"At home."

Tang Yan said casually, then reacted: "Why do you need a student ID card?"

Han Changsheng pointed to the security guard outside the gate, "Enter the school gate, do you need a student ID card for all the students you didn't see?"

Tang Yan took a few glances, slowly lifted the swan's beautiful neck, and said arrogantly: "Of course you need to swipe your student ID card when you go to school, but I can just swipe my face after graduation."

"Then you said let's go in, should we brush your face or my face?"

"Of course it's my face, you're not a student of Chinese opera."

"Don't they know me? I think I can brush my face."

Tang Yan continued to be arrogant, "What can I do if I know you? I am the school girl of Chinese opera! You are a grass at most."

Han Changsheng bent his lips, "Isn't it a joke? You know, Yaya seems to be your school girl in the opera."

Tang Yan stomped his feet and said coquettishly, holding Han Changsheng's arm tightly: "I hate you! If you hit me again for praising my second sister, believe it or not, I will yell an insult and let you be arrested by the security guards."


Han Changsheng scratched his nose and fell silent.

This girl is at home...she has an older sister, but she is just like Mimi when she goes out, she has a crazy personality.

Anyway, he couldn't guarantee whether the girl would yell or not.

Seeing that Han Changsheng had calmed down, Tang Yan smiled arrogantly, and led him into the school gate, but the security guard did not check their student IDs, allowing Tang Yan to scrutinize his face successfully.

After entering the school gate, the two met a student who was studying in Chinese opera on the way forward.

When these people saw Tang Yan, they kindly shouted "Hello Senior Sister"

, shouting "Hello Director Han" to Han Changsheng

The boundaries of closeness and intimacy are obvious.

After Tang Yan greeted another junior sister, he showed off to Han Changsheng: "However, my reputation in Zhongxi is still very loud!"

"It's really loud."

Han Changsheng boasted along the line, without waiting: Tang Yan was arrogant, and hit with a hammer: "You said that if I also come to Chinese opera to study, do you want to call you senior sister?"

Tang Yan glanced over, and said slowly: "I don't care if you can enter the school or not, first call the senior sister to listen, if the call is good, I can help you with homework."

Han Changsheng was surprised, "Why aren't you angry?"

Tang Yan snorted and said, "We have discussed it. When you hit us, you must not be angry with you. As long as you follow your words, you will not be able to continue."

"How do you know me so well?"

"you guess."

Han Changsheng thought for a while, and said with half certainty: "Isn't it Yaya who told you?"


Tang Yan sighed, enviously said: "Eldest sister is really good, you and second sister know each other too well, what you say is exactly the same."

No wonder the eldest sister said that the second sister is the master's favorite, as long as the second sister and the master have a good heart, don't let her be too envious of this.

Han Changsheng stroked his chin and looked at Tang Yan suspiciously, "Why do I feel that you are always talking about me behind my back?"

Tang Yan took it for granted: "You are the only man in our family, we don't talk about who you talk about, and we don't have any interest in talking about others."

"Then should I say an honor?"

"Be courteous and courteous, without courtesy."

"I didn't kneel down for you again!"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes unhappily, and pointed at the square building in front of him, "Stop being so arrogant, show me your campus quickly, or Fatty will ask me what we did today, I'll just It can be said that we are here to be nonsense."

"Can you stop making me laugh!"

Tang Yan held back his laughter, but he still pinched Han Changsheng.

Although what I want for my birthday is...to be happy and happy, but if I smile too much, it is easy to get wrinkles at the corners of my eyes.

Chapter 582 Why Don't You Dare To Take Responsibility?

Tang Yan held Han Changsheng's arm and pointed forward, "That's the library, we usually study there when there are no classes."

"You are sure to study, not sleep"

"Hmph! Don't look down on me, my academic performance in Chinese opera is also very good, okay?"

"Is it"

Han Changsheng gave a skeptical look, and waited: Tang Yan was angry, and pointed to the river in front of the library, "The ducks here are quite fat, and the color of the koi is also good, how does it taste?"

Tang Yan patted his forehead and looked at the sky speechlessly, "Master, can you not show the attitude that everything in the world is edible?"

Han Changsheng shrugged, "I don't think that everything in the world is edible, but the ducks and koi in your school are obviously edible."

"If you dare to eat them, I believe you will not only be kicked out of the Chinese opera, but also listed as never welcome."

Tang Yan pulled Han Changsheng's hand and quickly led him away from the library.

The master's brain is different from ordinary people, it's better not to talk to him too much.

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