In addition, the coffee table is full of zero slag, and there are a few drops of purple liquid.

From the angle where he is standing, he can see the snack packaging bags and ice cream boxes exposed under the coffee table.

What's more important is that he has been in the house for so long, none of the six 66 girls greeted him, they all treated him as a transparent person.

If there is no problem here, he would not believe it if he was killed.

Han Changsheng glanced at the obvious bloodshot eyes of the six 66 girls, and said with a smile that was not a smile: "It seems that you slept well last night, otherwise you wouldn't have woken up so early."

The six 66 girls nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes, we went to bed early yesterday, and fell asleep after eating the dinner you made, master."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "You guys are also in good spirits, wake up early in the morning to watch "Life and Life"."

Yang Miqiang smiled and said: "We miss your god emperor and ghost emperor, master."

Fatty nodded hurriedly, "Yes! I don't see the master for one night, and I miss him very much immediately."

Han Changsheng said meaningfully: "When you see me coming back, why are you not excited at all but rather nervous?"

The six 66 maids shook their bodies and chattered hurriedly.

"Oh, I just realized that the master is back!"

"One day is like three autumns. Master, I miss you to death!"

"Master, how was your life with Ying Bao yesterday?"

"Looking at Yingbao's radiant face, she must be having a great time!"

Han Changsheng put away his smiling face, and said in a deep voice, "Don't pretend to be like me! Look at you, you haven't slept all night!"

Tong Liya's heart trembled, and she hurriedly said: "Master, you are joking, we value our appearance the most, how could we stay up late."

Tang Yan touched his face, "Yes, staying up late hurts the skin, we have always adhered to the good habit of going to bed early and getting up early to stay healthy."

"Is it"

Han Changsheng snorted, and said casually: "If you haven't stayed up all night, why don't you go out with me for a day, let's take a roller coaster, ride a Ferris wheel, and experience the thrills of a haunted house by the way, it will definitely make you more sober."


Dili Reba, Liu Sisi, and Gu Li Nazha looked at each other, lowered their heads and did not dare to cough.

According to their memories of being often punished by the master with family law, they should be honest and shut up at this time, otherwise the more they talk, the harder they will be beaten.

Seeing this, Yang Mi, Tong Liya and Tang Yan also remembered Han Changsheng's temper, so they hurriedly kept silent.

Han Changsheng glanced at the six 66 girls who had calmed down, got up and looked for a wooden stick.

Swipe under the coffee table and sweep out a lot of snack bags and ice cream boxes.

Han Changsheng didn't react when he saw those strange snack bags.

But when he saw more than twenty ice cream boxes, his expression sank.

It's okay to eat so many snacks in a short period of time, the most is...not much staple food, and the impact on the body is not that great.

But the six 66 girls ate more than [-] boxes of ice cream in one night, which is a bit too much.

It's bad for girls to eat cold food, let alone eat so much in one breath.

Han Changsheng waved the wooden stick in his hand, and said in a cold voice: "The six of you are really good enough, staying up late to eat snacks and watching TV shows is not counted, the ice cream you eat in one night is worth two or three months' worth of you , are you going to revolt!"


The six 66 girls secretly glanced at Han Changsheng, shrunk their necks and dared not speak.

The master has already brandished the wooden stick, whoever dares to speak at this time will end up with... a meal: stick education.

Han Changsheng scanned around, saw that no one dared to speak up, so he stared directly at Little Pang Di, who had the most cute face.

Who in the family likes to eat ice cream the most, there is no one but her! "Pang Di! Have a good time eating ice cream tonight."

"...Master, don't mind my business!"

"What do you eat every day?"

"Eat... eat, but only eat... one box, two boxes, and four boxes."

Fatty's fingers changed back and forth, and when the frame reached four 44s, his complexion suddenly changed, and he clutched his stomach in pain and said, "Master, help me! My stomach hurts!"

Han Changsheng stepped on the ground, and walked directly to Fatty's side to get her pulse. He spoke quickly and nervously, "It's past the seventh day, why do you have a stomachache?"

Han Lao Qi is amazing! Yang Mi and Tong Liya looked at each other, and Qi Qi gave a thumbs up in his heart.

After Fatty became the heroine, her acting skills have improved in a straight line! Her pained expression can be shown as if it is real. After a while... I have to praise her.

Chapter 561

Han Changsheng let go of... Fatty's wrist, raised his hand and just... his brain collapsed, "You are not allowed to eat so much ice cream, you prefer to eat it, this time it's better, you have acute gastroenteritis!"

Fatty covered his stomach and held his mouth, crying, "My lord, I was wrong, please help me cure it, it hurts so much!"

"It should make you suffer all day and night, and let you have a long memory!"

Han Changsheng glared at Fatty with hatred, but couldn't help but press on Fatty's abdomen with his right hand, helping her rub it up and down.

The opportunity to teach this girl a lesson can be given after she recovers from her illness.

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