Great, the master is not at home, we can eat ice cream!"

Tong Liya frowned, and scolded: "I haven't eaten dinner yet, why are you eating ice cream?"

Fat Dihun waved his hand indifferently, "Eat this ice cream first and then dinner, it's the same."

Liu Sisi took a spoonful and ate it happily, "This ice cream won't take up your stomach, and it won't delay our dinner."

Yang Mi glared at the two little ones angrily, "You'd better eat less ice cream, if you eat too much, the master will beat you up."

Fat Di giggled and said: "It's okay, it's okay, the master and the fourth sister have gone to live together, and they won't be back until tomorrow morning."

Liu Sisi waved to Gu Li Nazha, "Fifth Sister, this is your favorite raisin flavor, do you want to eat it?"

Gu Li Nazha stared at the delicious ice cream for three seconds, but finally couldn't resist the taste of the delicious food, and directly joined the ranks of bear children.

“Woo hoo ice cream is one of the most beautiful foods in the world!”

"Do you think we should add some ice cream while the master is away?"

"What to do if the master finds out"

"Don't worry, master usually won't turn over the refrigerator at this end."

"Then just order takeaway! But how much to order..."

"Of course it's full. I think there can be twenty boxes in it."

"Then order twenty boxes, it will be enough for a long time."

"...these three people are hopeless!"

Yang Mi, Tong Liya, and Tang Yan looked at each other, and they all shook their heads and walked towards the restaurant.

While the four 44 sisters picked up their rice bowls, they also glanced at the ice cream in the hands of the three 3 sisters.

By the way, they haven't eaten ice cream for a long time, should they let the master indulge while the master is not at home? After thinking and thinking, the three sisters finally lost to the deliciousness of ice cream.

However, the three 3s wanted to save their sister's face, and they didn't eat in front of the three 3 sisters.

When the three little ones fell asleep in the middle of the night, the three 3 sisters climbed down together and sneaked into the kitchen.

One person dug out: a box of ice cream, sat on the sofa, curled up his legs and ate happily.

The three of them ate while watching the dozen or so episodes of "Life after World", where Han Changsheng appeared.

Yang Mi stared at Han Changsheng's god on TV.

Mi said: "Although I want to eat the uncle-type master more, but the god emperor of the master obviously fascinates me more."

Tong Liya glanced over, "The reason why you are fascinated by the god emperor played by the master is because you have a rivalry with the master, and with the addition of emotions, the power of the god emperor played by the master will be magnified ten times and a hundred times, which can overwhelm the uncle." Gentleman of type."

Tang Yan nodded in agreement, "What the second sister said is what I want to say, anyway... I prefer the uncle-type master. His charm at that time was irresistible, so I can only kneel down and sing conquest."

Yang Mi took a bite of the ice cream, and retorted: "The master played opposite me in "New White", didn't I just grit my teeth with the same hatred, what do you say?"

Tong Liya shook her head, "Can it be the same? Your Bai Suzhen and Fa Hai are deadly enemies, hating him is a must!"

Tang Yan happily ate the ice cream, "Second Sister is right, in "Life after World", you, the queen, fell in love with the God Emperor, and the God Emperor died for you, so your longing for the master will be uncontrollable emerged."

Yang Mi curled her lips, "Whatever you say, anyway... I like the master from the time of God Emperor better."

Tong Liya and Tang Yan looked at each other, smiled without saying a word.

The reason why the eldest sister insists on her own opinion is probably because the uncle-type master appeared in "Infernal Affairs".

And the master's opponents are Fatty and Si Si, the eldest sister misses the old master only when she is lost.

In the God Emperor who is obsessed with Han Changsheng, the three 3 sisters quickly ate up the ice cream in their hands.

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