And he said long ago that this one won't work, and the next one will be a director of tens of billions of films, so naturally he doesn't have any sense of accomplishment.

But... Han Changsheng blinked, and a surprise smile suddenly appeared on his face. His eyebrows twitched, and the corners of his mouth fluttered, "I didn't expect that I would be a director of tens of billions. This is really great news! Thank you, honey!" Tell me the good news!"

Yang Mi bit her lip and gouged out Han Changsheng's eyes, "Can you not be so fake and make me feel even worse!"

Han Changsheng just raised his hand.... A slap made Yang Mi cover her back and say oh, then she was angry and funny and said: "You are the one who excited me, and you are the one who said I was fake, so what do you think I should do?" manage"

“Cold salad!”

Yang Mi glanced at Han Changsheng's shoulder, and opened his mouth when he was unprepared... just a mouthful.

Then before the big slap came, she jumped directly to the ground.

Yang Mi endured the feeling that her feet were weak, and ran upstairs in a hurry, without turning her head, she shouted: "Second Sister and the others will be back soon, you should cook, otherwise you will be so hungry that you will feel sorry for you Yaya. "


Han Changsheng rubbed his shoulders, feeling very speechless in his heart.

Mi Mi, this girl really deserves to be a tiger. Not only is she a tiger, but her mouth is also very ruthless. One mouthful is... a tooth mark.


When Han Changsheng was complaining about Yang Mi, there was a sound of opening the door of the villa.

Then came the voices of Tong Liya, Tong Liya, Gu Li Nazha and Liu Sisi.

"What do you say master is doing now?"

"The elder sister and the fourth younger sister haven't seen the master for more than a month, so naturally he has."

"Pang Di wants to be white, so she has to count."

"Wouldn't it be that there is no food to go home?"

"Estimated to wait another two hours"

"No, we worked so hard to catch the plane just to see the master sooner, don't we have to be hungry when we get home?"

"You said that you came back to see the master, shouldn't you be hungry, you just treat the master as a beauty, just come and have a good meal."

"Second Sister is right. want to eat the master as food, so just treat him as beautiful and delicious."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes and went straight into the kitchen.

Quickly pick up the water and ignite the fire, and prepare the shallot and egg noodles by the way.

Even though the dinner is not ready, but it still has to maintain a cooking appearance, at least...don't let these four 44 girls continue to complain.

"Ah! Master is making dinner!"

Liu Sisi's voice of surprise came from behind Han Changsheng, and then his body sank, and a faint fragrance came into his nasal cavity.

Han Changsheng stretched his left hand back to support Sisi's body, and patted with his right hand, "I've been crazy since I came back, and I don't know how to wash up first."

"I miss you! It's the same when I see you washing again."

Liu Sisi probed her head and looked at the steaming water in the pot, wrinkled her little nose and said suspiciously: "You are just about to cook noodles, right?"


"Why don't you cook the noodles first, you won't really be pestered by the eldest sister for a day, right?"

Han Changsheng didn't blush and said without heartbeat: "I'm counting the time when you come back. When you just came back, I just cooked noodles. After you wash up, the noodles are cooked and the temperature is just right."

Liu Sisi scratched her head in a daze, "Really"


But you'd better go wash up now, or if you're ten or eight minutes late, the noodles should have cooled down."

"... I barely believe you."

After thinking for a long time, Liu Sisi still couldn't figure out the loopholes in Han Changsheng's words, so she had no choice but to jump down to the ground in good faith.

He bounced and ran to the bathroom on the first floor, almost missing Tong Liya, Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha.

Tong Liya walked in with the corner of her mouth bent, her eyes fixed on Han Changsheng, and the smile on her mouth was half a smile.

She waited: Tangtang and Nazha had hugged Han Changsheng before, and then put their arms around Han Changsheng's waist, and said in admiration: "Master, you are really good at cooking noodles, and you can cheat Sisi, I have to admire."

Han Changsheng picked up the noodles in the pot calmly, "I didn't lie to Sisi, after she finishes washing, the temperature of the noodles is just right for her mouth."

"But have you really calculated when we'll be back?"


"Then what time do we come back?"

"You and Tangtang's plane landed at 4:[-]pm, and Sisi and Naza's plane landed at [-]:[-]pm.

The Mercedes-Benz Vito is parked at the airport. When you drive back, you take the outer ring road. There is only a small chance of traffic jams, so you will arrive home around six o’clock. I’m right.”

Tong Liya glanced at her watch, and lightly pinched Han Changsheng's waist with her right hand, "You are amazing!"

Tang Yan smiled and said: "Second sister, don't confront the master about the numbers. His head turns as fast as a high-speed rail. We can't compare with the master."

Nazha curled his lips, "Third sister, what you said is not right. We are not sensitive to numbers, but we have to get to the bottom of it, so as not to be sold by the master and count the money."

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