Because of Han Changsheng's ignorance of overseas sales of documentaries, Wen Zhengyang accidentally sold "A Bite of the Tongue" for a high price of 210 million pounds.

Naturally, Wen Zhengyang couldn't bear the excitement in his heart, so he shared this funny and happy event with them overnight.

So a few of them knew about Han Changsheng, the "pit king"

Pit king's supreme pit technique.

Han Changsheng cast a sideways glance at these four 44 and unscrupulous guys, drank the wine in his glass, and said angrily: "Laugh if you want to, no one is stopping you."

"Hey Hey!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

When the four of them thought about the happy deceit, they couldn't help bursting into laughter.

But good, they also know to pay attention to the impact and keep the sound extremely low.

Wen Zhengyang toasted Han Changsheng, and poured another glass of wine, "Director Han, I have to toast again, this one is sincere."

Han Changsheng was speechless, "What's the reason?"

This glass of sincerity means that the glass just now was obviously fake.

Wen Zhengyang said happily: "Because the TV station bought the overseas broadcast copyright of "Bite of the Tongue", major TV stations in other countries also intend to buy it. Now they are negotiating. The price is probably the same as what you cheated out of."

"Hey! I really have to toast Director Han again for this matter, come! Let's have a drink together!"

The three of Zhang Yimou accompanied Jing, and were sincerely happy.

There are at least [-] or [-] national TV stations that can purchase the copyright of "Bite of the Tongue" overseas.

This alone can create [-] million pounds of foreign exchange, which is one billion yuan.

Just as Chen Xiaoheng drank the wine in his glass, he suddenly received a call, and then glanced at Han Changsheng with a strange expression.

Zhang Yimou noticed this, and said curiously: "Xiao hydrogen, don't say that the call you received is related to little friend Changsheng."

Chen Xiaoheng scratched his head with a strange tone.

I just received a call. Liu Hongyan vomited blood, and now he is in the hospital for emergency treatment.

Moreover, our Luotai was also frightened into cardiac arrest, and he is also suffering now."

Quiet! Zhang Yimou and the others 4 twisted their necks and looked at Han Changsheng, the weirdness in their eyes was beyond words.

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, what I did was not for me to make her vomit blood."


The corners of the four people's eyes twitched, and their movements were very consistent.

This Han Changsheng did not make Liu Hongyan vomit blood, but he seemed to have said that someone would vomit blood when he was angry.

Now it is indeed a prophecy.

And bring one more person.

In the future, don't mess with him! Otherwise it's easy to vomit blood.

Han Changsheng was not happy with the weird eyes of these four guys, so he directly raised his glass to toast.

Three times, five times and two times knocked down the four of them, and then left the celebration party with Fatty.

Fat Di is a girl, and Han Changsheng's wife, plus she has to drive, so naturally she doesn't drink.

She drove the car onto the main road, waited until the driving was smooth, and then said to Han Changsheng: "Master, sister Sanyuan invited me to take their final exam this year, you can go with me."

Han Changsheng directly refused, "What's so interesting about the final exam? Let's see if they can't answer the questions."

Fatty said: "It's different from that..., the graduation exam of Sanyuan and the others is to show off the machine they made."

"Haven't you seen a quadcopter?"

"Not just quadcopters, but also various robots, and even Gundam: what!"

"They can make a Gundam:"

Han Changsheng suddenly became interested.

There is really a Gundam: If you can watch it, this final exam will be interesting.

Fatty stuck out his tongue, "It's not the one in the cartoon...Gundam:, it's a human-override robot of four or five meters, and there are also small robots that can dance mechanical dances by themselves."

Han Changsheng glanced sideways, "You still have this hobby"

Fat Di stuck his neck arrogantly, "I'm not just a girl who only likes dolls, okay? I, Di Lireba, also have pursuits!"

It’s no wonder you believe me! Isn’t your pursuit of staying at home, eating, sleeping, playing games? Han Changsheng sneered, and nodded, “Then go with you, and call your elder sister and the others by the way, and let’s treat it as a winter outing for the whole family gone."

"Hey, it's a must!"


Fatty arrived home happily all the way, and invited the six 66 sisters to see robots at the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Yang Mi asked: "When will Qian Sanyuan and the others have their final exam?"


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