This kind of food documentary is to promote the food culture of the Ming Empire, and the Ministry of Rites should agree.

Fatty looked at the emerald green lettuce greedily, "Don't talk about things for now, okay, the master said that I am very hungry, so I want to eat this lettuce."

"I'm hungry too, let's have a meal! You can eat a lot of lettuce."

Chapter 574 Dispute over "Bite of the Tongue"

After some contact, Han Changsheng and Wen Zhengyang made an appointment at Lao She Teahouse again.

But not only Wen Zhengyang, but also Zhang Yimou was present.

Seeing Han Changsheng, Zhang Yimou complained before he could open his mouth: "Little friend Changsheng, if you want to make this kind of documentary to promote the culture of the Ming Empire, why didn't you come to me?"

Han Changsheng smiled wryly, "Because this is a documentary, not a movie."

Zhang Yimou waved his hand, "At my current age, no matter what movies or TV shows, I want to participate in anything that can promote the culture of my Ming Empire.

Let's make an agreement, you will be the chief planner and chief producer, and I will help you."

"How is this possible, as Zhang Guoshi..."

"Whatever your status is, the ideas are all provided by you. I am very happy to be able to participate in it. Let's make a deal like this!"

Not waiting: After Han Changsheng finished speaking, Zhang Yimou directly raised his hand to interrupt, his tone was very decisive.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng no longer declined.

The main thing now is to discuss how to shoot "A Bite of Ming Dynasty", other things are not important.

Seeing this, Wen Zhengyang asked, "Director Han, how do you plan to shoot this food documentary?"

Han Changsheng talked about the shooting techniques and pictures, and said: "What do you two think?"

Zhang Yimou closed his eyes and imagined, then opened his eyes wide and exclaimed: "The combination of food and art is the real cultural documentary!"

He just decided to participate in the production of this documentary before, but now he thinks that he must personally participate in the filming, and he must carry the camera to shoot in person, otherwise I'm sorry... this is the inheritance of food culture.

Wen Zhengyang also nodded vigorously, "Don't worry, Director Han, the approval process must be super fast, and it will definitely be broadcast on CCTV after the production is completed! And this premiere will definitely be a set!"

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "It's fine if you both agree, but Mr. Wen, this kind of documentary itself won't make money, and I don't want to waste my hard work, so I need to participate in the advertising share of this documentary when it is broadcast on CCTV."

Wen Zhengyang hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly, "It's true that the share should be paid, but why won't this documentary make money? As long as you add some advertisements for kitchen supplies in the middle, and choose one or more chain hotels as shooting locations, the cost of the production That’s enough to make up for the cost of filming.”

Han Changsheng shook his head and said seriously.

"This is the inheritance of the food culture of the Ming Empire, and the food in the big hotel has too little connection with the lives of ordinary people.

I think that only by photographing the people and food in people's daily life, can we truly show that kind of down-to-earth pictures with the smell of fireworks.

Everyone has eaten braised pork, and people can also make it at home.

But if I want to talk about boiled cabbage, only a certain number of people can know it.

And most of the people who know it don’t know how to cook it, and even more people, like me, haven’t even eaten it.”

The power of capital is sometimes too strong.

Even the Bite of the Tongue series fell apart in the third part.

The word-of-mouth of the third part is said to be not the worst, only worse.

On the screen of the documentary, apart from...the commercials are...commercials, even traditional Chinese medicine lipsticks appear grandiosely.

It made Han Changsheng think that "Bite of the Tongue" in the third step was shot by an advertiser, not by CCTV.

Boom! Zhang Yimou patted the table and said in a deep voice: "My friend is right, documentaries are...documents, don't make it look like a New Year's film.

Putting things together, adding advertisements inside, it looks funny, but what appears in the end is a picture full of commercial interests, and there is no trace of the millennium culture of the Ming Empire!"

Wen Zhengyang rubbed his nose and fell silent.

Since the teacher also believes that records should make money, then it is better not to make money.

Anyway...the Ministry of Rites has a subsidy fund for promoting culture, if there is no advertisement, just subsidize it directly...

Perhaps in order to promote the relationship between the food culture of the Ming Empire, the filming approval of "Bite of the Tongue" was submitted, and it was approved the next day.

But this filming unit is not just honey travel.

Besides...Zhang Yimou, there is also CCTV, and even the Ministry of Rites.

Four 44 shooting units.

Needless to say, Zhang Yimou is already well-known in the industry, and his team has more than [-] people.

Han Changsheng is the chief planner and chief producer of this program. Although it is his first time to shoot a documentary, he has a lot of power.

It's just that he doesn't have too many people, only the dozen or so employees of Mixing Tianxia.

The Ministry of Rites sent none other than Han Changsheng's acquaintance, Shan Qiyu.

This old man's status is too high, even if he goes out alone, no one dares to underestimate him.

The filming team from CCTV is...a lot, more than a hundred people, and the leader is a lady with short hair and short ears named Liu Hongyan, who is said to be the senior leader of CCTV's record channel.

But no matter how many people came, they couldn't point fingers.

It's because the qualifications of Zhang Yimou and Shan Qiyu above are too high, and the two of them will overwhelm them if they come out alone..., let alone the two of them together.

And Han Changsheng is the initiator, and he is not their best.

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