"You can't sell your technology even if you are sitting on the mountain, this is the bottom line!"

Qian Sanyuan glanced at the long-haired boy, turned around and left, but was stopped by Han Changsheng.

"You are... Han Changsheng"

Qian Sanyuan took a look at Han Changsheng, and then at Di Lieba, "Why do you celebrity couples have the leisure to come to our school and why do you stop me?"

Han Changsheng said with a light smile: "Student Qian Sanyuan, it seems that you know me."

It's easy to get to know each other, at least...you don't need to waste time on introductions.

Qian Sanyuan smiled, "Why do you think I'm a nerdy student who studies hard and never watches movies and TV dramas?"

Han Changsheng shrugged, "Based on your tone of voice, I don't dare to think so, can we talk?"

"What to talk about"

Qian Sanyuan saw that Fatty looked wary, and took two steps back to indicate that she was not interested in entering the gate of the Han family.

Han Changsheng pointed to the quadrotor aircraft in Qian Sanyuan's hand, "Let's talk about this."

Qian Sanyuan frowned, his eyes became more indifferent, "Do you want to buy the design drawing of this quadrotor aircraft?"

Han Changsheng waved his hand and said with a half-smile: "Not only do you not want to buy it, but you also want to use it for nothing, and you won't be given a penny."


Qian Sanyuan was taken aback for a moment, and the look in Han Changsheng's eyes suddenly changed.

Three points are 3 curious, three points are 3 doubts, and four points are 4 hesitant.

If Han Changsheng in front of her said she wanted to buy her design, she would definitely turn around and leave.

But the answer this person gave was really beyond her expectation, and it didn't even appear in her thinking range.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng laughed secretly.

Born with three yuan of money, she is not short of money at all.

Under such circumstances, I don't want the family's money, and I don't want to sell technology outside to make money, so there must be something wrong with this arrogant situation.

It's not easy to ask questions, so you can only do the opposite to deal with her.

The matter of not mentioning the money is just a white job, and now it really arouses her curiosity.

Qian Sanyuan thought for a while, then pointed to the pavilion next to him, "Let's talk over there."


Han Changsheng pointed to the three 3 boys beside Qian Sanyuan who were staring at him closely, "Can you add these three students, I also need their quadrotor aircraft."


Qian Sanyuan patted the long-haired boy on the shoulder, "Second brother is gone, don't stare at him, he is not interested in me."

Han Changsheng: "..."

He thought this long-haired boy was Qian Sanyuan's suitor, so he was so wary of him, but he never thought that he was Qian Sanyuan's brother.

This person is not a madman who spoils his sister, right? No one in the team can play this quadrotor, so I want to ask four classmates to help."

“Really no pay”

The long-haired boy Qian Eryuan asked subconsciously, and then quickly glanced at Qian Sanyuan, "Third sister, Director Han didn't buy our design drawings, but you can't get nothing from hard work, right?" "

Qian Sanyuan curled his lips, "Are you working for the reward? Didn't you hear the meaning of this documentary? This is completely promoting the food culture of our Ming Empire. It's fine if you don't take the initiative to help, you still want to be rewarded"

When Han Changsheng saw that the two brothers and sisters were about to quarrel, he hurriedly stopped him, "You two don't need to quarrel. To be honest, I will definitely reward you for helping me, but I won't give you money."

Qian Sanyuan moved his eyes and looked directly at the aircraft in the second brother's hand, "Does Director Han want to change the aircraft for my second brother?"

Han Changsheng shook his right index finger, "I will neither give you any money nor change the aircraft, I would like to ask the four of you to be special consultants for our honey travel photography team, and if there is a need for the aerial camera to be dispatched, please take action. If you don't have the time, I think someone from your academy would be interested."

The special advisor Qian Sanyuan and the second brother looked at each other, and immediately hesitated.

With her IQ, she can of course guess that this special consultant is paid.

But this is neither direct money nor direct gift, and she can't find a good excuse to refuse.

"Third sister..."

Qian Sanyuan was awakened by her second elder brother, and stretched out her tender little hand to Han Changsheng, her small white teeth gleamed, "Should I call you Director Han or the boss?"

Han Changsheng stretched out his hand, and immediately closed it, "Just call me Han Changsheng, because I'm not the boss of Honey World."

"I know, the bosses of Mixing Tianxia are your seven wives."

Qian Sanyuan covered his mouth and smiled, put his arms around Pang Di and whispered a few words, and he and Pang Di became good friends in an instant.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng was quite speechless.

Fat Di, a little confused, was wary of Qian Sanyuan before.

As a result, when someone said a few good words, she immediately regarded Qian Sanyuan as her younger sister.

Chapter 577 Why Me Again?

Han Changsheng and Qian Sanyuan made an appointment to set off tomorrow afternoon, and they left the Royal Academy of Engineering.

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