At half past nine, the high-speed train arrives on time.

Han Changsheng and Tang Yan walked out of the station holding hands, and Han Changsheng saw Tang's father and Tang's mother sharply.

Tangtang showed him the photos of her parents, he naturally recognized them.

Tang's father is a little thin, with a middle-aged height, and there is not much smile on his face, he looks a little serious.

Tang's mother is slightly fat, the corners of her mouth are raised, her eyes are narrowed with a smile, she seems very happy.

Han Changsheng murmured in Tangtang's ear, and she cheered and ran straight to her parents, uh...the soft whispering voice was so sweet that it got tiresome.

"Mom! Dad! I miss you so much!"

"Just come back, just come back."

Tang's mother hugged Tang Yan and kissed, and looked at Han Changsheng who was pushing the box with kind eyes, "You are Changsheng, you are really the same as what you see on TV, tall, handsome, and warm, it is mine. Good son-in-law."

Seeing that Mother Tang treated him really well, Han Changsheng smiled politely, "Hello, Auntie, my name is Han Changsheng."

Mother Tang waved her hand and said with a smile: "You and my Tangtang are husband and wife, how can you call me Auntie! Call me Mom."


"Hey! Be good!"

Tang's mother squinted at Tang's father who was silent, and patted him, "Our son-in-law loves our daughter so much, you still don't say anything when you see it, you are dead!"

Father Tang curled his lips, "Isn't it normal for a man to take care of his wife? Is there anything to brag about?"

Tang's mother frowned, "It's as if you usually take care of me more. I cook the meals, clean up the housework, and wash the clothes. You know how to drink tea and watch TV every day, as if you can become a tea fairy." .”


Tang Yan tugged at his mother's sleeve to stop her from speaking, and gave her a wink, indicating that the people around were still looking at their family of four.

Tang's mother kept silent, Han Changsheng said "Hello, Uncle" to Tang's father

, and then Father Tang complied reluctantly with a black face.

One is called mother, the other is called uncle, making his father seem like an outsider, it is really unreasonable!

Chapter 567

After leaving the airport, the four of Han Changsheng boarded a Phaeton that can be used as a Passat.

Tang's father was the driver, Tang Yan pulled Han Changsheng to the back, and Tang's mother followed suit.

Tang's father snorted silently when he saw this, and drove honestly.

The wife is holding on to the daughter and won't let go. As a father, he can't say that he's lonely and asks for company. That's too embarrassing.

After the car started, Tang's mother turned on Han Changsheng's greeting mode.

"Longsheng, my Tangtang has been spoiled and spoiled since she was a child. It can be said that her ten fingers do not touch the spring water. It must have caused you trouble!"

Han Changsheng shook his head, "I'm not troubled, but... Tangtang helped me a lot."

Tang Yan pouted unwillingly, "Mom, what do you mean being spoiled and spoiled! During the years I went to school in the capital, didn't I take care of my own life? Besides, I don't do nothing at home. I will help him during the three meals a day."

Mother Tang smiled, "It's okay to help, but don't do it, or you'll have to throw away the food you cooked, which is too wasteful."

Tang Yanjiao said angrily: "Don't look down on people so much, how many dishes can I cook, although it's not as good as longevity, but at's okay to eat it."


"Of course, if you don't believe me, ask Changsheng."

Han Changsheng held Tang Yan's tender hand, nodded to Tang's mother, and said, "Tangtang really knows how to cook four or five dishes, and the best one is Modu Braised Pork. She said she learned it from you, but she said it was better than cooking. It’s not as delicious as yours.”

When Tang's mother heard this, she immediately smiled, "I didn't expect my precious girl to cook braised pork. It's not bad. I'll make it for you when I get home."

"Okay! I've been thinking about your braised pork, mom, for a long time!"

Tang Yan smiled sweetly, glanced at Han Changsheng, and subconsciously said: "Mom, you make braised pork, let Changsheng make sweet and sour pork ribs! His cooking is delicious."

Tang's mother waved her hand, "No, no, Changsheng must be very tired to catch the high-speed train early in the morning. Mom will cook the lunch at noon. Just go back home and rest."

Seeing the lively conversation behind, Tang's father couldn't help coughing to remind him that he was the fourth person in the car.

He looked at Han Changsheng in the rearview mirror, and said slowly, "Changsheng, can you drive?"

Han Changsheng shook his head, "No."

Seeing that Father Tang's neck was lifted up, his voice was condescending, "Man, how can you not even know how to drive? What does it mean to let a girl drive every day? Learn from me these few days, and then go to take a driving test." certificate."

Tang Yan muttered: "My parents wanted to learn to drive before they were born, but he has driving syndrome, and when he gets in the car, he can't distinguish between east, west, south, north."

Tang's father stared, "Why haven't I heard of driving syndrome? Besides, don't all cars have navigation? Do you need to distinguish between east, west, north, and south?"

"Is the navigation unstable sometimes? Dad, are you afraid that your daughter will have an accident?"

"Crow's mouth! When did Dad think so?"

Tang Yan pouted and said: "You know that Changsheng can't drive and let him learn to drive. Isn't this just trying to cultivate a road killer?"

Father Tang opened his mouth but found that he couldn't say anything, so he simply closed it.

He concentrated on driving again, and stared resentfully at his precious daughter and wife.

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