In his original idea, there should be no advertisers at this time.

Then they contact secretly, and finally set the price.

But since these four companies don't care about the 400 million name, then this advertisement is easy to talk about.

Chapter 588

"First of all, I welcome everyone to participate in the "Bite of the Tongue" advertising bidding conference.

My lord, Chen Xiaoheng, is temporarily in charge of a part of "A Bite of the Tongue", including this advertisement bidding."

Chen Xiaoheng said politely, and then went straight to the topic, "Everyone is here for the advertisement, so I will directly introduce the advertising broadcast situation of the tip of the tongue. When "The Tip of the Tongue" is broadcast, there is no advertisement in the front and middle. The logo can stay in the middle of the screen for 5 seconds after the official broadcast ends."

As soon as these words came out, the four 44 companies below were immediately blown away.

"Director Chen, you are going too far, are we spending 400 million just to buy your corporate logo for 5 seconds?"

"The 15-second commercial of China TV is only more than 300 million. You are a documentary channel, can you not be so outrageous?"

"We came here with sincerity. If you speak so loudly, don't blame us for turning around and leaving."

Chen Xiaoheng knew that these four companies were taking the opportunity to find ways to suppress prices, so he was not angry.

He waited for the four companies to finish yelling, and then he showed Han Changsheng's smile, and then asked the question that he had discussed with Han Changsheng.

"Do you know what New Year's Day means?"

"The first day of the Gregorian calendar."

Chen Xiaoheng nodded and said: "The so-called renewing of everything, New Year's Day means that the advertising contract of my record channel last year has officially ended.

You will be the first batch of companies competing for advertising this year, and you will also feel the new advertising model of the documentary "Bite of the Tongue."

"Director Chen means"

Chen Xiaohydro: "From last night to 11 o'clock this morning, "A Bite of Tongue" was played [-] times in total.

By 8:0:9 tonight, "Bite of the Tongue" is expected to be replayed [-] times.

Tonight at 10 o'clock, "Bite of the Tongue" will play the second episode, and then the first and second episodes will be seamlessly connected and replayed, and the number of replays of each episode will be no less than [-] times.

Everyone can calculate the total length of your 5-second [-] commercials in one day."

how much will it be.

A full 100 seconds.

The four companies are not stupid, and after a little calculation, they instantly comprehend the beauty of it.

"Bite of the Tongue" is now a popular food documentary, and the documentary channel will naturally seize this time to broadcast it crazily.

Basically, in the next month, what the viewers of the record channel want to see, and what they can see will be the images of "Bite of the Tongue".

Affected by this, their corporate logo will have the effect of appearing far more frequently than before due to the excessive number of playbacks.

In this case, the advertising effect explodes.

The heads of the four companies looked at each other and directly decided to vote.

Buying an advertisement in China Television is equal to Fengwei.

But buying this kind of advertisement on the recording channel is tantamount to chicken head.

As the saying goes, if you would rather have a chicken head than a phoenix tail, then the choice couldn't be clearer.

And just when the contract was about to be signed, the person in charge of Tianmiao suddenly said: "Director Chen, can you give me Tianmiao a link to "Bite of the Tongue", what is sold is.... Don't worry about the food shown in "Bite of the Tongue". We can fully guarantee the quality."

Got caught by Director Han again! Chen Xiaoheng gave Han Changsheng a thumbs up in his heart, and gave Han Changsheng a smile, "And then?"

The person in charge of Tianmao raised his right hand, "5."

"make a deal."

The person in charge of Infinity paused, "Director Chen, there will be a second season of "A Bite of the Tongue", right?"


"I, Infinity, can provide you with the second season of "A Bite of the Tongue". We need to make our corporate logo bigger, 50."

"make a deal."

Seeing this, Supor and Jiannanchun also raised the price to 500 million and stated their respective requirements.

Chen Xiaoheng responded one by one, and then secretly sighed at Han Changsheng's strength.

When he came to the advertising bidding meeting this morning, he mentioned something to Han Changsheng, and then the other party told what happened just now.

Seeing them now, Han Changsheng had already figured everything out! The contract was signed, and the five parties smiled and shook hands to celebrate their happy cooperation.

When the person in charge of Tianmiao was about to leave, he suddenly asked: "Director Chen, we spent 500 million, so we should have the priority for the second season of "A Bite of the Tongue" right?"

Chen Xiaoheng nodded and said, "I can guarantee that with the same amount, your companies will have the priority to win the bid."


The heads of the four companies showed meaningful smiles.

There is a priority right to win the bid.

As for whether it will win the bid next long as this year's advertisement has a good effect, it will definitely win the bid again next year.

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