If it doesn't work, then bye bye. …

The advertising fee of [-] million yuan caused a great sensation in the documentary industry, and even more in China Television.

China Television's advertising revenue last year was 40 billion yuan, and the record channel's share is very small, which can be called a drop in the bucket.

But who would have thought that just after the beginning of 201, the Record Channel handed over a one-twentieth answer sheet.

In addition, the total annual expenditure of the Documentary Channel is [-] million.

It was the second day of the new year, and the Record Channel got back the money they had spent this year.

Although most of the advertising revenue is going to be distributed to Honey World, but everyone subconsciously ignores this point.

Because what China Television wants is a name, and what the record channel wants is also this name.

As for the inside, just give it to the past secretly...

Han's Villa.

Yang Mi shook the phone at Han Changsheng, and looked at her master with a kind of admiration, "Master, guess how much the advertisement fee of "A Bite of the Tongue" is."

Han Changsheng said calmly: "Several hundred million"

Yang Mi's pupils widened, "How do you know that you can't really read minds with hundreds of millions?"

Han Changsheng laughed and said: "I told Chen Xiaoheng that no advertisers will be allowed to enter the venue if there is no 500 million, but if more than two advertisers win the bid, the advertising fee for "Bite of Tongue" must be at least [-] million.

And there must be no less than two smart and rich advertisers."

Yang Mi excitedly put her arms around Han Changsheng, and stamped it directly, "You guessed it right, there are still four 44s for "Bite of the Tongue", and the advertising fee is [-] million yuan. Even after deducting miscellaneous expenses, we still have [-] million yuan. "

Fatty covered his mouth and exclaimed, "Wow! I knew "A Bite of the Tongue" was popular, but I didn't expect it to be so popular! The advertising fee is calculated as: [-] million!"

Tong Liya hugged Han Changsheng tightly and refused to let go, her eyes were blurred and intoxicated, "Master, you are so talented, I am really completely captured by you."

Tang Yan also hugged Han Changsheng, but what he said was completely different, "You can't continue to be so talented, or the women outside will stare at you."

Han Changsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You think too much, no one will take a fancy to me except you."

Liu Sisi curled her lips, "Why not? Sister Tao said that if she didn't get married, she would definitely come after you."

Zhao Liying didn't wait for Han Changsheng to refute, and hurriedly changed the subject, "Master, my dad called, and he asked me if we can go to my hometown to film the next season of "Bite of the Tongue", and promote the food of my hometown. "

Gu Li Nazha echoed: "My mother also said the same thing, master, there are also a lot of gourmet food in Urumqi, let's shoot there next season."

"That's a great proposal. If the fat doesn't flow into the fields of outsiders, it's not filming."

As soon as the topic changed, the seven sisters stopped talking about Han Changsheng's popularity, and chatted about the delicacies of their hometown.

Han Changsheng waited for them to finish their discussion, and nodded in agreement with their opinions.

As the seven 7 girls said, you can shoot wherever you are, as long as you don’t have any annoying advertisements in the middle.

After all, the documentary "Bite of the Tongue" is a new thing now, so the audience's tolerance for the first season is the greatest.

Because of this, the rating of the first season is the highest, as high as: 9.

5 points.

Wait for the second and second seasons to come out, because with the first season as a comparison, there will be more people complaining.

However, he believes that no matter how much he complains, the score will not be much lower..., because what the audience wants to see is... food, the relationship between man and nature.

As long as the third season is not taken over by that...Liu Hongyan, this brand should not be smashed.

But don't blame him for standing idly by if he wants to cut him off halfway.

Seeing him get up from Zhulou, seeing him entertaining guests, seeing his building collapse...

Chapter 589

I don't know if the popularity of "A Bite of the Tongue" has already spread across the country, or because the time has been adjusted.

When the second episode of "A Bite of the Tongue" was aired on the record channel at 8:5 p.m., the ratings directly exceeded 5%, reaching [-].

2. What kind of concept is this? The audience rating of the Spring Festival Gala is only 30%. The second episode of "Bite of the Tongue" is equivalent to one sixth of the Spring Festival Gala.

There are tens of millions of households watching "A Bite of Tongue" on 4 TVs across the country, and the number of viewers is at least [-] million.

In addition, major video sites have also bought the online broadcast copyright of "A Bite of Tongue".

Although it is not an exclusive broadcasting right, it is not sold at a high price.

However, the price of 100 million yuan for a single episode still made a lot of money for several parties, and the word-of-mouth was also bursting.

On the Internet, the number of on-demand broadcasts of "Bite of the Tongue" is astonishing.

The total number of views of the second episode exceeded 25 million[-], and the number of comments exceeded one billion.

Combining the two phases means that more than [-] million people have watched "Bite of the Tongue".

Throughout the country, this number of viewers is second only to the annual Spring Festival Gala.

But the Spring Festival Gala is just one night.

And this is only the second episode of "Bite of the Tongue".

This is not counting the number of viewers after the second time, otherwise there will be more.

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