Sun Honglei shook his head and said: "Old Hu, what you said is wrong, this year's film is five people, but in fact it's just you competing with Director Han.

Let's not talk about Huang Daxuan, when Xiaobo "A Good Show", he put all his energy on the director, and his own role was not very brilliant.

Then there' and Director Han's duel, and I think the difference between the two of you for best actor is only one or two votes."

Hu Ge shook his head and said, "I'm more inclined for Han to win Best Actor, because Chen Yongren played by Director Han deserves this honor."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone fell silent.

In "Infernal Affairs", Chen Yongren and Liu Jianhuang both ended with death.

But the biggest difference between the two is... their previous identities.

Even if Chen Yongren entered the dark area, even if he died in the end, his soul is still holy.

And Liu Jianhuang, although he is in the sun, his soul is black, and death cannot redeem his soul.

Comparing the hatchback, Chen Yongren is obviously more popular, which can be seen in the audience's unanimous praise for him.

Seeing that everyone suddenly became quiet, Hu Ge said with a smile: "Actually Director Han wanted me to play Chen Yongren at first, but I think Liu Jianhuang can sharpen my acting skills, so I chose this role."

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "I feel that you don't want to sharpen your acting skills, but because Liu Jianhuang is more handsome and fits your image better."

Hu Ge shrugged his shoulders, "In terms of handsomeness, you were called handsome when you grew a beard, right? Those in the crew... all the female colleagues are fascinated by you."

Liu Tao covered his mouth and snickered, "Old Hu is right, I was so obsessed by Director Han that I almost forgot to get married."

Yang Mi said appropriately: "Sister Tao, you don't want to repeat the past, I told you that you will have the chance to enter my Han family's door only in your next life."

Talking and laughing, the time to walk the red carpet is approaching, and everyone went out together...

"Hello Director Han."

"Director Han is handsome again."

"I wish Dao Han the best of luck and win the actor Xiao Jinlong."

This time, Han Changsheng walked through the corridor, and the artists who saw him greeted him warmly, and the whispers from last year were no longer there.

On this day last year, although Han Changsheng was very popular, it was sparked amid doubts. Everyone was disdainful in their hearts, and their faces were also contemptuous.

But today, Han Changsheng has become a popular fried chicken.

He used five movies with a box office of tens of billions to prove that he is Han Changsheng's "Han Ten Billions"

directorial strength.

He used "This Man" 34.

The box office of [-] million shows his vision of investors.

He used "Bite of the Tongue" to slap those... people who doubted it, and told the world that even if he made a food documentary, he would still be popular all over the world.

This year's Golden Dragon Awards, this... led all the films with [-] nominations for two films.

The quality of this year's films is basically based on his two films, and he has a high probability of being the big winner this year.

Under various circumstances, these... the entertainers who greeted Han Changsheng, although they were dying of envy and hatred in their hearts, did not dare to show any contempt on their faces.

They can offend a short-lived younger generation, but they cannot offend a popular fried chicken with a long career path.

God knows when he was dug by others after offending him.

While walking, Huang Bo ran into Han Changsheng head-on with the cast of "A Good Show".

As soon as Huang Bo saw Han Changsheng, he rushed over with a menacing posture, and then looked Han Changsheng up and down, "I said, Brother Han, you are really good at it, let Brother Bo play a supporting role for you a few times, you suddenly want to Competing with Brother Bo for the best actor, isn't it a bit of a cross-river?"

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Brother Bo, do you know what my wise words are?"

"What wise words"

"Go your own way, tear down other people's bridges, let others have no way to go, no bridge to cross the river."

"You are amazing! Brother Bo has convinced you of your shamelessness."

Huang Bo gave Han Changsheng two thumbs up, and then pushed Sun Honglei's arm, "Honglei, when you were playing with brother Han, did you... take the opportunity to press him and let him see how powerful you are, King Yan!"

Sun Honglei rolled his eyes, "I shouldn't have listened to you back then, otherwise I wouldn't have been hit by brother Han."

Huang Bo's pupils widened, "Oh my god! Hong Lei, don't tell me that you are overwhelmed by Brother Han's acting skills."

Hong Lei's acting skills have also been well-known in the whole circle, especially playing black people, that is to act in his true colors.

It would be too exaggerated if this was covered by Brother Han.

Sun Honglei put his arms around Duan Yihong, sighed and said, "Just ask old Duan."

Duan Yihong rubbed her nose, smiled wryly at Huang Bo, "When Hong Lei and I were in full swing, Director Han was like a rock in the sea, completely ignoring our dual aura."

Huang Bo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, "So it's this, it's normal, because brother Han is not a normal person, don't say that the aura overlaps, increasing it by ten times or a hundred times is useless to him, so just scratch him Almost itchy."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "Brother Bo, make it clear, who is not a normal person!"

"All right, all right, you are a normal person."

Huang Bo's swift movement of shaking hands made the people around cover their mouths and giggle, and they all looked at Han Changsheng with a teasing color in their eyes.

If this person is normal, they are not normal.

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