"It is said that at thirty one stands upright, at forty there is no confusion, at fifty one knows the destiny.

But now that I am over forty, I really feel more... that life is really bitter. It seems that I have entered the age of knowing my destiny ten years in advance, and I feel more and more... I can understand the helplessness and resentment of Chen Yongren and Liu Jianhuang towards life. "

"This is a gangster movie in my heart. The ideal and the reality are cruel, so cruel that a policeman and a gangster can't change after they choose their life path. jump."

The total box office of "Infernal Affairs" has continued to rise amidst the ever-present [-]% split on Douban and Maoyan.

January 1th was Sunday, and it went up and down and won 5 million box office.

But after the 6th was the time, it dropped sharply to more than [-] million.

And then the number 7 is the same.

The No. 8 family has no box office.

Yang Mi, Tong Liya, Zhao Liying, Gu Li Nazha, Liu Sisi, Di Li Reba, flew to three places with two announcements.

Han Changsheng and Tang Yan flew to Jinshi, Zhejiang Province to record the third episode of "Love".

Three days later, early morning on the 12th.

Han Changsheng and Tang Yan took the high-speed train from Jinshi to Shanghai.

The two bought the earliest high-speed train tickets after 6 o'clock, which caused Tang Yan, who slept late, to be still sleepy.

Fortunately, Yang Mi booked a business seat so that Tang Yan could have a good sleep.

Han Changsheng took off his coat and put it on Tang Yan's body, and adjusted her seat to lie flat, and said softly, "Sleep when you're sleepy, and I'll wake you up when you get there."

Tang Yan shook his head, adjusted the seat again, and struggled: "I can't sleep."

Han Changsheng saw that Tang Yan's eyes were a little nervous, and he said in relief, "Don't be nervous, it's not me? Besides, I was meeting your parents. I wasn't nervous, why are you nervous?"

Tang Yan frowned, and said distressedly: "That's right... I was nervous when I saw my parents, have you forgotten what I told you last time? My father almost took the kitchen knife at home and went to the capital to chase you down. "

Han Changsheng smiled, and waved his hands fearlessly, "Don't worry, even if your father can subdue the dragon with eighteen palms, he can't beat me."

Tang Yan was so angry that he covered his heart, and said in a muffled voice: "I'm talking about whether to fight or not? I'm talking about the meeting! Why are you not nervous at all?"

"Ah, ah, didn't you say that your father lost a bet to your mother, and then agreed to pick me up with eight sedan chairs and a red carpet."

"Why do you really think so?"

Han Changsheng said noncommittally: "It's not bad, but the premise is that your father really doesn't want to see me."

If he marries Tangtang, then he has to treat Tangtang's parents as his new parents, the prerequisite is that the two elders don't block the door with a kitchen knife.

Tang Yan muttered: "You abducted my father's most precious daughter, it's no wonder he can see you!"

"Then what's your mother's attitude?"

"My mother used to be your fan girl, so she is very happy to be a son-in-law, but in order not to make my father angry, she has not said it clearly."

Han Changsheng spread his hands, "That's enough, your mother will be the internal response, and I will get your father out soon."

"How do you do it"

"If your father likes to drink, I will knock him down.

If your dad loves to eat, I'll cook some food to make him speechless.

If your dad likes to smoke, I'll get him some super strong cigarettes to make sure he'll be sleepy after smoking.

If your father..."

"do not talk."

Tang Yan directly covered Han Changsheng's mouth, angrily and amusedly said: "Three methods of yours seem to bring down my dad directly, you are too cruel! Is there such a son-in-law as you?"

Han Changsheng shrugged, holding Tangtang's tender hands, "Isn't it normal to put down my father-in-law? When I went to Ying Bao's house, I not only put down Ying Bao's father, but also put her grandfather and her younger brother down together." fall down."

Tang Yan gouged out Han Changsheng's eyes, and was instantly amused, "Cooperating with you, you are not only trying to bring down my father, but also want to bring down my mother and me together."

"Then I can't, I have to keep you to warm my bed."


! "

Tang Yan bit Han Changsheng's big hand lightly, but his nervousness was much less.

Her family knows her own affairs, her father is really stubborn, but the master's ability to hate people is even more top-notch.

She was really afraid that when the two of them were bullying, her father would be pushed over by the master.

But judging by Master's attitude now, he shouldn't be too ruthless.

As soon as Tang Yan relaxed, a feeling of sleepiness rushed to his head.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng put down Tang Yan's seat again, "Sleep when you're sleepy, I'll take care of everything."

"Well, master, you sleep too... let's go!"

Before he finished speaking, Tang Yan fell asleep.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng smiled, picked up the book he was carrying, and read it page by page, not intending to sleep.

When two people go on a trip, he must be vigilant to avoid unnecessary trouble...

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