"Then who knows, maybe the three of them ate the food together!"


"Sima Ankang, I advise you to stop rambling here. The competition has already begun. One side has 300 servings of ramen, and I have already completed 9 servings. Yours has not finished one. You'd better hurry up." Let's ramen."

After Tanaka Yelang's seemingly kind reminder, he suddenly sneered and said: "Our bet is written in black and white, whoever completes 300 ramen first will be the winner, and the loser needs to hand over the noodle shop to the other party and move out of this place." A gourmet street, you must not step into it for fifty years."

"I know, you don't need to remind me!"

Sima Ankang gritted his teeth and stared at Tanaka Yelang, wishing he could eat it.

If he hadn't been tricked at the time, how could he have signed such a bullshit contract! Tanaka Yelang looked back at the three ramen noodles he had brought out, and smiled triumphantly at Sima Ankang: "Sima Ankang, I won't bully you either. , now you are the only one who can pull noodles, so let's have a one-on-one, so I can convince you to lose!"

Sima Ankang glared at Yelang Tanaka, and wanted to stretch the noodles without saying a word.

Losing is not losing, even if he knows he will lose in the end, he still has to give it a try.

At this moment, Tang Yan suddenly tightened his arms around Han Changsheng, "Master, don't you know how to stretch noodles? Can you help them?"

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Why should we meddle in other people's affairs?"

Watching the excitement is watching the excitement, what's the situation when you put yourself in Tang Yan sighed: "This spicy pork shredded noodle restaurant is a century-old 100-year-old brand. My parents like it the most. If it moves away, where should I go?" Buy it for my parents"

"I didn't expect that the three of you in your family still eat... old diners."

"Do you want to help"

Tang Yan slapped his hands, "Five rewards!"

Han Changsheng pressed Tang Yan's hand, "Let me tell you, I helped you not because of these five rewards, but because uncles and aunts like the noodles here."

Tang Yan curled his mouth and said with a half-smile: "Then you don't need five rewards."

"Dare! If you dare to speak, you will be punished: you can't escape the family law!"

"Go! If you lose, you will lose it once."

Tang Yan pushed Han Changsheng, and stared at his back in a daze.

The master will definitely win, but she paid five times for mom and dad's delicious food, which is a bit of a loss.

After returning home, should I blackmail something from the second elder to make up for her loss?

Chapter 570 I Believe You!

Han Changsheng walked to Sima Ankang's side, and said in a low voice, "If I were you, I would change the dough again, and stop stretching the tampered dough."

Sima Ankang was taken aback, then turned to look at Han Changsheng, "What do you mean by that?"

"All five of your noodle masters have been drugged. Do you think that... the Japanese won't play tricks on this dough?"

Han Changsheng pointed to the dough on the chopping board, pulled it lightly with his hand, and pulled out a small strip. He praised: "This low-gluten flour is not bad. It is the first choice for making cakes. It must taste very good."

Sima Ankang frowned, and said with anger: "My friend, everyone is from the Ming Empire, even if I lose, you don't need to be sarcastic, right?"

"I'm not being sarcastic, I'm here to help you."

"Help me, you..."

"Dad! This is Han Changsheng!"

Behind Sima Ankang, a handsome girl tugged at him and interrupted him.

When the girl whispered to Sima Ankang, her eyes were fixed on Han Changsheng.

Judging by his appearance, he is obviously a fan of Han Changsheng.

After hearing what his daughter said, Sima Ankang looked at Han Changsheng suspiciously, "Mr. Han, your cooking skills may be very good, but this is stretched noodles, and the ones on the opposite side... the Japanese devils are more than ten bowls ahead, and we are far behind , with a high probability of losing."

Han Changsheng smiled lightly and said, "If you grind again, you will really lose. You'd better find someone to fetch a few bags of new high-gluten flour, and then make the dough right away. If you hurry up, you might be able to catch up with the opponent, and then win the game .”

"What Mr. Han said is that if you haven't worked hard, you can't say you've lost."

Sima Ankang bowed his hands to Han Changsheng, turned around and gave some instructions to the staff, asking them to find a nearby bakery to borrow high-gluten flour.

Since the flour in the store has been tampered with, it is not safe, so we simply use other people's flour.

Han Changsheng waited for Sima Ankang to finish his orders, and said to him: "Boss Sima, I'm not helping you for free. If I win against the devil on the other side, I will ask for a special card. I will eat your noodles for free for the rest of my life."

He clasped his hands and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Han, no matter...

Whether you win or lose, I will give you a lifetime free card."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Are you not afraid that I will bring people to your noodle restaurant every day to eat noodles?"

Sima Ankang said with a smile: "If Mr. Han can eat in my noodle shop for a year or so and not get tired of it, I will admire you."

If the opponent wins, he must give it away.

Even if he loses, he wants the opponent to accept it.

Because he can take the opportunity to advertise, even if he changes places, he can make a comeback.

In business, this brain is really flexible.

Han Changsheng smiled knowingly, turned his head to look at Yelang Tanaka, who was standing here opposite, "The one opposite... the wild dog."

Tanaka Yelang narrowed his eyes and stared at Han Changsheng, and said coldly: "My name is Tanaka Yelang, if this gentleman's brain is not working properly, I can often remind you."

Han Changsheng curled his lips, "I don't care if you are a wolf or a dog, if there is only one person from our side, you will only be the one who stretches the noodles."

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