After getting in the car, Han Changsheng glanced at Dili Reba who was smiling, and said speechlessly: "You are really good. If Qian Sanyuan calls you a little sister, you will treat her as a younger sister. You are not afraid that she will sell you."

Fatty glanced sideways, curled his lips and said, "Do you think I'm really that stupid?"

Han Changsheng nodded quickly, "Of course!"

Among the seven sisters in the family, Fatty is the most confused.


Fat Di pouted and said arrogantly: "If Sanyuan hadn't said that she likes a monogamous life like a white swan, I would not have accepted her so quickly."

"Believe it when she says it"

"Of course I believe it, because the way she looks at you is different from the third sister and the fifth sister. She doesn't say a little bit of admiration, but also a little disgusted. She obviously thinks that you, a flower-picking bee, pick too many little flowers."

Han Changsheng looked at Fatty, shook his head and said: "I may be a bee, but you are sure that you are a little flower is not a joke"


Fat Di stepped on the gas pedal angrily, and angrily said: "If you keep teasing me like this again, I won't show you my new toy!"

Han Changsheng asked curiously, "What new toy?"

Fatty proudly said: "Apologize to me! Otherwise I won't show it to you."

Han Changsheng rubbed his nose, and said slowly: "I don't want to apologize, but I think Fatty is really a cute little flower."


Fat Di laughed at Han Changsheng's soft words, took out a black metal block the size of a matchbox from his pocket, and showed off: "This is the anti-surveillance detector that my sister Sanyuan gave me. It can not only detect electronic monitoring equipment, and directly shield their signals.”

"you tried"

Han Changsheng took it over and took a look, then returned it.

He hasn't read books on electronics, and he doesn't know much about such gadgets.

Fatty shook his head and said, "I haven't tried it, but sister Sanyuan told me how to use it."

After finishing the words, Fatty pressed the button on the metal block, and then the driving recorder with monitoring function began to flash continuously.

Fat Di was overjoyed, showing off and said: "Did you see that, the driving recorder within two meters is a monitoring device, I have to press the button again to cut off its signal and press the : button to directly scrap it."

"I see, but you'd better not shake your hands, or we'll have to get a new dash cam."

"I'm not stupid!"

"Yes, you are very smart."

Han Changsheng saw the bookstore in front of him and said quickly, "Stop the car nearby, I'll go buy some books."

"What book to buy"

"Books on Electronics and Mechanics."

Han Changsheng asked Fatty to wait in the car, and then walked back ten minutes later with two stacks of books in his hand.

The anti-surveillance detector Qian Sanyuan sent is an electronic device. He can only sense that it is a complete item. As for whether it has... other uses, I don't know.

Under the ancient creed of "the heart of harming others must not be there, and the heart of defense must not be without".

So the best way is for him to study first, and then understand the function of this piece of electronic equipment.

On the way home, Han Changsheng quickly flipped through the books in his hands, imprinting the knowledge on them into his mind.

Then, under constant comparison, I figured out this anti-surveillance detector, and I felt relieved.

As Fatty said, this gadget is...a man-made gadget.

As for small actions like remote monitoring as he thought, Han Changsheng did not learn all the way, and the car quickly drove back to the villa.

Tong Liya helped Han Changsheng get the mop, and Yang Mi helped Han Changsheng change his clothes, and asked by the way: "Master, have you found someone to help?"

Han Changsheng: "I found it."

Fat Di giggled and said: "Master is amazing, he fooled four high-achieving students into being the special consultants of our honey travel photography team, one of them is Qian Sanyuan..."

While chatting, Fatty told about everything that happened at the Royal Academy of Engineering, and then showed off the anti-surveillance detector she just got.

Yang Mi took it over and looked it over a few times, then looked at Han Changsheng meaningfully, "Master, does this thing work?"

Han Changsheng understood, "It's very useful, and it's really convenient to take it with you when you go out."

Mimi has the same personality as him, she will doubt everything by nature, so it is normal to ask.

Tang Yan enviously said: "It's very convenient. With it, you don't have to search hard in the hotel room where you live."

Zhao Liying envied, "Unfortunately, there is only one, if only there were eight 8's."

Fatty waved his hand grandly, "Every time our family goes out, it's fine if two people go out, whoever goes out will take it with him."

Liu Sisi exclaimed: "Oh, little Pangdi is sensible."

Fat Di poked at the beautiful neck of the swan and said arrogantly: "I have always been sensible, okay?"

Tong Liya didn't follow the envy, and asked Han Changsheng's arm, "Master, who are you taking to Desui County tomorrow?"

Han Changsheng had no choice but to say, "Anyone of you can go if you want."

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