Everyone, including Wen Zhengyang and Louise, looked at Han Changsheng with monster eyes.

"Bite of the Tongue" is just a food documentary, not a movie with a box office of several billion.

Do you want to scare them to death with such a asking price! Louise was really angry this time, slapped the table, and stared at Han Changsheng, "Mr. Han, I came here with sincerity. , I didn't expect you to play tricks on me."

"Ms. Louise, you have sincerity, and I have sincerity too."

"Sincerely, the overseas copyright sales price of your country's documentary is only [-] pounds at most. Why do you ask for [-] million pounds? Are you selling the technological records of aliens?"

Twenty thousand pounds is so little. When Han Changsheng heard the price, he subconsciously looked at Wen Zhengyang, and got a wry smile and an affirmative nod.

calculation mistake.

Han Changsheng rubbed his nose, feeling speechless.

He thought that the rights to broadcast documentaries were similar to those of movies, so he calculated the licensing price of "Bite of the Tongue" based on "This Man".

Didn't expect the two to be so different.

Han Changsheng looked at his right index finger, shook it again, and his face became angry, "Ms. Louise, I think you are not sincere, don't you know that the currency units of our two countries are different! "

Louise was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

Han Changsheng said bluntly: "What I mean is... the unit of this ten million is RMB, not British pound! If it is converted into British pound, it is only more than one million pounds.

With the current popularity of "A Bite of Tongue", isn't this price unreasonable!"

Louise regained her senses, shook her head and said, "No matter how popular it is, it shouldn't be 50 times the price. I can only give you 10 pounds."

"90 pounds is too little, [-] pounds. You have to know that the director of "Bite of the Tongue" is Zhang Yimou Zhang Guoshi. With his name, the ratings of "Bite of the Tongue" must be higher."

"Still high..."

After haggling back and forth between Han Changsheng and Louise, they finally settled on a price of 30 pounds that everyone could accept.

After the negotiation was over, Han Changsheng stepped back and asked Wen Zhengyang to sign the contract.

This sale of overseas copyrights is a matter of cultural promotion by the Ministry of Rites, and it should be signed by him.

Wen Zhengyang signed his name in a hurry, took a photo with Louise and the others, and then rushed to Han Changsheng in ecstasy.

He hugged Han Changsheng tightly, and slapped Han Changsheng on the shoulder like he didn't want money, "Director Han! I can't say anything except... I admire you."

Han Changsheng pushed Wen Zhengyang away, and said with disgust: "You admire me, but don't hug me, okay? It's not proper for two big men to hug each other."

"Hey! Aren't I excited! 210 million pounds! Not only is this the first of its kind in our country's documentary sales price, it can even be said to be unprecedented!"

Yes, Han Changsheng was taken aback for a moment, and asked in confusion, "Isn't £2 £30? When did you change the price?"

Wen Zhengyang was also stunned, "Didn't you talk about £30 an episode? There are seven episodes of "Bite of the Tongue", which is exactly £210 million!"

When the words fell, Wen Zhengyang suddenly widened his eyes, stared at Han Changsheng, and lowered his trembling voice to a minimum, "Don't tell me that your 30 pounds means that the entire season of "Bite of the Tongue" Package price for seven episodes”

Han Changsheng rubbed his nose, smiled wryly and nodded.

He didn't know that the selling price these people talked about was calculated based on a single episode.

He thought it was a complete set.

Wen Zhengyang gave two thumbs up, but couldn't say anything.

This Han Changsheng's pit-digging skills are too powerful, not only traps Louise in, but also traps everyone in the whole house, and even traps him, the pit-digger himself.

This is probably..."King of the Pit"

The highest pit technique.

Chapter 591 Another Year of Golden Dragon Award

Han Changsheng, the "pit king"

Everyone in the Ministry of Rites and "A Bite of the Tongue" is happy to go out.

For this reason, the Ministry of Rites specially organized a celebration party, inviting many participants of "A Bite of the Tongue".

Among them are not only Fatty who followed out, but also Qian Sanyuan and other non-staff personnel.

After drinking for three rounds and eating five flavors, Wen Zhengyang looked at Han Changsheng, Zhang Yimou, Shan Qiyu and Chen Xiaoheng, and suddenly felt emotional, "I found that the "Bite of the Tongue" composed by the four of you really has an inexplicable providence. feeling."

Zhang Yimou asked curiously: "How to say?"

Wen Zhengyang snapped his fingers and said one by one.

"Shan Lao represents the Ministry of Rites, and can deter Xiaoxiao."

"Director Chen represents China Television and can add national orthodox color to "Bite of the Tongue"."

"Zhang Guoshi's participation will allow overseas TV stations to take the initiative to come to Daming to purchase the overseas broadcasting rights of "Bite of the Tongue"."

"And Director Han is not only the helm of "A Bite of the Tongue", but also the guarantee of the ratings.

If it weren't for him, the first episode wouldn't be low and then explosive, and there would be no record of the food documentary "Bite of the Tongue"."

Zhang Yimou laughed, adding fuel and embellishment: "It's not just what you said..., if there hadn't been a negotiation with the little friend of Changsheng, the overseas copyright of "A Bite of the Tongue" wouldn't have sold so high."

"That's right! The national teacher's words have reached our hearts. Let's toast Mr. Han!"

Shan Qiyu and Chen Xiaoheng held back their smiles and raised their glasses, not caring about the black lines on Han Changsheng's head.

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