Han Changsheng moved his wrist, took a long breath, and fixed his eyes on the dough on the chopping board.

Swish! Han Changsheng stretched out his hands, each holding the two ends of the dough.

With the force of both arms, the two doughs are stretched out at the same time, and then glued together with anti-sticking flour.

"Two servings of noodles stretched together"

Sima Ankang and the others were stunned for a moment, then hesitated.

They were not worried that Han Changsheng could not stretch his face well, but that they were worried that he would be tired.

Stretching noodles is a physical task, and it takes a lot of energy to stretch a single portion.

If two parts are stretched together, the power consumed is not...one plus one equals two, at least three times the effort.

More importantly, Sima Ankang is the only one who can replace him.

He didn't know if Mr. Han could rest during the period of time he played.

Shua! Sima Ankang and the others were stunned, and the two stretched noodles threw two parabolas and fell into two boiling water pots.

Han Changsheng said lightly: "Boss Sima, cook the noodles first, and I will do the rest."

"Good Mr. Han."

The two portions of noodles were quickly cooked, and the first portion of noodles was rolled out and randomly distributed to the surrounding crowd.

"Hey! This noodle is delicious, and the thick soup is still delicious. The key point is that this noodle is more chewy, and it feels like it's springy."

“So delicious”

"Of course!"

"Let me have a taste"

"Just wait, this is my lucky noodle, if you want to eat it, go to the opposite side!"

"Come on, I'm afraid they'll poison my face. It doesn't matter if I have diarrhea from the poison. If I'm poisoned to death, there's nothing to reason with."

Amidst the clamor of the melon-eating crowd, Han Changsheng quickly stretched out the noodles in his hand.

The time required for each two copies is nine seconds, and began to quickly catch up with the opponent.

Seeing this, Tanaka Yero frowned.

He wanted to turn around and say something, but he forcibly held back and stared at Han Changsheng, his eyes as sharp as a knife.

It is true that the other party's ramen once beats his side's twice, and after... fifty times, he can catch up.

But he doesn't believe that the other party can always be like this.

You must know that pulling noodles continuously is very tiring. In the 20 minutes, your subordinates have changed twice.

He didn't think the...unknown guy on the other side could last long.

Han Changsheng persisted for a much longer time than Tanaka Yelang thought.

One minute later, 1 stretched noodles appeared under Han Changsheng's hand.

But the devil on the opposite side only produced 55 copies, 60 copies less than the expected 5 copies.

Stretching noodles is indeed a physical effort.

But obviously, it was the ghost ramen chef on the opposite side, not Han Changsheng, who wasted too much energy.

Seeing this, Tanaka Yelang was immediately angry, he shouted back, and the three ghost ramen masters stood in a row and pulled the noodles together.

"Speaking doesn't count, the tortoise bastard "I've talked about one-on-one, and what the hell are three people fighting in three? You really can't believe what this bastard devil said!"

"Devils are notorious for being despicable and shameless. I have expected it."

"Three of them are on the field, so here should also be three on the field!"

Sima Ankang walked out and said in a low voice, "Mr. Han, let me come too. We might win together."

On the side of 135 copies, your side has completed 165 copies, and there are still [-] copies left.

The devil on the opposite side completed 15 copies, and there are still 125 copies left.

According to the comparison of numbers, it is impossible for one's side to win.

But the three devil ramen chefs on the opposite side have been tired for 3 minutes, and their physical strength is not as good as before.

And this...Mr. Han is one of two, he has never fought before, so it can be said that he is full of energy to fight.

If he gritted his teeth and worked hard, he might win.

"No need, I can do it by myself, and you are ready to cook noodles quickly."

Han Changsheng waved his hand, rejecting Sima Ankang's offer to fight.

He exchanged a glance with the proud Tanaka Noro, and said with a light smile, "This...Mr. Turtle bastard, do you think that you will win if you break your promise and get fat?"

Tanaka Yelang was furious, but he never mentioned the matter of breaking his promise.

He sneered at Han Changsheng: "Our three ramen chefs, one of you is equivalent to two at most.

The number of servings of ramen is far more than ours, so what is it if you are not bound to lose?"

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