Han Changsheng rubbed his nose, stopped talking about noodles, and handed the golden card to Mother Tang, "Mom, you keep this card, it's a favor for Tangtang and me."

Mother Tang shook her head and said, "This is the card you won, what's the matter with giving it to me?"

Han Changsheng said: "Tangtang and I don't come to the Magic City often, you take it and eat it with Dad if you want, anyway...it doesn't cost money."

What Tang's mother wanted to say, Tang's father took it and muttered: "This is the wish from our good son-in-law, you just keep it, what are you talking about."

"You old thing, you are greedy for being so cheap."

"What is being greedy for cheap? This is what our good son-in-law deserves after helping others a lot. Can't our old couple follow suit?"

Tang's father resented Tang's mother confidently, and then waved to Han Changsheng, "Changsheng, let's go, accompany Dad to play a game of chess, this game will definitely win you."

Han Changsheng stood up with a faint smile, and then started to kill the general.


"Jump the horse."

"Hit your pawn."

"Kick your cannon."

Tang's father was taken aback, "Well, why did you eat my cannon and take a step slowly."

Tang Yan looked at his dad who was still cheating while playing chess, and he held his forehead speechlessly, "Mom, why is my dad like this?"

Mother Tang curled her lips and said, "Don't worry about your father, just let Changsheng deal with him a few times."

After saying that, Mother Tang looked at Han Changsheng more kindly.

The son-in-law is capable and filial, the daughter enjoys the blessings, and the old couple also enjoys the wealth.

Chapter 573

At night, Han Changsheng hugged Tang Yan, lying on her fragrant soft couch, staring at the pink wall lamp without focus.

A little devil came to the Ming Empire from the Japanese country to start a ramen business, and dared to challenge the century-old 100-year-old brand of the Ming Empire.

What kind of arrogance is this.

If they are not allowed to see the delicacies of the Ming Empire, they may be sitting on the sidelines all the time.

Seeing this, Tang Yan said in a low voice, "Master, what are you thinking?"

Han Changsheng said: "Tangtang, how about I make a documentary about food?"

"How to shoot food documentaries"

"Just like the making process of today's ramen, but from..."

"Okay, okay, I can use it as a cooking video to learn."

Before Han Changsheng could finish speaking, Tang Yan had already clapped his hands and was extremely excited.

Influenced by Fatty, she has gradually developed into a foodie. What she likes most is... cooking and eating.

If the master makes a gourmet documentary with his own hands, then she will definitely be able to make a lot of gourmet food.

Han Changsheng saw that Tang Yan started to mutter, so he stopped talking.

What he wants to do is "Da Ming on the Bite of the Tongue", and the content of the filming is not only the process of making meals.

It also includes the initial food collection, deep food processing, and then the delicacies in the hands of ordinary people.

Take today's stretched noodles as an example, from planting to harvesting of wheat, to grinding into flour, and finally to making stretched noodles.

All of these add up to say gourmet production.

He is actually... the daily life of ordinary people in the Ming Empire.

It is the reflection on traditional food passed down from generation to generation by the people of the Ming Empire for thousands of years.

It is also the food culture of the people of the Ming Empire for thousands of years.

It is Han Changsheng's character to act as soon as he thinks about it.

He started the group chat mode for a family of eight early the next morning, and got the unanimous consent of Yang Mi and others.

Then, sit down with Tang Yan: the plane flies back to the capital at 12 o'clock in the afternoon.

After falling to the ground, the two did not return home directly.

Sitting in the lounge of the airport, waiting for the other six 66 girls who are about to go home.

Seeing that Tang Yan was not in a good mood, Han Changsheng held her in his arms, "Why do I feel homesick after coming back?"

Tang Yan nodded, holding Han Changsheng's waist tightly with both hands, but his voice was weak, "When I was outside, I was homesick, but when I came home, I thought my parents were nagging, and now I miss my parents again after leaving, am I right?" sick"

Han Changsheng said with a smile: "This is not a disease, this is the normal way of thinking of older female youths."

Tang Yan subconsciously said "Oh"

He let out a cry, then slowly raised his head, staring at Han Changsheng firmly, his voice suddenly gained strength, "Older young girl, am I very old?"

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Then, Miss Tang Yan, how old are you this year?"


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