Tanaka Yelang looked at the noodles as thin as hair, pointed at Han Changsheng with a trembling right hand and said, "You...you..."

Han Changsheng casually picked up a piece of uncooked capillary noodles on the chopping board, and said with a faint smile, "This... you bastard, if you think that the noodles have become thinner after being soaked in water, I still have three servings of capillary noodles on the chopping board. Would you like to take a look and learn?"

"you you.……"

"Don't you, your bet seems to be signed in black and white, you have lost, you have to hand over your noodle restaurant to Boss Sima, and you have to move out of this food street, and you are not allowed to set foot in it for fifty years .

But I don’t think I’ll see you in fifty years, because you’ll either be turned into an urn, or you won’t know where you died.”

"You... poof!"

Tanaka Yelang stared, looking up to the sky and spurting out a mouthful of blood.

Against the backdrop of the sun, the blood actually exuded wisps of red light, which looked extremely sad and beautiful.

"Tsk tsk tsk... After chatting for a while, you still have to...act like vomiting blood for three liters, I really admire it."

Han Changsheng cupped his hands to Tanaka Yelang, Tang Yan couldn't help but roll his eyes at what he said.

My master is good at everything, but... this deceitful method made the seven sisters feel terrified.

It seems that many of those who were opponents with the master were vomited blood by him.

Han Changsheng felt Tang Yan's gaze, turned around and gave her a slap, then ignored her coquettishness, boiled the three balls of capillary noodles on the table and packed them.

He even packed the capillary noodles on the table that he didn't send out.

Han Changsheng gave Tang Yan four servings of spicy pork noodles, and smiled at Sima Ankang: "Boss Sima, I will use this lifetime free promise right now, I don't think you will feel sorry for these four bowls of noodles: money."

Sima Ankang handed over a brand new golden card that had just been made, clasped his fists to Han Changsheng, and said solemnly: "Thank you Mr. Han for your help, this lifetime free card is for you, no matter...

Anyone who takes this card to eat in the store is free."

"Then I'll accept it, goodbye."

Han Changsheng bowed his hand in return, took the spicy pork shredded noodles from Tang's hand, and walked away with him.

This kind of stretched noodles is not bad, at least...the technology of this stretched noodles has made a breakthrough, and it can stretch out 11 buckle capillary noodles.

In addition, I also got a lifetime free card for spicy meat, which is regarded as a diner who enjoys special treatment.

Seeing Han Changsheng and Tang Yan disappear, the melon-eaters came back to their senses.

"Haha! This devil broke his promise and gained weight, so he still lost!"

"It scared me to death, I almost thought we lost just now."

"There are many twists and turns in stretching the noodles. I didn't expect a big reversal in the end, which made this turtle bastard vomit three liters of blood!"

"That is to say, Han Changsheng is good enough, if he is replaced by another person, he will lose if he fails to do so."

"I didn't expect that this big star stretched noodles so well that he could catch up with the top stretched noodles masters."

"It's not that I can catch up, but it's better than the top stretching masters. You must know that he has been stretching for nearly [-] minutes, and he has doubled and doubled."

Yelang Tanaka heard the words of the people eating melons around him, and stared at the back of the person who was going away.

"Han Changsheng, I remember you, you wait for me... Poof!"

Tanaka Noro was so angry that he spat out another mouthful of blood, and then passed out.

At the heart that others cannot see, a cyan light flashed away.

Han Changsheng noticed the strange movement behind him, bent the corners of his mouth, and then began to be questioned repeatedly by the excited Tang Yan...

Tang Yan's house.

Four servings of spicy pork noodles were placed on the table in the dining room, obviously without chopsticks.

Tang Yan was telling Tang's father and Tang's mother what happened just now, his voice was full of emotion, and he was dancing.

"The situation was extremely critical at that time. Fortunately, my parents came forward..."

Tang's father and Tang's mother listened carefully to the baby daughter's talk about the battle of noodles, and looked at the golden card in their hands from time to time.

After Tang Yan finished his narration in four chapters, twelve chapters, 1212, Tang's mother stared at Han Changsheng and exclaimed: "Changsheng, your skill in stretching noodles is so good!"

Tang Yan proudly raised her beautiful swan neck, "My parents are naturally good at stretching noodles, and the three devil ramen masters on the opposite side are no match for my parents."

Tang's father glanced at the restaurant, and said angrily, "Dad knows that your parents are talented, but you've finished telling this story, should I let dad have a taste of my son-in-law's skills?"

"Eat, eat, I'm hungry too."

Tang Yan jumped three feet high, dragged Han Changsheng's joyfully into the restaurant.

"Suck and suck..."

"Changsheng's craftsmanship is really worth mentioning. Not to mention the chewiness of the noodles, they are still very chewy."

"I didn't expect the noodles to be so thin. I haven't eaten them for many years."

“This noodle soup is also good, slightly spicy and fragrant!”

Han Changsheng raised his head, smiled wryly and said, "Mom, this soup is made by the boss, so it has nothing to do with me."

Father Tang waved his hand, "That's wrong, without your noodles, this soup is just soup no matter how good it is."

Mother Tang echoed: "That's right, if you don't make a move, the spicy pork shredded noodle restaurant will be gone, isn't it still related to you?"

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