If there are top-quality steamed buns, use scallions.

Dip it in soy sauce and you will be full.

Han Changsheng took a laser pointer and pointed at the pictures on the projection screen.

"In my Ming Empire, the staple food provided our daily energy."

"Two thousand years ago, the order of the five grains was rice, millet, millet, wheat, and bean.

Today, the top three grains produced in Ming Dynasty are rice, wheat and corn."

"A pot of rice, a steamed bun, and the ever-changing staple food are all the crystallization of the wisdom of the people of the Ming Empire for thousands of years."


The yellow steamed buns made with broomcorn millet in northern Shaanxi, the most famous Lanshi ramen in Lanshi, and the mutton steamed buns in Xishi.


Meat dumplings from Jiashi, rice cakes from Ningshi, Dingsheng cakes from Hangzhou, green dumplings from Shanghai, pineapple cakes from Wan Province, rice rolls from Guangzhou.”

"In addition to... rice and noodles, there is also the favorite food of both the north and the south - the dumplings on New Year's Eve. Even though the dough and fillings are different, in the hearts of the people of the Ming Empire, the dumplings that symbolize family reunion are still the most popular. An important staple."

"What do you guys think of the title of my first episode, "The Story of Staple Food""

The CCTV people looked at each other, but said nothing.

This Han Changsheng was well prepared.

The theme is grounded and easy to understand.

The content is all corresponding to the theme, and there is no point of refutation at all.

"Clap clap...!"

Shan Qiyu clapped his hands and said: "The theme of this first episode is very good. The staple food that everyone can't live without is the starting point. It shoots the delicacies of the people in the north and south, and then ends with a symbol of big round dumplings. It's very uncomfortable. Zhang Yimou said with a smile: "Director Han is familiar with the delicacies of the North and the South. Hearing this makes me hungry, and I really want to taste it myself!"

The two sitters, Yichangyi and others, dared not say anything, so they decided on the name of the first episode.

Afterwards, Han Changsheng introduced it again and decided on the names of the next six episodes.

After the name was decided, everyone discussed for a long time.

Assign the tasks and interests of their respective teams together.

On behalf of the Ministry of Rites, Shan Qiyu wants to leave the name of the producer of "A Bite of the Tongue". He doesn't want a dime, but he will help.

Zhang Yimou asked for the title of director of "A Bite of Tongue", and also invested 10 million to take [-]% of the advertising fee.

He doesn't need to make money to eat, but his team does, because they have 30% of the shooting tasks.

CCTV invested 30 million yuan, got the title of deputy chief director, asked for 40% of the advertising fee, and took [-]% of the filming tasks.

Honey World invested 30 million yuan, plus Han Changsheng's initiative, the final cutting task, and 60% of the filming task, took [-]% of the advertising fee and divided it into everything. After all the discussions, everyone went to various places to start their own filming tasks .

And the shooting task of Honey Traveling World is the capital, Tianshi, He Province and the three eastern provinces.

But only then did group shooting begin, and Han Changsheng's team had another problem.

A better 4 HD camera is not expensive, 5 a set.

The entire team only needs 10 units, which can be bought for half a million.

Mainly, there is no way to solve the aerial photography in the air.

I contacted local stations such as Mango TV and Modu TV. Their aerial photography machines are all recording variety shows, so there is no way to borrow them.

It is useless to buy a new aerial photography machine, because let alone Han Changsheng, no one will control Honey Traveling World.

In desperation, Han Changsheng called and told Mr. Shan Qiyu about it.

Shan Qiyu smiled and said: "How simple! There is no one in the local station, you can go to the Royal Academy of Engineering, there are so many talented students there, there must be students you need."

Han Changsheng of the Royal Academy of Engineering was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up.

The Royal Academy of Engineering, the name is a college, but it is actually the highest institution of the Ming Empire.

The college is affiliated to the imperial family of the Ming Dynasty, surpassing the two first-class colleges in the north of the Qing Dynasty, and is the undisputed number one in the national ranking.

In the Ming Empire, there was a popular saying that first-rate students entered the Royal Academy of Engineering, and second-rate students went to Qingbei.

There are more than 100 million college entrance examination candidates in the Ming Empire every year, and more than 100 million of them apply for the Royal Academy of Engineering.

But the number of students enrolled in the school is only 1, and the admission rate is as low as [-]/[-].

Even so, thousands of troops and horses still come across this single-plank bridge every year.

For this reason, the Royal Academy of Engineering treats the admitted students very well.

As long as you are admitted to the Royal Academy of Engineering, not to mention tuition fees, board and lodging are also free. In addition, you can also receive a monthly subsidy of 200 yuan.

The only requirement is...the admitted students need to sign a special contract.

Work for the Ming Empire for life, no matter whether you study abroad or not, you must come back, otherwise the nationality of the whole family will be cleared from Daming.

Under such circumstances, all the students who can be admitted to the Royal Academy of Engineering are talents.

It would be great if I could find help there.

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