
It's really interesting to put a noble fan in front of him! Han Changsheng ignored Louise's hand, went straight to the master's seat and sat down.

Then he leaned back in the chair, crossed his arms across his abdomen, and assumed a leisurely posture.

He raised his eyelids and glanced at the displeased Louise below, and said slowly: "I'm very busy and my time is limited, so let's cut down on the gossip and go straight to the topic about the authorization of "Bite of the Tongue"!"

Louise took a deep breath to suppress the anger in her heart, slowly sat opposite Han Changsheng, and stared at him for three seconds 3.

Then, he brushed his hair by his ears, suddenly smiled, and said meaningfully: "Mr. Han is so arrogant, it doesn't seem like the actions of a gentleman in your country."

"I am younger than you imagine, so I am also sharper than you imagine, because young people are like swords drawn from their sheaths, with their own sharpness!"

Han Changsheng shaved his sword eyebrows, smiled lightly, his eyes sparkled with substance.

Want him to admit that he is a gentleman, and then show a gentleman's demeanor in the negotiation? This trick is not good for him, Han Changsheng! Because he has never thought of being a gentleman!

Chapter 590 "Pit King"'s Supreme Pit Technique

This Han Changsheng is not easy to deal with! Louise dodged Han Changsheng's piercing gaze for a moment, and then seemed a little unwilling.

Enduring the tingling pain, she frowned and sighed softly: "Mr. Han's words are wrong, I am also a young man, but my self-cultivation tells me that being polite to others is what a cultivated person should do all the time. Arrived."

"It's a pity that there is no way. I just have no self-cultivation. Unlike Ms. Louise, I don't get angry easily. I have a noble demeanor of a child of a big family."

Han Changsheng chuckled again, the smile was very meaningful.

A truly educated person should treat everyone equally.

Neither showing condescending arrogance, nor showing casual nobility.


Louise opened her mouth, but couldn't fight back.

The nasty guy on the opposite side dug a training pit for her, and then kicked her into it.

If she jumps out of the pit and accuses the other party, it is tantamount to admitting that she has no self-cultivation.

Handsome! Wen Zhengyang saw that Louise, who Han Changsheng said a few words, was angry and not easy to attack, so he directly clicked 100 likes.

He has come into contact with this Louise before, so he knows how difficult she is to deal with.

Fearing that he would get angry and ruin the opportunity to let the culinary culture of the Ming Empire travel across the oceans, he quickly turned to his teacher Zhang Yimou for help.

Then the teacher reminded him to invite this... Han leads Ma.

Looking at it now, "King of the Pit"

The name really deserves its reputation, and Louise was speechless after a few words.

Louise seemed to feel the teasing gazes around her, she clenched her fists to suppress her anger, and stared straight at Han Changsheng, "Mr. Han, since you want to talk about the authorization of "Bite of the Tongue", let's talk about it!"

Han Changsheng raised his right hand, "Please speak."

Louise raised her neck slightly, and said arrogantly: "In view of the quality of the documentary "Bite of the Tongue" in your country, we can broadcast it for you for free, and the price introduce ten TV dramas from our country."

Haha! Han Changsheng sneered, shaking his right index finger, "Ms. Louise, you seem to have misunderstood one thing. It's not that you play "Bite of the Tongue" for us for free, but you want to pay to take away the broadcast of "Bite of the Tongue" right."

Louise frowned, "The introduction of "Bite of the Tongue" is a bridge for cultural exchanges between our two countries. Mr. Han is greedy for money when he says that."

Han Changsheng waved his hand and said, "There are high and low bridges for cultural exchanges. Our side is high, and your eagle country is low, so this is called cultural assistance.

After the introduction of "Bite of Tongue", our Ming Empire will use: the exquisite food culture, let you get rid of the old and rigid food life."

Louise stared, and her voice immediately became sharp, "Mr. Han! The food culture of our Great Eagle Empire naturally has our historical heritage, and you don't need to criticize it."

"Okay, then don't mention the difference in food culture between our two countries, and don't mention the so-called broken five bridges.

Continue talking about "Bite of Tongue"."

Han Changsheng ordered the albums of various delicacies printed on the table, and made a gesture of counting money, "If you want to introduce "Bite of the Tongue", you can, take the money!"

Louise stared at Han Changsheng's hand, a look of contempt flashed in her eyes, "Mr. Han's words are really ridiculous, we don't charge you for occupying the time of the TV station, it's for you and my two countries Friendship, you still want to take our money, which is really a joke in the world."

Han Changsheng smiled, and directly pointed out, "Ms. Louise, you are neither philanthropists nor messengers of peace. The purpose of your introduction of "A Bite of Tongue" is to increase your ratings and to make money! There is no need for me Put such a tall posture in front of you!"

Louise waved her hand, "We are not short of this money."

"Is it"

Han Changsheng stared at Ruth with a half-smile, and lazily said: "Then we need to pay you a sum of money, all you need to do is buy a piece of "Bite of the Tongue", and all the proceeds from it will belong to us." , I don't know if Ms. Louise agrees"

Louise opened her mouth, but under the eyes of Po Wu and Quan Quan, she cut off what she wanted to say.

The reason she introduced "Bite of the Tongue" is... to see the popularity of this gourmet documentary in the Ming Empire.

She wanted to take advantage of the popularity of "A Bite of the Tongue" in Eagle Country to increase the ratings and earn a fortune.

If the other party is really asked to pay the fee and play it independently, then all the benefits will really belong to the other party.

Then what kind of money can she earn? Seeing that she couldn't take advantage of Han Changsheng, Louise directly opened the skylight and said, "How much is Mr. Han asking for..."

Han Changsheng didn't speak, and raised his right index finger.

Louise tentatively said: "Ten thousand pounds"

Han Changsheng said softly: "Ten million."

The house was silent.

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