They glanced at Han Changsheng on the screen, then rubbed their stomachs, and their eyes collided.

Yang Mi suggested: "I haven't seen enough of the master, or I will continue to watch all night."



"Then another box of ice cream"

Tong Liya giggled and said, "Of course, anyway... it's rare that the master is not at home."

Tang Yan smiled, "The three of us have to set an example for the four little ones every day, so let's take the opportunity to indulge tonight!"

The three 3rd sisters reached an agreement, and another person brought a box of ice cream, ate happily, and watched TV dramas happily.

And when they were having fun, three girls, Gu Li Na Zha, Liu Si Si, and Di Li Reba suddenly appeared in the living room without anyone noticing.

Fat Di hugged his shoulders, stared at the three 3rd sisters with squinted eyes, and said with a smirk: "Okay! You three taught me and the fifth and sixth sisters at dinner, how do you steal it now?" I got the ice cream!"

Yang Mi shook her hands, then regained her composure, took a mouthful of ice cream as if nothing had happened, and said indifferently: "What do you mean by stealing ice cream? Let's eat it openly, okay?"

Fatty smacked his lips and snorted, "If you were upright, would you come down to eat ice cream while the three of us fell asleep in the middle of the night?"

Liu Sisi pointed to the three 3 ice cream boxes on the table, "Three 3 sisters are amazing, the three of us can only eat one box each, but you can eat two boxes each."

Gu Li wrinkled her nose and said, "Who made the three of us the youngest? Sisters are the ones who follow behind the master to make the rules. Naturally, they want to eat as much as they can eat as many boxes as you want."

The three 3 girls pretended to be wronged by you, and the tone of the needle hidden in the cotton was full of power, and the angry Yang Mi, Tong Liya and Tang Yan all had anger in their eyes.

The three of them, 3 sisters, couldn't eat ice cream once in two or three months, why don't they indulge once tonight and eat two boxes for each of them? Why is it in the mouth of the three little ones, as if they did something to kill and set fire This is so unreasonable! Yang Mi went to the coffee table for a meal: the ice cream box in her hand, and said angrily: "You three, don't be cynical, don't you just want to eat ice cream? Go to the refrigerator and get it yourself. You can eat as much as you want. !"

Fatty asked suspiciously: "Are you sure you haven't eaten all the food in the refrigerator?"

Tong Liya glanced over, "Didn't you get twenty boxes of ice cream for the three afternoons? We only ate these six boxes, and you can eat the rest as much as you's up to you, eat up all of us." Never mind!"

"Wow! Big sister is great!"

"Second sister and third sister are awesome too!"

"Hurry up and choose ice cream! I want to eat all at once!"

The three little ones each held a box of ice cream and sat on the sofa, eating ice cream with the three 3 sisters.

In this way, the six 66 girls turned the night when Han Changsheng was not around into an all-night party for them.

Chapter 560 How Can We Stay Up All Night?

Han's Villa.

seven in the morning.

Di Lieba wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, rubbed her red eyes, and said sadly: "Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu The master died for me again."

Tong Liya squinted at Fatty, and said angrily, "Smelly Fatty! Can you die if you don't show your love?"

Tang Yan's face sank like water, and he said angrily: "Do you know why the master died for you again? Because Xiu Enai dies quickly, the more you show off, the more times the master dies!"

Yang Mi echoed, "Second sister, third sister is right, it would be nice to just watch TV honestly, I'll hear you whispering all night long."

Liu Sisi held her forehead speechlessly, "Sister, you are not much better than Fatty, when the clip of you and the master showing affection was shown in the first half of the night, didn't you say that the master was too kind to you from time to time?"

Gu Li Nazha nodded again and again, "Your skills in showing affection are much better than Fatty's, and you silently shed tears for the master, your acting skills are simply exploding on the spot!"

Click! The six sisters were making a noise, when the door of the villa suddenly opened.

Hey, master and Ying Bao are back! Master is back! The six sisters turned around and saw Han Changsheng and Zhao Liying who entered the door. They were delighted.

But then there was a drastic change in complexion.

As they are now, the master can see at a glance that they have not slept all night.

More importantly, there are a lot of empty ice cream boxes and snack bags on the coffee table.

The master's name is Changsheng, and what he likes the most will preserve his health.

Usually they are not allowed to stay up late, nor are they allowed to eat too many snacks.

If the master finds out everything in front of them, these things will become a tragedy for them to put on the coffee table! The six sisters swallowed nervously, jumped three feet high, and then hurriedly shouted in a low voice.

"Quick, quick! Pack up these things!"

"Master has already entered the house, how to clean it up?"

"Throw it all under the coffee table, as long as the master can't see it!"

"Pang Di, you still eat, quickly throw away the snacks in your hand!"

"Hush, hush, hush, master is coming in!"

Outside the living room, Han Changsheng became suspicious when he heard the panic of the six sisters.

These six 66 girls are just... stealing a snack behind his back, do you need to be so flustered? Gogo looked at the screen of "Life after Life" on TV.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng suddenly felt something was wrong.

It's just 7:[-], under normal circumstances, there are only Mimi, Yaya and Tangtang.

As for Nazha, Sisi and Pangdi, if they don't sleep until after nine o'clock, they won't take the initiative.

In addition, the usual sitting posture of the three little ones is to lie down and play games instead of watching TV while sitting upright.

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