“It’s ramen!”

Tanaka Yelang corrected Han Changsheng's words, and stared at him with sharp eyes, "If you send one person, we must also be alone, but my three will show their skills, so they will take turns to play."

Despicable! Shameless! Tang Yan cursed in his heart and understood the other party's cunning.

If the three 3 ramen players on the opposite side play in turn, they will all have time to rest.

On the contrary, the master can only keep stretching the noodles.

Thinking of this, Tang Yan hurried to Han Changsheng's side, "Master, otherwise we don't care, anyway..."

Han Changsheng raised his hand to stop what Tang Yan was about to say, and said in a domineering tone, "Stand behind me honestly, for a while... go to Boss Sima to get a lifetime free card, and treat my uncle and aunt for noodles."

Tang Yan stared at Han Changsheng suspiciously, "You worked so hard for five rewards"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "It's just for five rewards, I just can't understand the other party's arrogance, and I also want to give my uncle and aunt a gift."

"It's strange to believe you!"

Tang Yan wrinkled his nose, but still stood obediently behind Han Changsheng.

If you can't be persuaded, then just listen to the master, anyway...he is also the master of the family and the outside world.

Han Changsheng saw the high-gluten flour delivered, and smiled faintly at Yelang Tanaka, "Little Wolf, one-on-one or one-on-one is fine, but you can only have one person on the field, if you go back on your word... Turtle bastard!"


Tanaka Yelang didn't answer, and stared at Han Changsheng with a cold snort.

He has already led by more than [-] ramen on this side, but the other party has not yet met again, so he does not believe that the other party can turn defeat into victory.

The onlookers looked at Han Changsheng who suddenly appeared, were taken aback for a moment, and then started whispering.

"This is the... big star Han Changsheng"

"Yes, it's... him."

"He can stretch noodles"

"Don't you know he can cook?"

"But this is stretched noodles, isn't it possible to stretch them after ten or eight years of practice?"

"Just look at it and you'll find out."

Han Changsheng didn't care what Tanaka Yelang thought, nor what the onlookers thought.

Pour [-] catties of flour into a large basin, and pour [-] catties of water, salt water and alkaline water in batches.

Keep squeezing and kneading to make a big dough.

Take the big dough with both hands, put it on the chopping board and beat it hard.

The chopping board was pounding, and Sima Ankang and the others were frightened, fearing that the solid wooden chopping board would be smashed.

This solid wood chopping board has a history of several decades. Although it is still strong, it cannot hold up to Han Changsheng's frightening strength.

The seventy-pound dough is like plasticine in his hands, let him pound, knead, stretch, and throw it.

Han Changsheng's beating step must be necessary, the purpose is to adjust the arrangement order of the proteins in the dough through repeated beatings, so that the disordered protein molecules are arranged into a long chain, which is called smooth gluten in the industry.

After the dough is beaten, it is pulled into long strips, each of which is two fingers wide and chopsticks long.

Let the long strips of dough wake up for ten minutes, ready to knead the noodles.

Sprinkle oil on the long strips of dough, and pinch both ends of the dough with both hands.

Stretch both arms at a uniform speed to both sides, stretching and throwing at the same time, the speed is neither slow nor fast, and the strength is neither loose nor tight.

In the blink of an eye, the long strip of dough was stretched to two meters long and one finger thick.

The noodles hit the chopping board covered with white flour, sticking some flour to prevent sticking.

Fold the two ends in half, double the ends with the left hand, hook the shape head with the right hand, and continue to stretch.

Repeat this nine times, the whole dough is stretched into 256 strands: the total time of stretching the noodles is less than 9 seconds.

Han Changsheng pinched off the end where the thin noodles were kneaded together, and threw the rest into the boiling pot beside him.

"Mr. Han is very skilled!"

Sima Ankang gave Han Changsheng two thumbs up, full of admiration.

As far as this one in front of you is... the skill of flowing clouds and flowing water is like art, his family has been a noodle maker for decades, but it can't compare.


Han Changsheng returned a faint smile, and looked up at the opposite side.

The devil's ramen master's movement is almost the same as his, only a second slower than him.

Chapter 571 This Mr. Turtle Bastard

Seeing that Han Changsheng's speed was only a second faster, Tanaka Yelang couldn't help but sneered, "I admit that your ramen skills are really good, but you are 20 minutes behind us, let's see how you beat us!"

Minutes are... 120 seconds, and 120 servings of noodles have been prepared by our side.

Even if one's own side is one second slower than the opponent's in pulling a good share, after 18 seconds, the opponent will lose for sure! "Then just take a look."

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