At this time, four 44 filming teams gathered in the meeting room of Honey World.

The No. 2 people were arranged well, and the 400-square-meter land was packed to the brim, making Yang Mi almost think that she had recruited many outstanding employees.

The first meeting of "Da Ming on the Bite of the Tongue" was held in the world of honey, which was also obtained by Han Changsheng's hard work.

Zhang Yimou and Shan Qiyu had nothing to say, they directly supported Han Changsheng.

The key is people like CCTV.

One of them is the second child and the eldest is used to it.

Coupled with the large number of people, it was requested that this meeting be held in the large conference room of CCTV.

But Han Changsheng gave the words directly, either meet in Honey World, or never see each other again.

In this way, for the honor behind this documentary, the people from CCTV pinched their noses, but they didn't give any good looks.

Han Changsheng doesn't care if the CCTV people give him a good face or not.

It's fine for these people to work honestly. If they dare to interfere indiscriminately, they will be kicked out directly.

Han Changsheng and the others finished their introductions, knocked on the table, and said in a low voice, "Everyone is here for this documentary, so don't worry about it, and start talking about work directly.

The first is how many...episodes this documentary needs to be divided into, and what is the name of each episode, everyone can speak freely."

Zhang Yimou and Shan Qiyu looked at each other without saying a word.

It is really inconvenient for them to be the first to speak in their current identities, and the biggest purpose of their participation is to help Han Changsheng, not to compete with Han Changsheng for the right to speak.

CCTV's Liu Hongyan glanced around: "Let me tell you, I think this documentary should be divided into seven episodes of firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, because these seven words include the lives of the people of the Ming Empire.

Chai, in addition to... can tell the history of thousands of years of firewood used by the people of the Ming Empire, and even include the ancient text of the charcoal seller, so as to describe the simplicity of the people in the Chai culture from the side.

Rice, millet, millet, sorghum, hemp, soybean, and wheat have been the staple food of the Ming Empire for thousands of years. An article about pity for farmers can describe the hard work of farmers.


"I will interrupt."

Not waiting: This Liu Hongyan continued to talk, Han Changsheng raised his hand and pressed the pause button.

Then when the other party looked at it displeased, Han Changsheng said again: "Chai, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea are indeed related to the daily life of the people, but it is the effect of the combination of seven things.

It is impossible to live with just one of these seven things.

Take the firewood you mentioned as an example, if the first episode only tells about the history of firewood, what does it have to do with food?"

Liu Hongyan frowned and said, "Can't you cook with fire? It's been thousands of years to grill food with charcoal fire, and you still say it's okay to be different in this respect?"

Han Changsheng nodded and said: "Charcoal-grilled food is indeed fine, but may I ask if no oil, no salt, and no sauce are added during the roasting process? It overlaps with the later oil and salt sauce once, and the theme cannot be fully pointed out.”


Liu Hongyan paused for a moment, his brows were tightly frowned, and his eyes became even more displeased.

She is a senior executive of CCTV Recording Channel, and no one dares to interrupt her speech on CCTV.

What's more important is that she is the leader of CCTV's team this time, it's unreasonable for Han Changsheng to disrespect her so much.

Chapter 575

Han Changsheng didn't care what Liu Hongyan thought, and said again: "Who else has an idea?"

Zhang Yimou and Shan Qiyu remained silent.

Those who travel the world know that the boss behind the scenes wants to stand up, otherwise they wouldn't speak stupidly.

A person from CCTV took a look and stood up, "The four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter can be used as the name of each episode. This is closely related to the lives of the people. Each episode can use a season as the center to film four distinct seasons. look."

Han Changsheng shook his head and said: "The place where the four seasons are really distinct in the Ming Empire is the area between 354 degrees north latitude, in terms of the invented lunar calendar... the middle and lower reaches of the Huanghe River where the ancient ancestors lived.

Even if it is expanded, it is only most of the north.

The southernmost Hai Province doesn’t even have the four seasons of warm spring, midsummer, cool autumn and midwinter, so it’s just throwing them out.”

"Where is the southeast and northwest?"

"The people of Modu think that the north of Modu is north, the people of Guangzhou think that the north of Guangzhou is north, and the people of Xiangcheng think that the north of Xiangcheng is north. Everyone's heart is different, and your heart should be different. .”

"After all, Director Han doesn't seem to want to agree with us."

Liu Hongyan made a sarcasm, stroked his short hair around his ear, and said meaningfully: "If Director Han has any opinions about this documentary, please speak up. We will listen with all our ears."

Han Changsheng glanced at this female director who knew how to grab the right to speak without working, his eyes were a little deep.

If he remembers correctly, this female director seems to be the chief director of the third part of "A Bite of Tongue".

No wonder the reputation on the tip of the tongue is so bad.

It's no wonder that such a female director who only knows how to grab power and has an eye for money at the booth has not collapsed.

Crack! Han Changsheng pressed the switch in his hand, and a projection screen slowly lowered in front of the conference room.

The first episode of "The Story of Staple Food".

This is the title of the second episode of "A Bite of the Tongue", and Han Changsheng marked it in the first episode.

Because he thinks the most important thing to eat is...the staple food.

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