Tang Yan rolled his eyes and said, "Then, my clever fifth sister, do you think the master cooks noodles according to the time he calculated?"

"of course!"

Na Zha kissed Han Changsheng on his feet, and said heartily, "Master must have calculated the time for us to come back, so that we can prepare the noodles, otherwise we will have to wait for a long time, or... I can only eat cold noodles."

Tong Liya and Tang Yan looked at each other, and sighed for their little confusion.

Master's trick is to trick Nazha, Sisi and Fatty.

It's impossible to lie to them! Because if the master had already calculated the time for their return, the braised pork and cumin mutton that they like to eat should have been placed on the table long ago.

Now the situation of cooking noodles is obviously an emergency scene without preparation.

Chapter 581

Early in the morning, at 55:[-]:, Han Changsheng went downstairs to make breakfast.

In addition to... four or five, kind of breakfast, he also specially boiled some eggs.

Today is Tangtang's birthday, and it's also her first birthday after marrying him.

If she is not allowed to enjoy the same treatment as the other six sisters, even if she doesn't say anything, she will be sad in her heart.

As Han Changsheng was cooking breakfast, Tang Yan was the first to get up.

The little girl tiptoed to the outside of the kitchen, and secretly looked inside.

When she saw a few eggs boiled in the pot, she let go of her hanging heart, and a smile that was as sweet as roses and honey bloomed on her face.

Tang Yan walked into the kitchen lightly, and put his arms around Han Changsheng's waist.

The head rubbed against his trapezius, happily like a lazy cat in the afternoon.

Seeing that Tangtang didn't open his mouth, Han Changsheng was also happy not to speak.

He thinks that sometimes a couple doesn't need a small talk between you and me.

The silence between each other is not a mode of getting along. You have my breath on the tip of your nose, and your fragrance on the tip of my nose.

The two don't like to call, they know each other's arrival when they hear footsteps.

With a slight smile on his cheeks, his eyes are full of deep affection, joyful and warm as before.

Tong Liya walked outside the kitchen and saw this warm picture.

She stared at the two of them with shining pupils, but instead of going in, she turned and walked away.

Today is Tangtang's birthday, so she should be allowed to enjoy the master alone.

After all, when her second sister celebrated her birthday, she was also so happy...

Tang Yanxu celebrated Han Changsheng's birthday for the first time, and she forgot her roses when she was a little excited.

After breakfast, we drove straight away.

Fortunately, although she forgot, Han Changsheng did not favor one person over another.

In the same way, a pink rose was conjured up, which made Tang Yan feel better.

The girl put away the roses and glanced at the cars around, and suddenly suggested: "Master, let's go to Zhongxi for a walk."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "How did you choose that place?"

Tang Yan reminisced: "I want you to accompany me to recall my time in Zhongxi."

When she was in college, she even thought about it with her roommates. After getting married, she brought her significant other back to campus, so that the other half could get acquainted with her college life.

Now, I suddenly remembered this matter.

"Let's go then."

Han Changsheng noticed the look in Tang Yan's eyes, and chose to be kind, and wanted to laugh in his heart.

This girl only had her 34th birthday, so why would she want to start remembering the past? Isn’t this only needed when you are seventy and eighty? "

Han Changsheng shrugged, "Miss Tang Yan, aren't you 24? How can you be old at such a young age? You look like my younger sister."


! "

Tang Yan endured and endured, with a sweet smile on his face.

The question of age is a taboo word for the three sisters.

But I don't know why, whenever the master talks about this topic, it always makes them forget their age.

It was as if they were ten years younger when they were by the master's side.

During the conversation, the two went outside the middle theater.

Tang Yan didn't want to show any privileges, and directly parked the Mercedes-Benz Vito in the parking lot outside the south gate.

After getting out of the car, holding Han Changsheng's arm, he walked like a car to the former school.

Han Changsheng followed Tang Yan to the south gate, and found that all the students entering would show their student ID cards.

He squeezed Tang Yan's tender hand, "Do you have a student ID card?"

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