"Is it"

Han Changsheng smiled lightly, and when he stretched out his hand, he directly pinched four 44 dough pieces.

Then, under the astonished eyes of Sima Ankang and others, he stretched easily.

Stretch four servings at a time! Sima Ankang looked at Han Changsheng with monster-like eyes, his hands shaking when picking noodles.

The old noodle-stretching master stretched the noodles for ten minutes at a stretch, and he had to take a breather, and he still made one dough at a time.

But Han Changsheng made two doughs at a time, and he still didn't feel tired after ten minutes of stretching.

Now it is even more infiltrating, directly four 44 dough.

Looking at his still flowing movements, and his calm expression like a person who has nothing to do, he is obviously very relaxed.

Not good! The other party can still ramen more times! Seeing Han Changsheng's ferocity, Tanaka Yelang's pupils widened in fright.

He turned around and ordered the three ramen chefs under him to speed up, and then stared at Han Changsheng closely.

When he found out that Han Changsheng stretched the noodles from nine seconds to ten seconds, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the multiplier of the opponent's ramen is increased, the speed of the opponent is also slowed down, which is the same as the speed of one's own.

After careful calculation, after seven minutes, his side can still win a few seconds.

Sima Ankang frowned, hesitated to say: "Mr. Han..."

Han Changsheng said indifferently: "Boss Sima, you let someone cook the noodles..., leave the rest to me."

"it is good!"

The two of them stretched noodles and boiled noodles, which directly became an assembly line.

But I saw a group of stretched noodles flying into four 44 boiling water pots in a parabola, and then they were quickly fished out.

Seeing this, the onlookers began to shout numbers in a low voice, and then the voice gradually became louder, and finally turned into a loud shout "1..."


"Okay! I've caught up with the ghost!"

"Han Changsheng, come on!"

Shocking shouts sounded in his ears, Han Changsheng still unhurriedly stretched his face, and looked leisurely at Yelang Tanaka, that bastard bastard on the opposite side.

Crack! Crack! The stretched noodles in my hand bounced up and down, splashing a piece of flour.

He grabbed it with his hand, shook it with his hand, and fell into the four hot pots.

"! Overtake the devil!"

"Yeah! We've got it!"


Tanaka Yelang roared, turned his head and yelled a few words, and then the three ramen chefs began to speed up.

Han Changsheng glanced at it lightly, but still unhurriedly stretched out the four portions of noodles in his hand.

Swish! The two servings of noodles from the devil's end go into the pot first.

Swish! A second later, Han Changsheng only threw in one portion of the noodles in Han Changsheng's hand, and the remaining three portions were placed on the chopping board.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing this, Tanaka Yelang pointed at Han Changsheng and laughed, "You are one second slower than me, you lose!"

"Is it"

Han Changsheng smiled noncommittally, and looked at the ball of noodles that fell into the boiling water pot.

Chapter 572 You still have to act like vomiting blood for three liters

This side in Han Changsheng's eyes was the only thing that went wrong, and Sima Ankang also discovered something was wrong.

Although Mr. Han’s noodle stretching time has been added by one second, the number of times to stretch the noodles is 11 buckles, which is 9 buckles more than 2 buckles.

Don't underestimate these 2 buckles.

In the field of stretched noodles, 9 buttons are noodles, and 11 buttons are capillary noodles.

The thickness of the capillary noodles is a quarter of that of the fine noodles. When boiling in boiling water, basically boil for ten seconds1 before you have to pick it up, otherwise it will be boiled.

Seeing Sima Ankang's sharp eyes, Han Changsheng winked at him, smiled lightly and said, "This noodle is too thin to be cooked well, I think just a few tens of seconds earlier will win the opponent."

"Mr. Han, don't worry, I promise to make this noodles chewy and smooth!"

Sima Ankang slapped his heart, and cooked the noodles himself.

Five seconds later, Sima Ankang was the first to take out the stretched noodles.

He poured the noodles into the big bowl prepared on the table, grinned and looked at the proud Tanaka Yero, "Tanaka Yelang, you bastard bastard lost!"

Tanaka Yelang was taken aback, and pointed at Sima Ankang and yelled, "You cheated! I can't possibly lose!"

Sima Ankang raised his eyebrows and smiled, "How did I cheat?"

Tanaka Yelang pointed to the big bowl of ramen and shouted loudly: "This ramen needs to be boiled in water for at least 60 seconds before it is cooked. Why do you cook it in 10 seconds? Your ramen is half-baked!"

Sima Ankang picked up a noodle in the big bowl, showed it to Tanaka Yelang, and said with a smile: "The noodle that Mr. Han stretched out for the last time is 11 buckle thin noodles, which is a quarter of your 9 buckle thin noodles. For thickness and thickness, the best time to cook in water is 1 seconds, otherwise it will be boiled, but I don’t know if you, a turtle bastard, know the 11-button capillary noodles.”

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